Ozzie Guillen or Barack Obama?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I guess different folks can have different opinions....

1. Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen took to Twitter Monday to defend his slamming of actor Sean Penn, an advocate of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Guillen, a Venezuela native, criticized Penn for his Huffington Post column last week in which the actor said the socialist leader was not a dictator.

The Oscar winner added that the US Government was lying about Chavez and said calling him a dictator is "defamation, not only to President Chavez, but also to the majority of Venezuelan people, poor people who have elected him president time and time again."

The outspoken Guillen, who has landed in hot water over previous Twitter postings, fired up and called Penn a clown.

"Sean penn if you love venezuela please move to venezuela for a year," Guillen tweeted about Penn's views, adding "But rent a house in guarenas or guatire to see how long you last clown," referencing two cities located outside the country's capital of Caracas.
Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen defends criticism of actor Sean Penn - MLB News | FOX Sports on MSN

2. WASHINGTON - President Obama made nice with the dictators next-door Friday, signalling to Raul Castro that he will consider lifting the U.S. embargo on Cuba and warmly greeting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
President Obama meets Hugo Chavez and opens door to change in Cuba policy with Raul Castro - New York Daily News

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4MjBJKZCMA&playnext=1&list=PL0FF9668B4D9C3D1F]‪Barack Obama Shakes Hands With Hugo Chavez‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Of course the elitist twat Penn knows more about Hugo Chavez than Ozzie Guillen, why wouldn't he?.......
I'll have to go with Guillen...

You biased Right-Wing bigot, you!

yea well, what can I say;)

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