Over-Population Mythology


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.
I seriously hope she's a troll, but the right wing is fucking nuts these days..
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics
You can't quote Michael Moore to shut down an argument, and you may want to know we have viable systems that worked in the past, such as in the free Ukraine, the Paris commune, communities without capitalism, native Americans, the anarchists in spain...
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.

She is right about Malthus and Ehrlich. Their doomsaying predictions have all been proven wrong by history.
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics
You can't quote Michael Moore to shut down an argument, and you may want to know we have viable systems that worked in the past, such as in the free Ukraine, the Paris commune, communities without capitalism, native Americans, the anarchists in spain...

It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.

She is right about Malthus and Ehrlich. Their doomsaying predictions have all been proven wrong by history.
It's because they're wrong about something, congratulations, both sides have nut jobs..
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.

It takes a low-level imbecile to try to invalidate the message by attacking the messenger.

I see that you've volunteered for that position today.
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

While capitalism is certainly unfair, possibly even evil, there's no way to replace a global capitalist model without rather a lot of shouting and bloodshed.
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.

It takes a low-level imbecile to try to invalidate the message by attacking the messenger.

I see that you've volunteered for that position today.
I think we all agree they were wrong, but what the hell does that have to do with liberals? Want me to say that Rush Limbaugh speaks for all conservatives? I'm honest, sorry
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

While capitalism is certainly unfair, possibly even evil, there's no way to replace a global capitalist model without rather a lot of shouting and bloodshed.
Anarchist syndicalism, look into it. Yeah, it would more then likely be violent. But it is inevitable.
It is my mission to explode Liberal mythology.....
But try as I may, I simply cannot keep up with the nonsense that Liberals are willing to believe.

Be fair, Liberals.....isn't it time for you to use even that limited intelligence and worldly experience to throw up your hands and shout 'Basta! Enough!...even I cannot accept....[fill in fable of your choice.]'

1. There are literally dozens of 'em....but the godfather of hand-wringing environmentalism, Thomas 'Chicken-Little' Malthus is simply ground-floor claptrap.

a. Malthus originated the view that the food production of the world would increase arithmetically (1-2-3-ā€¦), while the human population would increase geometrically (1-2-4-8ā€¦). Conclusion: mass starvation and epidemics. Sounds ā€˜environmentalā€™ already, doesnā€™t it?

b. Malthus passed on in1834- yet his views continue in the hearts and minds of Progressives, who have expanded the vision to pollution and environmental damage.

c. Fact: Malthus has been proven wrong over and over, based on agricultural advances, and technological innovation.

2. "In spite of the serious errors in Malthus, we have witnessed in the last decade an outburst of "neo-Malthusianism," a new widespread fear, sometimes verging on hysteria, about a world "population explosion." Paul Erlich, professor of biology at Stanford University, in a book entitled The Population Bomb, warns us that we are all doomed if we do not control population growth."
Hazlitt, "The Conquest of Poverty," p.27.

Did I mention that this is about Liberal, Progressive, Democrat myths?

Let's remind all that Malthusians occupy the highest seats in Democrat government: Paul Ehrlich's co-author was chosen by Barack Obama as his 'science czar.'

3. "John P. Holdrenā€™s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obamaā€™s top advisor also called for,ā€Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.ā€
Holdren added that the sterilant must meet stiff requirements in that it must only affect humans and not livestock.

ā€œIt must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock,ā€ wrote Holdren with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.

Holdren notes that the proposal to forcibly mass sterilize the public against their will ā€œseems to horrify peopleā€ and yet it doesnā€™t seem to bother him too much, amidst the myriad of other totalitarian Dr. Strangelove style ideas that are put forward in the book as a way to carry out an aggressive agenda of population reduction.
Ā» Obama Science Czarā€™s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now....if Malthus has been proven wrong, what does it say about Ehrlich and Holdren who are still pushing solutions to imaginary problems?

And, more to the point, what does it say about our petit mal President, who appointed Holdren......

...and about brain-dead voters who elected them???

Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.

She is right about Malthus and Ehrlich. Their doomsaying predictions have all been proven wrong by history.
It's because they're wrong about something, congratulations, both sides have nut jobs..

Ehrlich was no nut job, and his ideas are still well respected among liberals and driving policy.

Indeed, I note that you are not denying that his co-author was appointed to Science Czar.
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

While capitalism is certainly unfair, possibly even evil, there's no way to replace a global capitalist model without rather a lot of shouting and bloodshed.

You insult him by implying that he doesn't know that.

Marxist? What percentage of the US population would you be willing to see die in the Revolution, if it lead to the Communist Utopia?
Infowars, not exactly a credible source unless already wearing tin-foil fashions.
Political chic is bat shit crazy.

Think she's a liberal and just writing how she does to make Republicans look foolish. Succeeding too.

She is right about Malthus and Ehrlich. Their doomsaying predictions have all been proven wrong by history.
It's because they're wrong about something, congratulations, both sides have nut jobs..

Ehrlich was no nut job, and his ideas are still well respected among liberals and driving policy.

Indeed, I note that you are not denying that his co-author was appointed to Science Czar.
Doesn't mean they're not nuts, and respected by democrats, not many liberals I know.
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

While capitalism is certainly unfair, possibly even evil, there's no way to replace a global capitalist model without rather a lot of shouting and bloodshed.
Anarchist syndicalism, look into it. Yeah, it would more then likely be violent. But it is inevitable.

How many do you expect to die?

And please be clear for Delta's sake, do you support those millions dying in order for the March of HIstory to reach it's Communist Conclusion?
We do produce more then enough food to feed the worlds population, the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values, and it doesn't help that capitalists waste food In massive amounts and destroy the environment. We need to focus on our environment and more efficient methods of food production, cut back on meat, protect our fertile land...

"the problem is, we have a world based on exchange values taking importance over use values,....capitalists waste food In massive amounts..."

Speaking of another brain-dead food-waster.....

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism ā€œis an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the manyā€¦.
"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore.
"Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.ā€ Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

While capitalism is certainly unfair, possibly even evil, there's no way to replace a global capitalist model without rather a lot of shouting and bloodshed.

You insult him by implying that he doesn't know that.

Marxist? What percentage of the US population would you be willing to see die in the Revolution, if it lead to the Communist Utopia?
What percentage would you see die to end feudalism? I have no idea, I'm hoping it would not be much violence at all, please look into anarchist syndicalism.

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