Online Climate Lectures and discussions by Climatologists


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Online Climate Lectures and discussions by Climatologists

Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf climate lecture 1 -

Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf climate lecture 2 -

Climate 2013: Perspectives of 8 Scientists –

Arctic versus Antarctic Sea Ice –

Yes, Virginia, Sea Level Really is Rising –
Let me guess: The world is coming to an end but these guys can save us if we just send them MONEY! :lol:

Sounds like Sunday Morning Church TV.
Let me guess: The world is coming to an end but these guys can save us if we just send them MONEY! :lol:

Sounds like Sunday Morning Church TV.

Let me guess. You have never bothered to read anything that the scientists are presenting, that you intend to remain willfully ignorant, and haven't a clue as to the economics of climate change.
Let me guess: The world is coming to an end but these guys can save us if we just send them MONEY! :lol:

Sounds like Sunday Morning Church TV.

Let me guess. You have never bothered to read anything that the scientists are presenting, that you intend to remain willfully ignorant, and haven't a clue as to the economics of climate change.

You do not have a clue. You base your climate conclusions on the last hundred years or so. You need to get real! This shit is a common change. It happens. Accept it and move along. Nothing new. Just new to this day and age
Let me guess: The world is coming to an end but these guys can save us if we just send them MONEY! :lol:

Sounds like Sunday Morning Church TV.

Let me guess. You have never bothered to read anything that the scientists are presenting, that you intend to remain willfully ignorant, and haven't a clue as to the economics of climate change.

You do not have a clue. You base your climate conclusions on the last hundred years or so. You need to get real! This shit is a common change. It happens. Accept it and move along. Nothing new. Just new to this day and age

OK, TN, present your evidence for the things that you are stating.

Because you are completely clueless about the depth of research that I and other posters on this board have done on this issue.
Let me guess. You have never bothered to read anything that the scientists are presenting, that you intend to remain willfully ignorant, and haven't a clue as to the economics of climate change.

You do not have a clue. You base your climate conclusions on the last hundred years or so. You need to get real! This shit is a common change. It happens. Accept it and move along. Nothing new. Just new to this day and age

OK, TN, present your evidence for the things that you are stating.

Because you are completely clueless about the depth of research that I and other posters on this board have done on this issue.

It would just be a repeat of yesterday, day before, day before that etc. Your just too close-minded to accept fact. Sure things are changing. They have been changing since Earth was born. Ever hear of ice ages or historical climate changes? Oh that does not matter? We are just gonna stick to records that we have since we started recording a hundred years or so ago? Open your mind up sonny
You do not have a clue. You base your climate conclusions on the last hundred years or so. You need to get real! This shit is a common change. It happens. Accept it and move along. Nothing new. Just new to this day and age

OK, TN, present your evidence for the things that you are stating.

Because you are completely clueless about the depth of research that I and other posters on this board have done on this issue.

It would just be a repeat of yesterday, day before, day before that etc. Your just too close-minded to accept fact. Sure things are changing. They have been changing since Earth was born. Ever hear of ice ages or historical climate changes? Oh that does not matter? We are just gonna stick to records that we have since we started recording a hundred years or so ago? Open your mind up sonny

Your assumption that everyone shares your degree of ignorance is entirely unwarrented. I know far more about the history of this planet at present than you ever will. As do several other posters on this board.

The differance between glacial and interglacial climate was 180 ppm of CO2 and 300 ppb of CH4 during the glacial periods, 280 ppm of CO2 and 700 ppb of CH4 during interglacials. We have already increased the CO2 level by over 100 ppm, more than the increase from glacial to inter-glacial, and increased the CH4 level from 700 ppb to nearly 1800 ppb. It has been millions of years since the GHG level was this high in the atmosphere. And we have done this in the geologically instantaneous time of only 150 years. In the next 50 years, the numbers will more than likely be 500 ppm of CO2 and at least 2500 ppb of CH4 in the atmosphere. That is just our contribution. If the Arctic Ocean clathrates and the permafrost outgas significantly, those numbers will be far higher.

We are just starting to see the climatic effects of the warming, at less than 1 degree C, yet our agriculture and infrastructure, worldwide, has been taking major hits. It is fools like you that like to flap yap on subjects you have never bothered to research that are impedeing preperation for the inevitable consequences of the effects of GHGs.

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