Only On Maps


Sep 23, 2010
I wrote off Marco Rubio as presidential timber because of his eligibility problem. In a strange twist Alabama’s Supreme Court could hurt Rubio, and Bobby Jindal, more than it hurts Hussein:

Many cases challenging Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility have come and gone, but now an appeal has been filed with a state Supreme Court led by a newly elected chief justice who has expressed doubt about Obama’s qualification for office.

Roy Moore was elected chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court last November, a decade after he defied a federal order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state Supreme Court building.

Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore's court
Newly elected state chief justice has expressed doubt about qualification
Published: 2 days ago

Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore?s court

Hussein is into his second term. The federal government will not remove him, but there is a good chance Alabama will start a landslide that prohibits future candidates from getting on state ballots when there is a doubt about their eligibility. Ain’t that be a kick in the ass. Hussein will have done eight years while he was ineligible, but Rubio and others won’t even get on the ballot if Hussein is declared ineligible. Talk about the worst of all possible worlds!

To be honest, I don’t really expect Alabama’s eligibility challenge to go anywhere. However, Rubio’s membership in the Gang of Eight is enough to write him off with conservatives faster than Romneycare wrote off Romney. Doubly so if Senator Graham’s pathway to citizenship is legislated:

"We've got to write the legislation, but 2013, I hope, will be the year that we pass bipartisan immigration reform," he said.

Graham said the bill would have three goals: to prevent a "third wave" of undocumented immigrants moving into the United States, to allow employers who can't find American workers at competitive wages to hire guest workers and to weigh immigration decisions largely on merit rather than family relations.

Undocumented immigrants "will have a path to citizenship, but it will be earned, it will be long, and I think it will be fair," he said.

Immigration Deal Reached By 'Gang Of Eight,' Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham Say
Posted: 03/31/2013 12:40 pm EDT

Immigration Deal Reached By 'Gang Of Eight,' Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham Say

For years, McCain looked TV cameras in the eye and said a pathway to citizenship is not amnesty. Apparently, the gang that can’t talk straight is pushing McCain’s lie again. More to the point, Rubio must have a death wish driving him to run with the same immigration policies that cost John McCain the election in 2008.

On top of everything else how dumb do you have to be to believe any Democrat who says he supports legislation that will prevent a third wave of illegals from coming in. Democrats putting a dirt bag like Chuck Schumer out front on immigration shows the contempt the Senate has for the American people.

I’m sure Democrats will agree to a “fence” as a way to cover their asses at election time —— knowing full-well a border fence the size of the Great Wall of China won’t prevent the next wave of illegals from pouring in. Open-borders has been government policy since the LBJ years. No fence is going to change that.

Incidentally, the “fence” was John McCain’s big thing way back in 2007.

Finally, eliminating national borders is absolutely essential to the United Nations. Secure borders stand in the way of global government. Take at look at what is happening in Australia if you think the UN is not behind open-borders:

Cost of open borders policy surges by billions
Bills hit $54,000 for each illegal, newcomers given TVs, microwaves, DVDs
Published: 18 hours ago

Cost of open borders policy surges by billions

Europe’s national borders are all but gone. Borders in Australia and America only exist on maps. Clearly, open-borders is being coordinated. The United Nations is the only organization with that kind of influence. Note that no government ever existed for the good of the people. America’s limited form of government was the best mankind could do after thousands of years of brutal governments. A global government is intended to wipe out the only form of government decent men ever achieved.

Democrats and RINO will fight tooth & nail to keep America’s borders open. Democrats are at least being honest, while Republicans in the Gang of Eight are nothing more than a pack lying sneaks trying to hide the fact that they are betraying their own country for a global government administered by the United Nations.

Parenthetically, a former Senate sneak is now secretary of state. He, too, works for the United Nations in his new position:

Secretary Kerry Still Pushing Law Of The Sea Treaty
Posted 03/28/2013 06:39 PM ET

Secretary Of State Kerry Still Pushing Law Of The Sea Treaty -

Kerry, always the traitor, could not get the LOST ratified when he was in the Senate where he had a lot of help from the other UN-loving traitors; so I’m not sure why he thinks he can do it as secretary of state. Maybe I should stop complaining and count my blessings. That piece of garbage almost beat the Chicago sewer rat to the White House
Rubio can do himself a lot good with conservatives if he takes Phyllis Schlafly’ advice:

. . . Phyllis Schlafly urged Sen. Marco Rubio to leave the so-called “Gang of 8″ senators drafting an immigration amnesty bill. Schlafly’s letter cited Ronald Reagan’s experience with the 1986 amnesty, which was followed by a wave of illegal immigration resulting in the approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants for whom another amnesty is now being considered. (“Reagan later admitted he regretted signing the bill and that it was a huge mistake.”)


I don’t want you to get caught in that same mistake. I urge you to resign from the Gang of Eight and reject all variations of amnesty, even when it goes under code words such as reform, comprehensive, pathway to citizenship, etc. All these proposals build votes for the Democrats, none for Republicans. Grassrooters are particularly annoyed at the secrecy of the Gang’s meetings, after hearing so much about the need for transparency.​

Schlafly to Rubio: Leave the Gang!
8:17 PM 04/02/2013
Mickey Kaus

Schlafly to Rubio: Leave the Gang! | The Daily Caller

Rubio bailing out will give him the chance to explain just what frauds the other 7 really are. Think about the media coverage that will get him! Even Hussein’s media will have to cover it.

Of course, quitting the gang would embarrass John McCain who has been trying sneak amnesty in since 2007.

Rubio, too, may want amnesty for the approximately 18 MILLION illegal aliens. If not, the question is: Does he have the balls to stand up to the gang he never should have joined in the first place.

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