Outcry forces Univ. of California to drop Israel lobby’s “anti-Semitism” definition

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
There was a push to equate justice for palestine movements to be classified as anti-Semitism. There was a big backlash to that proposal so the university backed down.

Students at the University of California (UC) are celebrating victory against the latest attempt to stifle advocacy for Palestinian rights under the banner of fighting “anti-Semitism.”

The university’s governing body, the Board of Regents, had been due to consider at its meeting this week whether to adopt as official policy the US State Department’s definition of “anti-Semitism.”

That definition “brands critics of Israel and advocates for Palestinian human rights as anti-Semitic by blurring the important distinction between criticism of Israel as a nation-state and anti-Semitism,” according to civil rights group Palestine Legal.

In an interview on WBUR radio in May, UC President Janet Napolitano had publicly declared her support for the State Department definition and insisted that UC Regents would vote on it this month.

But faced with a growing public outcry, Napolitano backed down and the definition was taken off the agenda.

Outcry forces Univ. of California to drop Israel lobby s anti-Semitism definition The Electronic Intifada
University of California system is filled with Muslims and terrorist sympathizes. What else is new. Here is the scum that has infected the UC system and other campuses.

Muslims are now infiltrating the USA. We need more organizations like AIPAC to keep us Americans free from sharia law.
Muslims are now infiltrating the USA. We need more organizations like AIPAC to keep us Americans free from sharia law.

Try this for the best home security system from those who want us Americans dead.

The thinking person’s security system. The older we get the wiser we become ...........
We've disconnected our home alarm system and quit our candy-ass Neighborhood Watch. Bought two Pakistani flags on eBay and raised them in the front yard ... One at each corner, plus a black flag of ISIS in the center.
Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7..
I've never felt safer and we're saving $49.95 a month.
Muslims are now infiltrating the USA. We need more organizations like AIPAC to keep us Americans free from sharia law.
Marc Stern, a religion law expert at the American Jewish Committee, says that's no different from how religious laws and customs are already applied.

"And just as the Catholic Church didn't take over law when large numbers of Catholics [came] to the U.S., and Jewish law doesn't govern Jewish citizens, Shariah law is not going to govern, except voluntarily, the rights and responsibilities of Muslim citizens of the United States," Stern says.

He says when there's a conflict, U.S. law always wins. For example, when Orthodox Jews have asked judges to enforce their laws on divorce, the courts have refused to do it; they won't be involved in interpreting religion. In the same way, the government won't enforce Kosher food standards because it would violate the separation of church and state.Religious Laws Long Recognized By U.S. Courts NPR
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not unusual. The fact that unrest and coercion at the University of California (UC) is in the news and element within the university are not supporting US ideals -- is nothing new. When I was young, UC was a haven for the likes of Angela Davis, the Black Panthers, and travel-cade of the Communist Party.

New Study Shows Radicals Rule at University of California
have just released an incendiary report showing that all nine of the University of California’s campuses have been compromised by too many politicized courses and radical faculty members. CAS members include a number of current or past professors …
Breitbart News · 4/9/2012

Currently there are 8-to-10 UCLA are going next month on the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI), and a mini-study of Palestinian dominated history, culture and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as written by the Arab Palestinians.

There was a push to equate justice for palestine movements to be classified as anti-Semitism. There was a big backlash to that proposal so the university backed down.

Students at the University of California (UC) are celebrating victory against the latest attempt to stifle advocacy for Palestinian rights under the banner of fighting “anti-Semitism.”

The university’s governing body, the Board of Regents, had been due to consider at its meeting this week whether to adopt as official policy the US State Department’s definition of “anti-Semitism.”

That definition “brands critics of Israel and advocates for Palestinian human rights as anti-Semitic by blurring the important distinction between criticism of Israel as a nation-state and anti-Semitism,” according to civil rights group Palestine Legal.

In an interview on WBUR radio in May, UC President Janet Napolitano had publicly declared her support for the State Department definition and insisted that UC Regents would vote on it this month.

But faced with a growing public outcry, Napolitano backed down and the definition was taken off the agenda.

Outcry forces Univ. of California to drop Israel lobby s anti-Semitism definition The Electronic Intifada

It is not unusual at all for America to see the student element as the University of California opposing the national understanding of any critical dimension; but including contemporary examples of anti-Semitism that permeate the world media. The petition signatures [(only 4000 students, staff and faculty combined) (well less than 3% of the student population - not including staff and faculty)] was enough to bring pressure on American institutions such as UC to bend in the direction of pro-Palestinian activist that wish to change the historical outcomes of combat induced by the Jewish Right of Self-determination. Like the UC Pressures, it must be recognized that just as the Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz stated that "WAR is --- a continuation of political activity by other means," --- so too, --- "LAWFARE" is a continuation of terrorist activity by other means." It is a measure taken by the Hostile Arab Palestinians to :

1. To silence and punish free speech about issues of national security and public concern;

2. To delegitimize the sovereignty of democratic states;

3. To frustrate and hinder the ability of democracies to fight against and defeat terrorism;

4. To confuse laws of armed conflict with human rights law; and

5. To prevent the application of human rights law in situations where it is needed the most.
Human Rights NGOs and the UNHRC are lawfare enablers; part of the pro-Palestinian terrorism network that attempts to rewrite history and laws in order to apply their status of victim to protect their war crimes and terrorist activity.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not unusual. The fact that unrest and coercion at the University of California (UC) is in the news and element within the university are not supporting US ideals -- is nothing new. When I was young, UC was a haven for the likes of Angela Davis, the Black Panthers, and travel-cade of the Communist Party.

New Study Shows Radicals Rule at University of California
have just released an incendiary report showing that all nine of the University of California’s campuses have been compromised by too many politicized courses and radical faculty members. CAS members include a number of current or past professors …
Breitbart News · 4/9/2012

Currently there are 8-to-10 UCLA are going next month on the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI), and a mini-study of Palestinian dominated history, culture and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as written by the Arab Palestinians.

There was a push to equate justice for palestine movements to be classified as anti-Semitism. There was a big backlash to that proposal so the university backed down.

Students at the University of California (UC) are celebrating victory against the latest attempt to stifle advocacy for Palestinian rights under the banner of fighting “anti-Semitism.”

The university’s governing body, the Board of Regents, had been due to consider at its meeting this week whether to adopt as official policy the US State Department’s definition of “anti-Semitism.”

That definition “brands critics of Israel and advocates for Palestinian human rights as anti-Semitic by blurring the important distinction between criticism of Israel as a nation-state and anti-Semitism,” according to civil rights group Palestine Legal.

In an interview on WBUR radio in May, UC President Janet Napolitano had publicly declared her support for the State Department definition and insisted that UC Regents would vote on it this month.

But faced with a growing public outcry, Napolitano backed down and the definition was taken off the agenda.

Outcry forces Univ. of California to drop Israel lobby s anti-Semitism definition The Electronic Intifada

It is not unusual at all for America to see the student element as the University of California opposing the national understanding of any critical dimension; but including contemporary examples of anti-Semitism that permeate the world media. The petition signatures [(only 4000 students, staff and faculty combined) (well less than 3% of the student population - not including staff and faculty)] was enough to bring pressure on American institutions such as UC to bend in the direction of pro-Palestinian activist that wish to change the historical outcomes of combat induced by the Jewish Right of Self-determination. Like the UC Pressures, it must be recognized that just as the Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz stated that "WAR is --- a continuation of political activity by other means," --- so too, --- "LAWFARE" is a continuation of terrorist activity by other means." It is a measure taken by the Hostile Arab Palestinians to :

1. To silence and punish free speech about issues of national security and public concern;

2. To delegitimize the sovereignty of democratic states;

3. To frustrate and hinder the ability of democracies to fight against and defeat terrorism;

4. To confuse laws of armed conflict with human rights law; and

5. To prevent the application of human rights law in situations where it is needed the most.
Human Rights NGOs and the UNHRC are lawfare enablers; part of the pro-Palestinian terrorism network that attempts to rewrite history and laws in order to apply their status of victim to protect their war crimes and terrorist activity.

Most Respectfully,
This is not unusual. The fact that unrest and coercion at the University of California (UC) is in the news and element within the university are not supporting US ideals -- is nothing new. When I was young, UC was a haven for the likes of Angela Davis, the Black Panthers, and travel-cade of the Communist Party.​

Indeed and the hippies were correct. They opposed what they called "the establishment." In current vernacular that is the "1%." There have been several names for this same oligarchy over time but it represents the same people.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not unusual. The fact that unrest and coercion at the University of California (UC) is in the news and element within the university are not supporting US ideals -- is nothing new. When I was young, UC was a haven for the likes of Angela Davis, the Black Panthers, and travel-cade of the Communist Party.

New Study Shows Radicals Rule at University of California
have just released an incendiary report showing that all nine of the University of California’s campuses have been compromised by too many politicized courses and radical faculty members. CAS members include a number of current or past professors …
Breitbart News · 4/9/2012

Currently there are 8-to-10 UCLA are going next month on the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI), and a mini-study of Palestinian dominated history, culture and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as written by the Arab Palestinians.

There was a push to equate justice for palestine movements to be classified as anti-Semitism. There was a big backlash to that proposal so the university backed down.

Students at the University of California (UC) are celebrating victory against the latest attempt to stifle advocacy for Palestinian rights under the banner of fighting “anti-Semitism.”

The university’s governing body, the Board of Regents, had been due to consider at its meeting this week whether to adopt as official policy the US State Department’s definition of “anti-Semitism.”

That definition “brands critics of Israel and advocates for Palestinian human rights as anti-Semitic by blurring the important distinction between criticism of Israel as a nation-state and anti-Semitism,” according to civil rights group Palestine Legal.

In an interview on WBUR radio in May, UC President Janet Napolitano had publicly declared her support for the State Department definition and insisted that UC Regents would vote on it this month.

But faced with a growing public outcry, Napolitano backed down and the definition was taken off the agenda.

Outcry forces Univ. of California to drop Israel lobby s anti-Semitism definition The Electronic Intifada

It is not unusual at all for America to see the student element as the University of California opposing the national understanding of any critical dimension; but including contemporary examples of anti-Semitism that permeate the world media. The petition signatures [(only 4000 students, staff and faculty combined) (well less than 3% of the student population - not including staff and faculty)] was enough to bring pressure on American institutions such as UC to bend in the direction of pro-Palestinian activist that wish to change the historical outcomes of combat induced by the Jewish Right of Self-determination. Like the UC Pressures, it must be recognized that just as the Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz stated that "WAR is --- a continuation of political activity by other means," --- so too, --- "LAWFARE" is a continuation of terrorist activity by other means." It is a measure taken by the Hostile Arab Palestinians to :

1. To silence and punish free speech about issues of national security and public concern;

2. To delegitimize the sovereignty of democratic states;

3. To frustrate and hinder the ability of democracies to fight against and defeat terrorism;

4. To confuse laws of armed conflict with human rights law; and

5. To prevent the application of human rights law in situations where it is needed the most.
Human Rights NGOs and the UNHRC are lawfare enablers; part of the pro-Palestinian terrorism network that attempts to rewrite history and laws in order to apply their status of victim to protect their war crimes and terrorist activity.

Most Respectfully,
Lawfare is the attempt to bring criminals to justice.

That is why the criminal class is having a fit about it.

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