Only 14% Prefer Government-Regulated Economy Over Free Market


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
"Voters Overwhelmingly prefer a free market economy to an economy managed by the government and think government economic control helps big business at the expense of small ones."
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"Voters Overwhelmingly prefer a free market economy to an economy managed by the government and think government economic control helps big business at the expense of small ones."

Isn't it a fact that there were no Savings & Loan failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there were no Bank failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there would have been no oil spill in the Gulf if regulations would have been enforced?
Yes, too much regulating is one thing, but protecting the welfare of this nation and it's citizens from those who would benefit at the cost of this nation and it's people is needed.
"Voters Overwhelmingly prefer a free market economy to an economy managed by the government and think government economic control helps big business at the expense of small ones."

The 86%, how would they know? They've never lived in a free market economy. Anyone alive today in the US that didn't come from somewhere else has always lived in a government regulated economy and always will. Only those with the wealth to manipulate the free market, want a truly free market economy. Everyone else wants some form of regulation. Don't believe me? Ask them if they want to leave the quality of medicines up to the drug companies?
Then why do Republicans work so hard to send jobs to China? That's the most regulated economy in the world.
If Republicans had their way, we would have no:

Speed limits
Safety regulations for clean air, food, water
Social Security
Unemployment benefits

Why not just do away with government and put corporations and churches in charge?
If Republicans had their way, we would have no:

Speed limits
Safety regulations for clean air, food, water
Social Security
Unemployment benefits

Why not just do away with government and put corporations and churches in charge?

Not just republicans, but that whole 86%. And politicians are always talking about the wisdom of the American people. To be honest, as a group, the American people are pretty dumb.
Little known fact that Republicans actually thrive on dirty water and smog and think that alkaloid poisons and cobra venom is good for headaches.

Moreover, we believe that Progressives have now moved to within the last 134,000 pages of regulations that will bring about the Worker Paradise they've fought for ever since the Income Tax and we cannot allow that.
In the past 4 years, Government went from controlling 40% of the residential mortgage market to 100%.

How's that working out?
Isn't it a fact that there were no Savings & Loan failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there were no Bank failures until they were deregulated?
Isn't it a fact that there would have been no oil spill in the Gulf if regulations would have been enforced?
Yes, too much regulating is one thing, but protecting the welfare of this nation and it's citizens from those who would benefit at the cost of this nation and it's people is needed.

No, do you know the real reason for the mortgage crisis? The Government basically told Fannie and Freddie that they didn't have to worry about debt. That they would bail them out if they went under so they started buying up any mortgage they could because from their perspective, it doesn't matter if it's subprime or not. The government is giving us money anyway so who cares? That was the reason. If Fannie and Freddie wasn't receiving those guarantees from government then the crisis probably would not have happened.

So it was over regulation that caused it. Too much government intervention.
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Little known fact that Republicans actually thrive on dirty water and smog and think that alkaloid poisons and cobra venom is good for headaches.

Moreover, we believe that Progressives have now moved to within the last 134,000 pages of regulations that will bring about the Worker Paradise they've fought for ever since the Income Tax and we cannot allow that.

that was funny!

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