Oversight Committee Testimony Blows Biden Classified Scandal Open, Exposes Desperate Need For Trump Trial Distraction


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Kathy Chung, a vice presidential assistant to Biden who went on to become Pentagon official, participated in a transcribed interview with the Oversight Committee on Tuesday, according to an announcement by Chairman James Comer (R-KY).

Chairman Comer announced, "Today we learned:

1. When Joe Biden left the vice presidency, boxes containing classified documents, vice presidential records, and other items were stored in three different locations around the Washington, D.C. area, including an office near the White House, an office in Chinatown, and eventually the Penn Biden Center.

2. At some point, the boxes containing classified materials were transported by personal vehicles to an office location. The boxes were not in a ‘locked closet’


at the Penn Biden Center and remained accessible to Penn Biden employees as well as potentially others with access to the office space. We need to find out who had access to these documents.”

3. ...then-White House Counsel Dana Remus tasked Kathy Chung with retrieving these boxes from the Penn Biden Center as early as May 2022.

This story does not begin in November 2022, as represented by President Biden’s attorney.

4. Ms. Chung repeatedly explained that she was never informed she was transporting classfied documents for Biden and was unaware that there were alleged classified documents at the Penn Biden Center until November 2022, when the documents were supposedly first discovered by counsel for President Biden.

So Biden stole TS/SCI / classified documents when he left office as VP, some of the highly classified documents found in Biden's possession dated back to his time as SENATOR.

The documents were illegally transported to and stored illegally in multiple locations.

There was no authorized storage containers, no Chain of Custody, the classified information was not kept secure - no guarantee it was not accessed by individuals who had no security clearances...

National Security was jeopardized, compromised.

Bidens lawyers have now been proven to have lied about Biden's classified information.

The House Oversight Committee investigating the Biden classified document scandal - if you would believe Democrats, the FBI, & the DOJ - has learned more and exposed more about this verified criminal scandal than the DOJ & FBI have (been willing to / willing to admit) in a fraction of the time ... by no coincidence.

What Ms Chung has testified to proves Joe Biden's Classified document scandal is far worse and far more criminal than what Democrats have even attempted to claim Trump's case is.

No wonder the Democrats are so desperate to conduct this DA Bragg weak theatrical case as a distraction right now.

...and which news outlets will cover this scandalous material tomorrow?

Fox news and.......


That's about it.
...and which news outlets will cover this scandalous material tomorrow? Fox news and.......and......That's about it.

Do you seriously think the liberal extremist Democrat traitor / criminal ass-covering MSM will report it?!


That is why willingly blind / stupid sheep stick to following only them.
Every day Joe Biden is not indicted / brought up for Impeachment for Esoionage is another day this proven criminal, treasonous SOB is allowed to do more damage to this country.

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