Our Democracy

I hope you have somebody caring for you because I can't see how you function in this world without help. You made that claim earlier and I posted a video of Trump condemning the actions in Ukraine, and like a typical leftist :lalala: Worse than that is you keep lying about him praising the invasion, and when I ask for proof, you can't provide any because you know it's a lie.

So how can anybody have an intelligent conversation with a leftist? It's impossible. It's like pointing to a rock and saying "see, this is a rock" and the leftist saying "that's not a rock, that's a squirrel."
Not what we are looking for Skippy

The claim is that Trump refuses to criticize Putin and your link failed to do that

After Trump cheered Putin for invading Ukraine and called him a genius, he came under intense criticism for his support of Putin

When given an opportunity to condemn Putin, he refused to do it
Not what we are looking for Skippy

The claim is that Trump refuses to criticize Putin and your link failed to do that

After Trump cheered Putin for invading Ukraine and called him a genius, he came under intense criticism for his support of Putin

When given an opportunity to condemn Putin, he refused to do it

So what? He condemned the invasion. So what is your problem, that he didn't attack the man on a personal level? That's what children do, not leaders of countries. Trump is going to have to deal with him after he wins the 2024 election. It's a smart move not to insult him personally.
Not what we are looking for Skippy

The claim is that Trump refuses to criticize Putin and your link failed to do that

After Trump cheered Putin for invading Ukraine and called him a genius, he came under intense criticism for his support of Putin

When given an opportunity to condemn Putin, he refused to do it
Who cares?
The biggest attack on our Democracy was the goddamn Democrats stealing the 2020 election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. Blatant thievery.

It is not the voter that chooses the winner. It is the one that counts the votes. .
Haha more “stolen election” talk!!??? Listen insurrectionists: Even your own sides heroes, Hannity, Barr, Graham, EVEN Trumps own daughter Ivanka, everyone said it wasnt stolen.
Are your sure Minnie Mouse (the quiet liberated girl-mouse I wrote in) would have done any of that? Oh, "guy" is a sexist term.
Expect 10,000 mice to picket your burrow come evening. They're not armed but they do bite.
Aw come on. They nibble. Mice are known for nibbling.
See here folks? THIS is what we are talking about. “Equality has no place in a democracy”. Thats how Repubs think. Thats why we say were are literally losing our democracy. They want to go back to when not everyone could vote. Back when SOME votes only counted as 3/5 of a vote while others counted as 5/5.

They wanna limit who can vote. Restrictions on how they vote. Soon they will demand an IQ test, wealth test, taxpayer test, employment status test, etc etc to be eligible to vote.

He just said it. They don't believe in equality. They claim they believe in democracy but they’re hijacking that phrase to justify installing their authoritarian style where only rich, the white and the men have true power.
The Reign of Terror Occurred Under a Republic

No, voting itself is the problem. Citizens are forced to vote on candidates, not on issues, which is the only political self-determination there is. We don't have it, and never will as long as people believe in the contradiction of a "representative democracy." You've been brainwashed by the people in power if you think a republic has any relation at all to democracy. It empowers an oligarchic clique.

The voters' reactions to Constitutional tyranny show their true thoughts. Under a republic, we're minimized into finding out about the candidates. But few Americans even know who their US Representative is, hardly anyone knows his own state legislators. That is proof that Americans secretly reject the system that the Constitution imposed on them back in the horse-and-buggy era.
And he paid a price

The guy you voted for cheered Putin
The Soul of America Cheered the Soul of Russia

Putin is our strongest ally against Globalism. In the Ukraine, he is only enforcing Russia's right to a Monroe Doctrine, which our self-appointed leaders haven't done since LIberal icon JFK chickened out at the Bay of Pigs. Richkids have no right to exist; they should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong.

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