‘Our aim is not war,’ Pompeo insists as US warships & bombers gather off coast of Iran

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The US doesn’t want war but reserves the right to surround Iran with warships and bombers just in case Tehran makes a “bad” decision that doesn’t conform to Washington’s interests, Mike Pompeo has boldly stated in an interview.

The United States would “of course” welcome the opportunity to negotiate with Tehran, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CNBC on Saturday. However, a build-up of “deterrent forces” around Iran is necessary so that the US could respond if Iran “decided to come after an American interest – whether that be in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Yemen, or any place in the Middle East.”

He insisted that Washington has no interest in inflaming a new conflict in the region, but would still be prepared to act “in the event that the Iranians make a bad decision.”

“We’re not going to miscalculate: Our aim is not war, our aim is a change in the behavior of the Iranian leadership,” Pompeo said.

‘Our aim is not war,’ Pompeo insists as US warships & bombers gather off coast of Iran

Smells like another big false flag coming soon.

Report: Mossad intel of looming Iranian attack led US to send in carrier force

How is Iran a threat to us again ?

I bet Saddam's weapons of mass destruction are hiding in Iran...they should go in and get them...they're sure to find them this time.
Trump has threatened war on Iran if an Iranian flips the bird at one of his big beautiful boats...and powerful, very powerful.
Bolton will be scouring Instagram accounts at this very moment looking for provocation.
BREAKING: Forget vials of talcum powder...Colin Powell is heading to give a speech to the UN with a copy of this picture as proof of Iran's existential threat to the US.
We should have made Iran a parking lot a long time ago. They have had some ships get close to US Ships as well as planes in the area. I guess the weasel in Iran has a suicide wish.

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We should have made Iran a parking lot a long time ago. They have had some ships get close to US Ships as well as planes in the area. I guess the weasel in Iran has a suicide wish.

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Dick Cheney had this print enlarged and framed
hanging in his war room office.
Pompeo and Bolton are hoping to make love on that island. Cheney is wishing he was a few hundred years younger.
Peace, through superior firepower!
We should have made Iran a parking lot a long time ago. They have had some ships get close to US Ships as well as planes in the area. I guess the weasel in Iran has a suicide wish.

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Dick Cheney had this print enlarged and framed
hanging in his war room office.

Strictly speaking, he wasn't wrong.
We need to investigate whether Democratic Party operatives are encouraging these vermin to bait the U.S. and Trump with their sudden flare ups of saber rattling and terrorist threats; we know that after Obama and Kerry's $600 billion dollar gift to the Iranian terrorists they would certainly agree to such a request from our Party of assorted deviants and traitors via their back channels. Democrats would love to get a war going so they can then run around pretending they're the 'Peace' party n stuff, and fake it from there.
We should have made Iran a parking lot a long time ago. They have had some ships get close to US Ships as well as planes in the area. I guess the weasel in Iran has a suicide wish.

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The Mullahs are just working with the Democratic Party, as are most terrorist regimes; they would gain a lot if Democrats win back the White House, and of course Democrats are reminding them of this all the time.

An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed the meetings after the Boston Globe broke the news, declaring , “We don’t see the U.S. just as Mr. Trump; the United States is not just the current ruling administration.” Think about what this means. Iran is a terrorist state responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in Iraq, whose leaders hold rallies where thousands chant “Death to America!” Kerry was working with a sworn enemy of the United States to try to undermine the foreign policy of the elected president of the United States.

Will Democrats Revive the Appeasement of Iran?

But the Iranians are comforted by one thought. If a Democrat defeats Trump next year, the odds are that the next administration will reinstate the Iran deal, and Tehran will be back in business.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry has already confessed that he is advising the Iranians to simply wait until Trump is out of office. For him to collude in that fashion with a hostile power is an outrage and perhaps runs counter to the seldom-enforced Logan Act, which prohibits such activity.

But what’s worse is that several leading Democratic presidential candidates are now vowing to return the United States to the deal. Sens. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar have already made that promise. It’s a given that former Vice President Joe Biden would do the same.
Iran is a terrorist state responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in Iraq
I love this American exceptionalism, where the Iranian deaths caused by the US don't rate a mention. For instance, the targeting data provided by the US to Saddam to enable his chemical warfare strikes against Iran.
I don't suppose you've noticed that countries like Costa Rica which have prepared for peace are at peace. Funnily enough, the US which has prepared for war has been at war for what, 70 years now?
You may think so, I couldn't possibly comment.

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