Owens vs Hoffman - NY23 (Live Results)

the republican incumbent won with 65% of the vote in 2008.

Dammit Del! Stop using things like facts! It doesn't matter that a Republican won with 65.5% of the vote just a year ago! It doesn't matter that the entire right wing endorsed Hoffman and he still lost. It doesn't matter that Republicans were able to lose a seat in an area that they hadn't lost since 1890 and 1857 in some cases. None of these things matter. And it especially doesn't matter that a Republican cried over spilled milk when he wasn't chosen as the nominee, went back on his support for the Republican who was supposedly Liberal, and still lost.
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Do Libruls not know that Conservative and Republican are two different parties?

The Third Party Candidate came within 4% of winning a congressional Seat, had it been a Green Party Candidate coming that close the LMSM would be crowing his success and saying, like we are now, the Main Parties better take notice.

I said in another post that Libruls would be out fucking the neighborhood goats if a Green Party candidate ever came that close but I realize that would only increase their carbon footprint so they might only dry hump the goat

Actually--no.(By the way, I consider myself a moderate)

On the right, I only make distinctions between Republicans and the (American) Libertarian Party. At times, I even accuse Republicans of stealing ideas from the Libertarian party.Now the Conservative Party? Tell me more about them,and less about your opinions on "libruls".
looks like the 23rd didn't like a bunch of grandstanding extremists telling them they should vote for someone who didn't even live in their district because of some "national agenda".

epic fail for palin...

now where are the people who were gloating BEFORE the vote yesterday? :eusa_whistle:
looks like the 23rd didn't like a bunch of grandstanding extremists telling them they should vote for someone who didn't even live in their district because of some "national agenda".

epic fail for palin...

now where are the people who were gloating BEFORE the vote yesterday? :eusa_whistle:

Too busy trying to troll this thread with the other results.
Do Libruls not know that Conservative and Republican are two different parties?

The Third Party Candidate came within 4% of winning a congressional Seat, had it been a Green Party Candidate coming that close the LMSM would be crowing his success and saying, like we are now, the Main Parties better take notice.

I said in another post that Libruls would be out fucking the neighborhood goats if a Green Party candidate ever came that close but I realize that would only increase their carbon footprint so they might only dry hump the goat

the man was unknown until sarah and others backed him late in the game
hopefully it will show that primaries need to be held, stop hand picking noms!!!

The 'hand picked' nominee would have won had not outsiders come in and meddled in NY politics.

This is New York. Not Alabama.
Losing NY-23 is not a victory for conservatives

If Hoffman does win, that is a victory. But if he loses, forcing out a moderate in a district that has voted Republican for 119 years is not a victory, no matter which way you cut it.

However, it will embolden conservatives into believing "It was a last minute thing. Nobody knew him. The RNC was against him from the start." And they will challenge other moderates in otherwise winnable seats, which will be nothing but a boon for the Democrats in 2010. The conservatives will cut off the party's nose to spite its face.

Unless he wins. Then it is a win.

Of course. The narrative will be written to make so that no matter what happens Hoffman was the right choice.

BOTH "tents" are really pretty tiny compared to the Indy and Moderate voters out there.
According to GALLUP :
40% conservative
37% Independent
20% Liberal

Most of those who identify themselves as "conservative" are pretty moderate, I'd wager.

Perhaps. What I do know is that when you get into questions of actual core ideology, a sizable number of self-IDed moderates are liberals who don't accept the tag.
Corzine simply ran a terrible campaign, wasn't a sympathetic candidate, and really I think this was less of a referendum on Obama as it was about jobs and the economy in NJ.

Pretty much. The majority of NJ voters say that what was influenced their vote. So basically if the job market is better in 2010, Democrats win. If it's not, Democrats lose. Simple as that.
On a national election, it'll come down to alot more than that, but it will be a big factor.

Congress is going to have to do something about its abysmal approval numbers.

I don't think Congress's horrible approval numbers are really a big issue, because when you break the numbers down, people hate both factions.
The fact is that the Democratic Candidate was more Conservative than the Republican Candidate was. So shame on Newt Gingrich and the Party Elite for trying to force Scozzafava on us. Hoffman really was the right choice all along. This loss really is a huge blunder for the Republican Leadership. Maybe they'll get the message with this loss though. Stop forcing fraud candidates like Arlen Spector and Scozzafava on us!
The fact is that the Democratic Candidate was more Conservative than the Republican Candidate was. So shame on Newt Gingrich and the Party Elite for trying to force Scozzafava on us. Hoffman really was the right choice all along. This loss really is a huge blunder for the Republican Leadership. Maybe they'll get the message with this loss though. Stop forcing fraud candidates like Arlen Spector and Scozzafava on us!

Interesting that both you mention have capitulated TO Democrats...
Hoffman did lose to a district that went to Obama last year. The district had been republican district, but it does look like the dynamics of it was swinging toward being more liberal.

the republican incumbent won with 65% of the vote in 2008.

As a matter of fairness, the district had been trending to the left and therefore would result in a closer margin in an open-seat race.
This was a big loss for Republicans but i don't think it was a loss for Conservatives. The Democrat really was more Conservative than the Republican candidate was. They tried to save it by supporting the Third Party Conservative but it was just too late. I think more & more people are beginning to see themselves as Independent Conservatives rather than Republicans. This wont change until the Republican Party Elites change their ways. They are 100% to blame for this loss.
This was a big loss for Republicans but i don't think it was a loss for Conservatives. The Democrat really was more Conservative than the Republican candidate was. They tried to save it by supporting the Third Party Conservative but it was just too late. I think more & more people are beginning to see themselves as Independent Conservatives rather than Republicans. This wont change until the Republican Party Elites change their ways. They are 100% to blame for this loss.

And that Third party Conservative did pretty damned well in a hugely BLUE State. I dare say that Conservatism is indeed strong much to the dismay of Democrats that tell us it's dying.

Lesson here? NEVER second guess the people.

After all? how long had Hoffman been talked about? A few weeks that we've known about him?
This is a win for MODERATE Republicans.

A moderate Republican won in New Jersey, a moderate Republican won in Virginia, and a conservative lost in a district that has been held by Republicans for over a century.

The most significant change came among independent voters, who solidly backed Democrats in 2006 and 2008 but moved decisively to the Republicans on Tuesday, according to exit polls. In Virginia, independents strongly supported Republican Robert F. McDonnell in his victory over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds, while in New Jersey, they supported Republican Chris Christie in his win over Democratic Gov. Jon S. Corzine.
For months, polls have shown that independents were increasingly disaffected with some of Obama's domestic policies. They have expressed reservations about the president's health-care efforts and have shown concerns about the growth in government spending and the federal deficit under his leadership.
Tuesday's elections provided the first tangible evidence that Republicans can win their support with the right kind of candidates and the right messages. That is an ominous development for Democrats if it continues unabated into next year. But Republicans could squander that opportunity if they demand candidates who are too conservative to appeal to the middle.
McDonnell pitched his campaign toward the center of the electorate, offering Republicans a model for how to reach independents. But the uproar in New York's 23rd Congressional District, where a populist conservative uprising drove the hand-picked Republican nominee out of the race, showed that ideological warfare still threatens the party.


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