Opposition to ariz immigration law is unamerican


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

ACLU, DOJ, Obama, La Raza all claim Arizona Immigration Law opens the way for racial profiling, mis-conduct and civil right violation? What make the state officials any different then federal officials? The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows state to aid federal officials in enforcing immigration laws.

State and local law enforcement officials have the general power to investigate and arrest violators of federal immigration statutes without prior INS knowledge or approval, as long as they are authorized to do so by state law.
The 1996 immigration control legislation passed by Congress was intended to encourage states and local agencies to participate in the process of enforcing federal immigration laws.
..a reasonable suspicion include evasive, nervous, or erratic behavior; dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship; and presence in an area known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens. Hispanic appearance alone is not sufficient.
(But allowed and is racial profiling)
Aiding, abetting, harboring, encouraging illegals a felony

Federal immigration agents have a record of deporting citizens, abuse of civil right and racial profiling and mistakes are made by both states officials and federal officials but that is no reason to stop enforcing our immigration laws.
ACLU claim refugees and asylum seekers have been detained and deported. States only arrest and turn illegals over to federal agents and they detain and deport. If they are here legally they have papers and they are required to have those papers on their person at all times. I believe some are deliberately refusing to show their papers in order to build a case or racial profiling.
Federal immigration officials screw up more often they state officials. So they pig don’t fly that state immigration laws open up mis-conduct, etc.
Arizona of all states need this law to protect it's citizens and land. There are areas of land in Arizona that is too dangerous for citizen to go into. WTH? They are taking back the south west and our leaders are letting them.
"...but that is no reason to stop enforcing our immigration laws."

What a croc of crap. No one has stopped enforcing immigration laws. We deported record numbers of illegals for the past two years running. Best results EVER enforcing our immigration laws.

What are you people whining about? The government is doing the best job it has ever done enforcing immigration law, we have thousands more BP agents, more equipment, more operating bases, more money, fences and walls.... we are gaining ground on the issue.

NOW..... if you would stop foaming at the mouth for a moment and THINK you would realize that this is not a problem with border patrol or immigration or even immigrants... it's a problem with AMERICANs who hire illegals. Good old fashioned capitalist who want the cheapest labor possible in the market, in the interest of more profits.

These guys are playing you simple minded folks like a symphony. They could care less how many get deported, how much tax money we spend chasing them in the streets... they know there is an endless supply of cheap labor just across the desert and no way for you to stop it so long as they keep you raging at the Hispanics and distracted from them. The only thing they have to fear is that we actually start penalizing the American owners of the corporations that lure the illegals in. But so long as they make nice, fat campaign contributions, they'll sit back and watch you flounder all about trying to put out a grease fire with a bucket of water.

You have to stop thinking in the mold you have been given to work with and think the short way around. There is only ONE WAY to do anything effective and efficeient about illegals: GO AFTER THE EMPLOYERS. Take the jobs and they walk home, at no cost to us, just like they got here. Anything else and you're just fooling yourself.

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