Our budget crisis is proof that lassiez-faire capitalism is worthless

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
When will you ultra capitalist freaks learn that with the way capitalism works there would have to be unlimited resources and capital for supply side economics and lassiez-faire capitalism to work? Have you all never read your history books? European countries colonized Africa and Asia for this very reason, after they all became industrialized, they produced good in over abundance and when they could sell out their surplus they colonized Africa and Asia to gain resources and to have a place to push and flood markets with their cheap made surplus goods. Common sense says never to over supply, just like a bubble that grows its going to burst and thats how we get depressions and recessions.
Nope, what is proof of our budget crisis is our never ending spending happy joyfest and our disregard for the constitution.

No moron, its about solely spending, you have to man up and see that this stupid greed and need for unregulated capitalism is the main root on the financial crisis, mainly greed. Those who had more than enough wanted more and more.
Nope, what is proof of our budget crisis is our never ending spending happy joyfest and our disregard for the constitution.

No moron, its about solely spending, you have to man up and see that this stupid greed and need for unregulated capitalism is the main root on the financial crisis, mainly greed. Those who had more than enough wanted more and more.
No, it was the stupid greed of the politicians and regulators, who "invest" for political returns with total disregard to the possible/probable economic backlash.

Absolute power is like that.
Nope, what is proof of our budget crisis is our never ending spending happy joyfest and our disregard for the constitution.

No moron, its about solely spending, you have to man up and see that this stupid greed and need for unregulated capitalism is the main root on the financial crisis, mainly greed. Those who had more than enough wanted more and more.

Sorry, those powers enumerated in the constitution have largely been ignored ie creation of social engineering experiments which was NEVER the intention of our framers. They also would have been disturbed at our military expenditures. And finally, our gross gluttonous spending while continuously voting ourselves trinkets out of the treasury is another huge problem. These problems, specifically, are pushing this country into the abyss.
Nope, what is proof of our budget crisis is our never ending spending happy joyfest and our disregard for the constitution.

No moron, its about solely spending, you have to man up and see that this stupid greed and need for unregulated capitalism is the main root on the financial crisis, mainly greed. Those who had more than enough wanted more and more.
No, it was the stupid greed of the politicians and regulators, who "invest" for political returns with total disregard to the possible/probable economic backlash.

Absolute power is like that.

Right. And in that respect, has there ever been larger display of naked greed than that of Obama, Pelosi and Reid? Those power hungry yahoo's (and their enablers) are driving us over a cliff with greed for power and control.

Also, since when did anyone ever have a laissez-faire capitalist system? Never happened in history. (unfortunately)

Capitalism tour below... :eusa_whistle:
Capitalism is a social system founded upon individual rights.
So a budget crisis for a government that does nothing but interfer with the market is proof that lassiez-faire capitalism doesn't work????

If anything, it's a strong argument towards lassiez-faire capitalism. If the government isnt micromanaging the economy, then it wont be spending out of control.
Here we go ONCE AGAIN throwing the term "laissez faire" around as though we've even seen anything remotely close to it in our history, much less our lifetimes.
When will you ultra capitalist freaks learn that with the way capitalism works there would have to be unlimited resources and capital for supply side economics and lassiez-faire capitalism to work? Have you all never read your history books? European countries colonized Africa and Asia for this very reason, after they all became industrialized, they produced good in over abundance and when they could sell out their surplus they colonized Africa and Asia to gain resources and to have a place to push and flood markets with their cheap made surplus goods. Common sense says never to over supply, just like a bubble that grows its going to burst and thats how we get depressions and recessions.

Geez, you must be miserable to be around. I suggest you get some therapy sweety you are far to angry.
Bass Boy really needs to move to Cuba. He seems to have a real problem with anyone who makes money.

The only people who have money in Cuba are Castro and his family.

Everyone else sweats their ass off for the State. No rich people or capitalist there. I know he'll be so happy with all the equality and social justice.

Just think we won't have to read anymore of his bs about anyone who makes money.

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