Our Government is Spying on Us


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
First, we had people with Ron Paul bumper stickers, constitutionists and war veterans on Homeland Security's watch list. Now, they're really going hunting for those they see as their enemies- everyday Americans and school children who don't embrace liberalism and socialist policies. They want to know who is talking and they are taking names and every other bit of personal information. Now we'll all know how Joe the Plumber felt for asking a simple question. Cross the great Messiah and you'll be next.

The DHS outlined plans to scans blogs, Twitter and Facebook for words such as 'illegal immigrant', 'outbreak', 'drill', 'strain', 'virus', 'recovery', 'deaths', 'collapse', 'human to animal' and 'trojan', according to an 'impact asssessment' document filed by the agency.
When its search tools net an account using the phrases, they record personal information.

Read more: Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by U.S. government spies
Tweeting the word 'drill' could mean your Twitter account is read by government spies | Mail Online

Requests under the Freedom of Information Act to see the documentation has gone unanswered. Remember, though, that the Obama administration changed the rules on releasing information. They now have the right to lie or withhold information. Obama is trying to control information by not being transparent and spying on citizens for discussing current issues. Why are they looking for their political enemies and wanting their personal information, including income and voting status? This has gone too far. I hope this and AttackWatch are discussed a lot over the next year so people know who Obama is. Of course, they can detain citizens, or even kill them, without a trial or due process. And we are getting an idea of who they consider terrorists. Should we be a little concerned when you add up everything they've done?

Under regulations the Obama Department of Education released this month, these scenarios could become reality. The department has taken a giant step toward creating a de facto national student database that will track students by their personal information from preschool through career. Although current federal law prohibits this, the department decided to ignore Congress and, in effect, rewrite the law. Student privacy and parental authority will suffer.

How the feds are tracking your kid
Student privacy at risk from feds—Emmett McGroarty & Jane Robbins - NYPOST.com
And then this:

How did it happen? Buried within the enormous 2009 stimulus bill were provisions encouraging states to develop data systems for collecting copious information on public-school kids.

The administration wants this data to include much more than name, address and test scores. According to the National Data Collection Model, the government should collect information on health-care history, family income and family voting status. In its view, public schools offer a golden opportunity to mine reams of data from a captive audience.

What in the hell do they think they're doing?

This administration is far more interested in going after average Americans who shun Obama's liberal policies than they are about going after illegals who come and commit crimes or potential terrorists. Young Muslim males are treated as if all of them are more harmless than little old ladies. I'm sick of this crap. I'm sure many of us here are already on some list, either Attack Watch or DHS because we don't adore Obama's policies and bow to dear leader twice a day. This is such bullshit the way they are invading our privacy. Can't you feel them breathing down your neck?
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This has nothing to do with ‘Obama’s liberal policies’; indeed, these are classic conservative ‘law-and-order’ policies: surrender freedom for security, the ends justifies the means – DHS and its entire ‘security apparatus’ is a republican creation run amuck.
Why live in fear? If any of you has a political belief or opinion that you would feel afraid to sign your names to and display it in public then you have nothing in common with the men who signed the declaration of independence. Wear your politics on your sleeve or give it up and go back to watching "reality" TV.
This has nothing to do with ‘Obama’s liberal policies’; indeed, these are classic conservative ‘law-and-order’ policies: surrender freedom for security, the ends justifies the means – DHS and its entire ‘security apparatus’ is a republican creation run amuck.
Yeah that's why "Conservative Republican" Obama is running it now right? Idiot. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with ‘Obama’s liberal policies’; indeed, these are classic conservative ‘law-and-order’ policies: surrender freedom for security, the ends justifies the means – DHS and its entire ‘security apparatus’ is a republican creation run amuck.

Remind us again of all the Republicans that authored the 2009 Stimulus bill? Remind us again how since 2009 DHS has been run by Republicans. Remind us again how since 2009 the US Department of Education has been run by Republicans. Remind us again how Obama promised the most transparent Administration in history and then ordered his departments to LIE about requests for disclosure.

What fucking fantasy world do you LIVE IN?
"911 changed everything." It's a new America. Haven't you heard? Big Brother is just looking out for us. They have to take our Freedom away in order for us to have Freedom. And Big Brother will give us our Freedom back as soon as the indefinite 'War on Terror' is over. They promised. So quit all your complaining. You'll get your rights back....When Big Brother wants to give them back to you.
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This has nothing to do with ‘Obama’s liberal policies’; indeed, these are classic conservative ‘law-and-order’ policies: surrender freedom for security, the ends justifies the means – DHS and its entire ‘security apparatus’ is a republican creation run amuck.

And the President for the last three years has signed off on it all. Obama is Responsible now.
Why live in fear? If any of you has a political belief or opinion that you would feel afraid to sign your names to and display it in public then you have nothing in common with the men who signed the declaration of independence. Wear your politics on your sleeve or give it up and go back to watching "reality" TV.

Does Obama only step forward for credit when he thinks something went right? But when things get worse, he claims to be completely ineffectual. Either he is revelent or not and he has been busy doing some things. Blame game has been over for a while, even though Obama inherited things he helped created. Remember, the Dems had control of the house and senate since 2007.

Further trampling on our freedoms tops the list of his so-called accomplishments.

I think the whole point of putting people who discuss things, like illegal immigration or oil drilling, on a watch list is to make people afraid of wearing their beliefs on their sleeves. It's intimidation. Don't discuss things or the government will snoop into your private life.

Why the hell does this administration want to know our voting status and health history? Why do they want total access to all our accounts, including checking and retirement? Why did they want people with Ron Paul bumper stickers on DHS terrorist watch list? Why does Obama have a Soviet-style snitch site called AttackWatch? Why did this adminstration change the Freedom of Information act so they do not have to be at all transparent? Why did Obama purchase search words with Google to make it difficult to find the wording of the Health care bill and other things?

It's all designed to control the flow of information and inhibit freedom of speech.
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This has nothing to do with ‘Obama’s liberal policies’; indeed, these are classic conservative ‘law-and-order’ policies: surrender freedom for security, the ends justifies the means – DHS and its entire ‘security apparatus’ is a republican creation run amuck.
As I pointed out in the other thread, Democrats had the opportunity to make it go away.

But they didn't. They expanded DHS' powers.

So it looks like you're full of shit.
Big Brother is only trying to help us. We need to let them take our rights away so we can have rights. It's for our own good. And we'll get em back someday. Just as soon as the indefinite 'War on Terror' is over.
Big Brother is only trying to help us. We need to let them take our rights away so we can have rights. It's for our own good. And we'll get em back someday. Just as soon as the indefinite 'War on Terror' is over.

I think the terrorists can sleep easy knowing that the blanket of political correctness will save them. However, the constitution and freedom loving anti-socialist infidels might want to sleep with on eye open.
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The only thing I see different in this one is socialist is a tag, I guess this is an effort to scare leftists into shrugging off a government. The first one was directed at terrorists, I assume a righty one is comming with dont post guns, hunting or religion.
We are living in very dark times. People should be very careful. With the NDAA about to be passed,they will have the power to label just about anyone a 'Terrorist' and will be able to detain them indefinitely. Political dissent could be labelled 'Terrorism' at some point. It looks like that's where our Nation is headed. Pretty frightening stuff for sure.
We are living in very dark times. People should be very careful. With the NDAA about to be passed,they will have the power to label just about anyone a 'Terrorist' and will be able to detain them indefinitely. Political dissent could be labelled 'Terrorism' at some point. It looks like that's where our Nation is headed. Pretty frightening stuff for sure.

It really is and we need to put a stop to it now. It may be too late 4 years from now.

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