Op-ed over Bundy / Racism / States Rights et al...


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
First, from US News:

Cliven Bundy, 'the Negro' and the State of Racism in America - US News


Cliven Bundy's an Old-Fashioned Racist – And He's Not Alone


There is no simpler way to put it: The Nevada rancher's blatant racism is intolerable.


When I hear white people talk about race, I get a little clammy. When I hear Cliven Bundy talk about race, I get really pissed off. This “tea party” favorite, an American grandfather who’s a rancher with a very loyal family, seems to have bared his soul for the press. He likes the bully pulpit that comes from being a “taker,” a freeloader, a tax evader. He’s a man who doesn’t recognize the U.S. government in any way shape fashion or form...

...The “negro?” Picking cotton? Seriously? Who the hell is this guy? Let me tell you who Cliven Bundy is. He’s a bigot who believes in “freedom.” In case it’s lost on you, Bundy is the ultimate government subsidy. He believes in feeding his cattle for free. He doesn’t believe he owes federal taxes. He doesn’t believe in the rule of federal law. Bundy is purely and simply a common criminal who deserves to go to jail.

He believes in using us in the press as his bully pulpit and we let him. Bundy believes in a land mass of 50 states, not one nation of 50 states. He’s a secessionist. He’s not a patriot as some have called him. George Washington was a patriot – who, not for nothing, used force to put down citizens who refused to pay the federal excise tax in the Whiskey Rebellion. Abraham Lincoln was a patriot, who by the way implemented the federal income tax. I’d love to hear Bundy’s wise opinion on Lincoln. No doubt he’ll tell us if we let him. No doubt we’ll give him that microphone. We should.

Author: Jimmy Williams


Atlanta Journal Consitution

The Cliven Bundy story is porno for faux patriots | Jay Bookman | www.ajc.com


The Cliven Bundy story is porno for faux patriots

The issue, in my mind, is that Williamson, Hannity and others have taken advantage of a man of limited intellect, experience and sophistication to serve their own political agendas. Even while acknowledging that Bundy has no legal case, they've pumped him up into their champion, egging him on to engage in armed battle with the federal government, all so that they can enjoy the exhilaration of cordite and bloodshed second hand. It's porno for "patriots," and it's deeply troubling and irresponsible...

...Not every idiot who yells "freedom" and "down with tyranny" deserves your support. Unless you're looking for cheap, vicarious thrills, the cause should matter. This isn't John Brown fighting slavery. Patrick Henry didn't yell "Give me free grazing rights or give me death" at his fellow delegates at the Virginia Convention. And if you are so starved for examples of government repression that you have to rally behind an idiot whose great, principled cause is free cattle fodder, then maybe, just maybe, government repression isn't the huge, massive problem that you like to pretend it is.

Author: Jay Bookman


The Washington Post

Cliven Bundy, Paula Deen and what?s ?beyond the pale? in American conversation


Cliven Bundy, Paula Deen and what’s ‘beyond the pale’ in American conversation

My colleague Alexandra Petri wants to know why we are paying attention. “Why do we care about his thoughts on race? Why, for that matter, were we listening to him in the first place?” she wrote today. “Why are we surprised that someone who has been taking his lines directly from the War Of Northern Aggression Talking Points manual has retrograde views about slavery?”

The answer, I think, is this. Bundy’s remarks, and a series of others like them, express sentiments that most of us think have been safely escorted off the premises of reasonable discourse. But every once in a while, a Nevada rancher — or a soon-to-be-unlovable reality television personality, or a celebrity chef — turns out not just to be harboring nostalgia for white supremacy in private but also to be perfectly willing to speak about it in public. It is tempting to dismiss Cliven Bundy as an isolated, predictably racist crank. But he is not alone, and that has real significance for public life.

Take Bundy’s remarks on his ranch. In a video of Bundy speaking that includes remarks not reported by the Times, he says of the people he observed: “You could see in their faces, they weren’t happy sitting on those concrete sidewalks.”

That same comfort in imputing feelings to black people shows up in “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson’s reminiscences to GQ about hoeing cotton for white farmers alongside black coworkers. ”They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’ — not a word!” Robertson told the magazine. “Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”


More op-eds to come. This is just the start.
Bundy is a man liberals love to hate. It's keeping them from doing anything meaningful so he's doing us a public service.

HE's almost like the anti version of Cindy Sheehan. Notice how once Bush left office she had outlived her useful idiot status and you never see her anywhere?
Frankly the only way they can make this relevant is to propose that everyone in the Tea Party movement shares exactly the same beliefs as Bundy. It isn't true but that wont stop them.
Bundy is a man liberals love to hate. It's keeping them from doing anything meaningful so he's doing us a public service.

HE's almost like the anti version of Cindy Sheehan. Notice how once Bush left office she had outlived her useful idiot status and you never see her anywhere?
Frankly the only way they can make this relevant is to propose that everyone in the Tea Party movement shares exactly the same beliefs as Bundy. It isn't true but that wont stop them.
At least if they narrowed it down to the TEA party (I'm still not sure of the connection there) it would be a step in the right direction. Right now everybody that opposes big government is a Bundy clone.
The only Bundys I have heard of are my HERO, Al Bundy, from "Married......With Children", and Ted Bundy, the serial killer who got fried many years ago.

This Bundy guy who has become the leftist's new punching bag is irrelevent.

He serves as another example of the leftist "gotcha" strategy for the upcoming elections.

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