Our Arrogant, Incompetent, Deep State Ruling Class


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The problem here is that Trump is not an outsider, never has been. Trump has been funding the establishment for decades, one cannot do that and be an "outsider"
Trump the Outsider....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
How long did it take you to read it?
“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
How long did it take you to read it?
Took me about 5 minutes. Mr Cost is a good writer, but I disagree with most of his assumptions, and I have not yet lost my contempt for Trump supporters as he has. However, starting from the point that the 'Russia interference investigation' is a hoax is where we parted company. Nevertheless, I appreciate Cost's opinions as worth considering.
Trump the Outsider....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



Oh wow, the celebrity billionaire met Presidents at a party!

I have a musician friend who’s played twice at the White House. He must be a DC insider!!!

I met King Hussein of Jordan in 1982. He met with Ronald Reagan, So I must be a DC insider too. Politicians meeting the Richest guy in New York, they were probably courting Campaign contributions. Dems are really freaked about a President who actually keeps his word. They are so used to saying whatever they want and doing nothing. They think we should just accept their greatness and send our tax money so they can give it to people. They are the Party of Voting Serial Killers, Infanticide, Free Shit (Cali has a Corner on that Market), Welfare for all, Trains across the ocean, And 900,000 wind mills.
They have no plan to better America only one to steal the freedom we enjoy. If you don't agree you're a Nazi White Supremacist, and a threat to " Democracy" ? We do not live in a Democracy ! We live in a Democratic Republic. Our Founders Knew true "Democracy" was no more than MOB rule. Nazi's loved mob rule.
“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.
That's a LIE

They counted on YOU being lazy, and not reading it, and BLINDLY following what they tell you to say
How long did it take you to read it?
Took me about 5 minutes. Mr Cost is a good writer, but I disagree with most of his assumptions, and I have not yet lost my contempt for Trump supporters as he has. However, starting from the point that the 'Russia interference investigation' is a hoax is where we parted company. Nevertheless, I appreciate Cost's opinions as worth considering.
It took you 5 minutes to read a 457 page report?

And you wonder why everyone thinks you’re a liar.
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Yea, Trump's campaign manager is now sitting in jail for this "hoax".

Mueller couldn't exonerate due to the obstruction, detailed here

9. Mueller goes to great lengths to demolish William Barr’s theory of obstruction. One of the major overlooked sections of the report is the roughly 20-page portion—akin almost to a Harvard Law Review article—at the end, where Mueller’s team makes clear how vigorously they disagree with attorney general William Barr’s controversial memo last year. At the time, Barr argued that the obstruction statute doesn’t apply to the president. It’s easy to imagine Mueller team member Michael Dreeben, perhaps the Justice Department’s best appellate lawyer, laboring long and hard over pages 159 to 181 of Volume II. The report argues that the idea that the president can’t obstruct justice “is contrary to the litigating position of the Department of Justice and is not supported by principles of statutory construction.”

See all 14 take aways.

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Yea, Trump's campaign manager is now sitting in jail for this "hoax".

Mueller couldn't exonerate due to the obstruction, detailed here

9. Mueller goes to great lengths to demolish William Barr’s theory of obstruction. One of the major overlooked sections of the report is the roughly 20-page portion—akin almost to a Harvard Law Review article—at the end, where Mueller’s team makes clear how vigorously they disagree with attorney general William Barr’s controversial memo last year. At the time, Barr argued that the obstruction statute doesn’t apply to the president. It’s easy to imagine Mueller team member Michael Dreeben, perhaps the Justice Department’s best appellate lawyer, laboring long and hard over pages 159 to 181 of Volume II. The report argues that the idea that the president can’t obstruct justice “is contrary to the litigating position of the Department of Justice and is not supported by principles of statutory construction.”

See all 14 take aways.

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?

No collusion, no obstruction, no charges == exoneration. Case closed.
Trump the Outsider....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



Oh wow, the celebrity billionaire met Presidents at a party!

I have a musician friend who’s played twice at the White House. He must be a DC insider!!!

I met King Hussein of Jordan in 1982. He met with Ronald Reagan, So I must be a DC insider too. Politicians meeting the Richest guy in New York, they were probably courting Campaign contributions. Dems are really freaked about a President who actually keeps his word. They are so used to saying whatever they want and doing nothing. They think we should just accept their greatness and send our tax money so they can give it to people. They are the Party of Voting Serial Killers, Infanticide, Free Shit (Cali has a Corner on that Market), Welfare for all, Trains across the ocean, And 900,000 wind mills.
They have no plan to better America only one to steal the freedom we enjoy. If you don't agree you're a Nazi White Supremacist, and a threat to " Democracy" ? We do not live in a Democracy ! We live in a Democratic Republic. Our Founders Knew true "Democracy" was no more than MOB rule. Nazi's loved mob rule.

Did you go to King Hussein of Jordan wedding or did he come to yours?
Or ‘Why Trump the Outsider Is So Hated’

The Mueller Report Exposes the Absurdity of the Governing Class: Despite decades of egregious errors, a group of “leaders” remains steadfastly in place, waiting to take charge again.

“Now let’s think about part one of the Mueller report: the finding of no collusion. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. It was all a hoax — paid in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yet . . . and yet! A vast concatenation of journalists, public officials, and public intellectuals have been screeching from the top of their lungs for more than two years about the dire threat to the republic. They even managed to jawbone the tech companies into restricting speech on social-media sites to combat this insidious threat.

Have they ever been more wrong?

Why yes! Yes they have!

The Russia hoax was only the latest in a long chain of grievous errors. In the past 20 years, the number of times that our civic betters have royally screwed up is astounding. They missed 9/11. They wrongly thought Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons. They didn’t see that Iraq was sliding into chaos by late 2005. They allowed Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden to steal our secrets. They didn’t see the 2008–09 economic crisis coming until it hit them square in the jaw. They missed how a vast array of government policies and decisions contributed to it. They told us that the stimulus would reduce unemployment. They assured us that if we liked our health care we could keep it. They couldn’t even get a website running. They let Libya and Syria fall into chaos.

That works out to be about one massive screw-up every 20 or so months. That is insane. The array of mistakes is bipartisan, and it has been committed collectively by journalists, bureaucrats, and public intellectuals. There is one, abiding constant: The people tasked with the day-to-day management and oversight of our government have an arrogance-to-excellence ratio that is shockingly high.”
Yea, Trump's campaign manager is now sitting in jail for this "hoax".

Mueller couldn't exonerate due to the obstruction, detailed here

9. Mueller goes to great lengths to demolish William Barr’s theory of obstruction. One of the major overlooked sections of the report is the roughly 20-page portion—akin almost to a Harvard Law Review article—at the end, where Mueller’s team makes clear how vigorously they disagree with attorney general William Barr’s controversial memo last year. At the time, Barr argued that the obstruction statute doesn’t apply to the president. It’s easy to imagine Mueller team member Michael Dreeben, perhaps the Justice Department’s best appellate lawyer, laboring long and hard over pages 159 to 181 of Volume II. The report argues that the idea that the president can’t obstruct justice “is contrary to the litigating position of the Department of Justice and is not supported by principles of statutory construction.”

See all 14 take aways.

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?
why is he sitting there again?
(snipped for excessive stupidity)

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?

Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct.

Who you gonna send to arrest the President of The United States??

Don't dodge the fucking question......... WHO??

Do you think the Secret Service will sit by quietly whole you drag POTUS off in handcuffs???

And, supposing they do, what if POTUS decides to declare Martial Law due to an insurrection (which it would be) and calls up the 4th Infantry Division?

Then what you stupid little worm?

Tell us all in here what chance the FBI would have against the strongest, most powerful Infantry Division on the Planet??

Tell us, you fucking moron.

We don't indict a sitting POTUS because it would result in what people with a Room Temperature IQ call a "Constitutional Crisis".

And the last time we had a CC of that magnitude, over 600,000 Americans died.

And just like last time, dimocrap scum would lose. Badly.

You're just too stupid for words. Stop mimicking your masters in the LSM and try thinking for yourself once in a while.
(snipped for excessive stupidity)

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?

Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct.

Who you gonna send to arrest the President of The United States??

Don't dodge the fucking question......... WHO??

Do you think the Secret Service will sit by quietly whole you drag POTUS off in handcuffs???

And, supposing they do, what if POTUS decides to declare Martial Law due to an insurrection (which it would be) and calls up the 4th Infantry Division?

Then what you stupid little worm?

Tell us all in here what chance the FBI would have against the strongest, most powerful Infantry Division on the Planet??

Tell us, you fucking moron.

We don't indict a sitting POTUS because it would result in what people with a Room Temperature IQ call a "Constitutional Crisis".

And the last time we had a CC of that magnitude, over 600,000 Americans died.

And just like last time, dimocrap scum would lose. Badly.

You're just too stupid for words. Stop mimicking your masters in the LSM and try thinking for yourself once in a while.
In the history of our country, no president has ever been removed. Nixon resigned before he could be formally removed.
(snipped for excessive stupidity)

If Donald Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?

Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you are correct.

Who you gonna send to arrest the President of The United States??

Don't dodge the fucking question......... WHO??

Do you think the Secret Service will sit by quietly whole you drag POTUS off in handcuffs???

And, supposing they do, what if POTUS decides to declare Martial Law due to an insurrection (which it would be) and calls up the 4th Infantry Division?

Then what you stupid little worm?

Tell us all in here what chance the FBI would have against the strongest, most powerful Infantry Division on the Planet??

Tell us, you fucking moron.

We don't indict a sitting POTUS because it would result in what people with a Room Temperature IQ call a "Constitutional Crisis".

And the last time we had a CC of that magnitude, over 600,000 Americans died.

And just like last time, dimocrap scum would lose. Badly.

You're just too stupid for words. Stop mimicking your masters in the LSM and try thinking for yourself once in a while.
In the history of our country, no president has ever been removed. Nixon resigned before he could be formally removed.
yep, kind of useless effort eh?

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