Why our immigration system is broken.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

It’s broken because our government has refused to enforce our immigration laws and deport illegals. They are all law abiding people until they are apprehended and convicted of a crime and that’s a little too late for the 12 million American killed daily by illegals and 8 children raped daily and other crimes. Save those life by deporting them before the kill and rape. It’s called crime prevention.
Obama thinks he can fix the illegal immigration and secure the border with Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Path to citizenship (amnesty) for the 20 million here. It will do nothing to control immigration and secure the border. We may as well open the borders and give up on securing the border and controlling immigration. By legalizing the 20 million we will have to unite them with their families in Mexico and that number will increase three folds or more. They will flood the law enforcement, education, healthcare and social services system to the point of bankrupt and raise the debt into the debt into trillions of trillions. Comprehensive Immigration reform will destroy us and Mexico. Nothing will destroy us faster then Comprehensive Immigration Reform. We need to do the compassionate and humane thing and send those here from Mexico back to Mexico and help Mexico take responsibility for their own even if it means invading and occupying Mexico. Illegal immigration is already a act of war and more dangerous than Al Qaeda and the Taliban. We do nothing to help Mexico by taking it’s people.
Did we not learn anything from the 1986 amnesty mistake that we have to do a repeat performance with more devastating results.
Obama do not give a damn about the effect amnesty on Americans. All he wants is Hispanic votes at any expense and other supporters of amnesty, cheap labor.
Are they so willing to throw Americans under the bus to advance their own agenda.
I use Mexico as an example because the majority of Illegal Aliens are from Mexico and they are causing the most problems.
This Country is screw by our own government , illegals, pukes , scum , etc have destroyed this Country, it will just get worst as time goes by, womb to the tomb entitlements and free benefits for whoever can make it across the border will socially and economically bankrupt this Country. I pity those who are oblivious to whats happening. As of the end of March (second Quarter of FY2012), the Treasury Department spent $211 Billion of your money on interest payments to the holders of the National Debt.
I beleive Obama would do anything to stay in power, and take down our economy - to usher in socialism. Every republic is doomed. The weak, and ignorant, and lazy, will always out number the rest.
I beleive Obama would do anything to stay in power, and take down our economy - to usher in socialism. Every republic is doomed. The weak, and ignorant, and lazy, will always out number the rest.

The economy is in recovery thanks to Obama. Bush tried to destory it and socialism has been here for generation.

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