PA denounces gvn't decision to withhold tax revenues


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Palestinian officials in Ramallah Sunday strongly denounced the Israeli government's decision to withhold tax revenues belonging to the Palestinian Authority, dubbing it an "act of piracy and blackmail."

The officials expressed hope that the Arab countries would now fulfill their pledge to provide the PA with $100m. per month to compensate for the loss of the tax funds.

PLO Executive Committee member Hana Amireh said that Arab League foreign ministers were scheduled to meet on December 9 to discuss ways of supporting the PA in wake of the Israeli decision.

Amireh said that the decision did not come as a surprise to the PA leadership in light of its insistence on applying for the status of non-member observer state in the UN.

PA denounces gvn't decision to withhold ta... JPost - Middle East

Oh, the horror! The PA will now have to pay its electric bill. But that's ok. I'm sure the Arab states will shower it with $100,000,000 a month worth of love.
Palestinian officials in Ramallah Sunday strongly denounced the Israeli government's decision to withhold tax revenues belonging to the Palestinian Authority, dubbing it an "act of piracy and blackmail."

The officials expressed hope that the Arab countries would now fulfill their pledge to provide the PA with $100m. per month to compensate for the loss of the tax funds.

PLO Executive Committee member Hana Amireh said that Arab League foreign ministers were scheduled to meet on December 9 to discuss ways of supporting the PA in wake of the Israeli decision.

Amireh said that the decision did not come as a surprise to the PA leadership in light of its insistence on applying for the status of non-member observer state in the UN.

PA denounces gvn't decision to withhold ta... JPost - Middle East

Oh, the horror! The PA will now have to pay its electric bill. But that's ok. I'm sure the Arab states will shower it with $100,000,000 a month worth of love.

This is something the Israelis should have done LONG ago. :clap2:
Time for that corrupt Palestinian Authority to dissolve? The people have been waiting for this to happen for awhile now! They have plans in place, by now, I expect!
Palestinian leeches

I believe it is their-own tax revenue collected by Israel...These measures are not going to break the 65 year resistance of the Palestinians, its counter-productive, if you support peace.
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These measures are not going to break the 65 year resistance of the Palestinians, ...
But will help palistanians to honor their debt obligations, of course. $800 mln. for electricity in particular isn't a joke unlike that palistanian "resistance" bull.
They might just start to collect the tax themselves, cutting out the middle-man
Palestinian leeches

I believe it is their-own tax revenue collected by Israel...These measures are not going to break the 65 year resistance of the Palestinians, its counter-productive, if you support peace.

Yes, their resistance to peace, prosperity and statehood will continue despite Israeli efforts to persuade them to accept these things.
Palestinian leeches

I believe it is their-own tax revenue collected by Israel...These measures are not going to break the 65 year resistance of the Palestinians, its counter-productive, if you support peace.

....A Palestinian government spokeswoman slammed the "illegal" move.

"Taking PA money is another illegal move by Israel, and comes in addition to a series of measures taken in the past few days, including the announcement of additional settlement construction," Nour Odeh told AFP.

"This is Palestinian money that no one has the right to dispose of it or take action with respect to these funds except the Palestinian Authority," she said, adding they awaited "the transfer of Palestinian tax funds in a timely manner."

The Israeli move comes after the Palestinians secured non-member state observer status at the UN General Assembly last week, winning approval in a 138-9 vote over fierce opposition from Israel and the United States.

Israel on Friday already announced new settlement construction in the wake of the vote, in what was widely considered a punitive response to the bid.

"The response to the attack on Zionism and the State of Israel must reinforce the settlement plan in all areas the government decides," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.

"Today we are building and we will continue to build in Jerusalem and in all areas that are on the map of the strategic interests of the State of Israel," Netanyahu said at the cabinet meeting....

Israel halts Palestinian tax transfer over UN bid - Yahoo! News UK

Israel is no more then a common thief, first it steals the land now it is stealing the money !!!
The same thing you call for They Egyptians and Palestinians who are given the same, if not more.

So you agree that the Israelis are leeches? Because I call Egypt and the Pals leeches. :dunno:

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