Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites - See more at: http://www.thefisc


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What could we have done with 3 billion dollars to reduce health care cost, instead we do just the opposite. We are screwed.

You thought Healthcare.gov had problems?A handful of state-run exchange websites—which cost nearly half a billion dollars to build—still don’t work, nearly seven months after they first went live.Largely inoperable state exchange websites in Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon and Nevada have racked up $474 million federal tax dollars so far, Politico first reported. The costs will continue to climb as states scramble to salvage the flailing websites or transition onto the federal exchange. -

See more at: Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites | The Fiscal Times
So what? No federal program from the beginning is without serious flaws that eventually work out.
What could we have done with 3 billion dollars to reduce health care cost, instead we do just the opposite. We are screwed.

You thought Healthcare.gov had problems?A handful of state-run exchange websites—which cost nearly half a billion dollars to build—still don’t work, nearly seven months after they first went live.Largely inoperable state exchange websites in Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon and Nevada have racked up $474 million federal tax dollars so far, Politico first reported. The costs will continue to climb as states scramble to salvage the flailing websites or transition onto the federal exchange. -

See more at: Over $5 Billion and Counting for Obamacare Websites | The Fiscal Times
Some of these states should have gone with the federal web site because it's much cheaper. The desire to tailor website sites to state markets created big problems for some states. Only one state, Oregon has decided to drop their website and go with the federal site. Massachusetts is planing to revamp their website but is keeping the option open to go with the federal site.

Of the 14 state websites, 4 have had serious problems. The remainder have worked well. The money being spent is not just to to make the websites work better but rather to add features that go well beyond federal requirements. Some are providing features for group coverage, Medicaid signup and reporting, as well as other healthcare programs.
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