CDZ One Positive Thing in This CV19 Mess


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
From the positions everyone has taken at this point, I know which of my friends would turn me in to the government anytime things get tense. The Kathys. The Snitches. The Brown Shirters. They’ve all exposed themselves.

There’s a lot out there who’ll do it. Someone called the cops on the church with 16 people. Someone called the cops on the hairstylist who was trying to feed her kids. Someone called the cops on the Star Wars waitress dressed like a Storm Trooper.

Make note on who these people are. This is just Level 1 of Jumanji. Things will rapidly decline(escalate) as new ‘disasters’ hit in the next few years. When Level 2 hits you can deal with these people as you see fit.
From the positions everyone has taken at this point, I know which of my friends would turn me in to the government anytime things get tense. The Kathys. The Snitches. The Brown Shirters. They’ve all exposed themselves.

There’s a lot out there who’ll do it. Someone called the cops on the church with 16 people. Someone called the cops on the hairstylist who was trying to feed her kids. Someone called the cops on the Star Wars waitress dressed like a Storm Trooper.

Make note on who these people are. This is just Level 1 of Jumanji. Things will rapidly decline(escalate) as new ‘disasters’ hit in the next few years. When Level 2 hits you can deal with these people as you see fit.

I was just discussing this same matter last night with my wife. We were left with a bad taste, melancholic feeling in our mouths upon deciding together that should the communist revolution move forward, we very well could find ourselves in an armed conflict against several family members and friends—people we love and would do almost anything for. Thing is those people in question have developed a particularly nasty tendency of late to go, between breaths, from calm, normal to full-blooded foaming at the mouth bloodthirsty and unrecognizable simply over mention of supporting our President and taking a political and moral stance against such topics as abortion, endless immigration, LGTBQ, coronavirus veracity and the like. Truly it is a hell of a time to be alive when one must witness some of those one most loves stand on the side of very overt evil. To sum it all up: we have zero doubt some of our closest friends and family members would inform on us to the government. What a world . . .
From the positions everyone has taken at this point, I know which of my friends would turn me in to the government anytime things get tense. The Kathys. The Snitches. The Brown Shirters. They’ve all exposed themselves.

There’s a lot out there who’ll do it. Someone called the cops on the church with 16 people. Someone called the cops on the hairstylist who was trying to feed her kids. Someone called the cops on the Star Wars waitress dressed like a Storm Trooper.

Make note on who these people are. This is just Level 1 of Jumanji. Things will rapidly decline(escalate) as new ‘disasters’ hit in the next few years. When Level 2 hits you can deal with these people as you see fit.
Maybe now you will finally wake the hell up that we live in a facist dictatership,that both parties are corrupt and one in the same,and that we have an evil out of control government that is trying to destroy us all with population control,what better way to do that than to create a hoax and create a virus that does not exist and tell the whole world people are dying by inflating deaths that are far lower than what is being reported and have nothing to do with a virus.? Easier for the nwo to achieve their objective by dividing and conquering creating a social distancing fake panic. They have started the ball rolling with their endgame they have had planned for decades of a depopulation control. Stay at home,don’t go out or you will die from a virus,we know what’s best for you. We are the government,we are looking out for youWe are in martial law lockdown mode now.we are in the brave new world and 1984 now as we speak,our freedoms are over with
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Oh and for all the people who think i am Full of it,that we are not in martial law lockdown,why are they arresting some people just for visiting friends houses now or arresting people for being out after 8pm or for just paddling a canoe all by yourself in the middle of an ocean where you are no threat to anybody to give them a virus.? If that’s not a violation of our civil libertys and not communist Russia,a facist dictatership and martial law,then what planet are you all living on.? :cuckoo:
Its always amazing how the brown skinned gardener who got here illegally and broke the law while trying to feed his kids is public enemy #1 while the white hair stylist who broke the law trying to feed her kids is a hero.

The pandemic has done one good thing; It highlights the racism of the blob supporters in a way that few other topics could have.
From the positions everyone has taken at this point, I know which of my friends would turn me in to the government anytime things get tense. The Kathys. The Snitches. The Brown Shirters. They’ve all exposed themselves.

There’s a lot out there who’ll do it. Someone called the cops on the church with 16 people. Someone called the cops on the hairstylist who was trying to feed her kids. Someone called the cops on the Star Wars waitress dressed like a Storm Trooper.

Make note on who these people are. This is just Level 1 of Jumanji. Things will rapidly decline(escalate) as new ‘disasters’ hit in the next few years. When Level 2 hits you can deal with these people as you see fit.
Stephen Miller's wife might infect the whole administration and they could all die from it. That would be a great positive.
Its always amazing how the brown skinned gardener who got here illegally and broke the law while trying to feed his kids is public enemy #1 while the white hair stylist who broke the law trying to feed her kids is a hero.

The pandemic has done one good thing; It highlights the racism of the blob supporters in a way that few other topics could have.
Of course you equate an American citizen who cuts hair for a living with someone who violates Federal law.
And you validate you’re the racist with your ‘brown people are good for cleaning toilets’ rant we see over and over from you racist Leftards.

I know a lot of first generation immigrants. One owns restaurant chain, one is an aircraft mechanic for a major airline, two are Pastors, One is a doctor, one is a teacher, etc etc etc.
Its always amazing how the brown skinned gardener who got here illegally and broke the law while trying to feed his kids is public enemy #1 while the white hair stylist who broke the law trying to feed her kids is a hero.

The pandemic has done one good thing; It highlights the racism of the blob supporters in a way that few other topics could have.
Of course you equate an American citizen who cuts hair for a living with someone who violates Federal law.
And you validate you’re the racist with your ‘brown people are good for cleaning toilets’ rant we see over and over from you racist Leftards.

I know a lot of first generation immigrants. One owns restaurant chain, one is an aircraft mechanic for a major airline, two are Pastors, One is a doctor, one is a teacher, etc etc etc.


Both are arrested for violating the law. You just regard the one who has brown skin as a criminal and the other a hero. Those are the facts.

The rest of the stuff you added in is bullshit. I know you have a limitless supply between your ears and won't miss the shit you just posted.
Over my life I've seen many Republicans just as willing to suck up to the state as commies and left wingers. I've also been thorugh enough booms and busts to see Right wingers and 'conservatives' stampede over women, children, and the elderly to get to the front of the bennies line in the bust and get their bailouts first, and it's the GOP's beloved Wall Street who lobbied for all the tax subisidies and welfare that makes 'out-sourcing' and labor racketeering in Red China economically viable in the first place, so let's not pretend it;'s only leftists who are the stoolies and snitches and deportables here. The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and the GOP establishment are right up there with the Democrats in treason and corruption.

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