Only 14% Prefer Government-Regulated Economy Over Free Market

"Voters Overwhelmingly prefer a free market economy to an economy managed by the government and think government economic control helps big business at the expense of small ones."

there have never been free markets, but if you want to find free markets just follow the unicorns
I think it is an expression of populist anger. a rejection of the status quo. At a time when 20% of all Americans are falling thru the cracks the firms that caused this crisis are still making record profits and rewarding one another with average bonuses of $250K.
Isn't it a fact that there were no Savings & Loan failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there were no Bank failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there would have been no oil spill in the Gulf if regulations would have been enforced?
Yes, too much regulating is one thing, but protecting the welfare of this nation and it's citizens from those who would benefit at the cost of this nation and it's people is needed.

No, do you know the real reason for the mortgage crisis? The Government basically told Fannie and Freddie that they didn't have to worry about debt. That they would bail them out if they went under so they started buying up any mortgage they could because from their perspective, it doesn't matter if it's subprime or not. The government is giving us money anyway so who cares? That was the reason. If Fannie and Freddie wasn't receiving those guarantees from government then the crisis probably would not have happened.

So it was over regulation that caused it. Too much government intervention.

See what I mean by the American people not being too bright...
Isn't it a fact that there were no Savings & Loan failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there were no Bank failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there would have been no oil spill in the Gulf if regulations would have been enforced?
Yes, too much regulating is one thing, but protecting the welfare of this nation and it's citizens from those who would benefit at the cost of this nation and it's people is needed.

No, do you know the real reason for the mortgage crisis? The Government basically told Fannie and Freddie that they didn't have to worry about debt. That they would bail them out if they went under so they started buying up any mortgage they could because from their perspective, it doesn't matter if it's subprime or not. The government is giving us money anyway so who cares? That was the reason. If Fannie and Freddie wasn't receiving those guarantees from government then the crisis probably would not have happened.

So it was over regulation that caused it. Too much government intervention.
Ah,,,,talking points rear their ugly head. And that's what they are,,,talking points,,not facts.
"Now to Barry Ritholtz. An financial expert and wildly popular blogger, Ritholtz has written time and time again about the lunacy of blaming Fannie and Freddie. He's so sure of his position that he's offered $100,000 to anyone who can prove him wrong. Here's Ritholtz debunking the Fannie and Freddie meme:

■The origination of subprime loans came primarily from non-bank lenders not covered by the [Community Reinvestment Act, a law pushing the two GSEs to purchase more loans in the secondary markets and thus expand access to housing loans to low-income neighborhoods];
■The majority of the underwriting, at least for the first few years of the boom, were by these same non-bank lenders;
■When the big banks began chasing subprime, it was due to the profit motive, not any mandate from the President (a Republican) or the Congress (Republican controlled) or the GSEs they oversaw;
■Prior to 2005, nearly all of these sub-prime loans were bought by Wall Street—NOT Fannie & Freddie;
■In fact, prior to 2005, the GSEs were not permitted to purchase non-conforming mortgages;
■The change in FNM/FRE conforming mortgage purchases in 2005 was not due to any legislation or marching orders from the President (a Republican) or the the Congress (Republican controlled). It was the profit motive that led them to this action.
Dear GOP: Fannie, Freddie Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis | Mother Jones
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