One Of The Wealthiest Men In America Says Rich Not Paying Their Fair Share

oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

Of paying his fair share.

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily
The dispute was resolved with a settlement of 219.5 million. Buffett has the same fiducial responsibility to investors and any other business person. He is obligated to use whatever means available to maximize profits. The focus should be on how he pays taxes and distributes personal wealth, not how he operates his investment entities.

The point is he's a hypocrite. He fought the IRS to cheat them out of money. He talks about paying a fair share, but when it comes to one of his businesses? The hell he will.

He's no different than anybody else. He's at the top of the hill and wants to keep others from reaching it. That's why he's for more taxation.
A dispute with the IRS is not the same as trying to cheat them. That is just a spin and a dishonest one. If you refuse to inform the IRS about income, that is cheating. If you dispute the amount paid and formally inform the IRS that your tax accountant and lawyers have a dispute, your case goes into litigation and you agree to pay the amount the litigation determines is proper.
Here is an article about the dispute and how it was resolved.
When you go to the movies, do the rich people pay a different ticket price than you because they have so much money? Do they pay a different price for the same car you drive because they have too much money? Do they pay a higher rate in utilities for their home because they have a lot of money?

Ray, you think ultra rich people consider YOU, a truck driver their "equal". LMAO.

Rich people have private screenings for new movies. Or go to Hollywood openings. You ain't invited Ray.

I helped my daughter buy a Chevy Cruz.
Real rich people.outright buy their kids a new Corvette.

Where do you nit wits get this idea that the ultra wealthy consider truck drivers their equal?

Unfucking believable.
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

Warren buffet is free to write a big fat fucking check to the US Treasury if he thinks he should pay more taxes
You might want to ask why his company has been fighting with the IRS for years over back taxes

Report: Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes
Do they pay a higher rate in utilities for their home because they have a lot of money?

Actually Ray, they pay less in utilities per square foot heated and cooled compared to you.
They have solar electric they sell back. They have the latest, most efficient hvac. They have the best in energy conservation designs. They have all the goodies Ray cause they are rich.

But you keep telling yourself you are their equal. Maybe they will send you a check made out to Water Carrier Ray.
Do they pay a higher rate in utilities for their home because they have a lot of money?

Actually Ray, they pay less in utilities per square foot heated and cooled compared to you.
They have solar electric they sell back. They have the latest, most efficient hvac. They have the best in energy conservation designs. They have all the goodies Ray cause they are rich.

But you keep telling yourself you are their equal. Maybe they will send you a check made out to Water Carrier Ray.
FYI you don't have to be rich to have a 94% efficient furnace and water heater

Anyone can buy them and they are not expensive. I have a 94% efficient gas hot water heater that also supplies my radiant floor heat it only cost 1200 bucks
Do they pay a higher rate in utilities for their home because they have a lot of money?

Actually Ray, they pay less in utilities per square foot heated and cooled compared to you.
They have solar electric they sell back. They have the latest, most efficient hvac. They have the best in energy conservation designs. They have all the goodies Ray cause they are rich.

But you keep telling yourself you are their equal. Maybe they will send you a check made out to Water Carrier Ray.

Good to see that point flew totally over your head.

So let's try it this way: We as a society don't charge people based on how much money they have--only the government does. Outside of federal government, we do all pay the same. The rich pay the same percentage of sales tax as you, they pay the same percentage of property tax as you, they pay the same for all their household goods at the grocery store as you.
FYI you don't have to be rich to have a 94% efficient furnace and water heater

Really? You an HVAC contractor?

I need a geo thermal system with gas back up along with AC for 10,000 square foot of home.

My pool needs heat as well as the pool house.

Also a solar wind back up system for electric.

All controlled seamlessly by computer.

How much will that cost?
When you go to the movies, do the rich people pay a different ticket price than you because they have so much money? Do they pay a different price for the same car you drive because they have too much money? Do they pay a higher rate in utilities for their home because they have a lot of money?

Ray, you think ultra rich people consider YOU, a truck driver their "equal". LMAO.

Rich people have private screenings for new movies. Or go to Hollywood openings. You ain't invited Ray.

I helped my daughter buy a Chevy Cruz.
Real rich people.outright buy their kids a new Corvette.

Where do you nit wits get this idea that the ultra wealthy consider truck drivers their equal?

Unfucking believable.

This isn't about what "they" or "I" consider. It's about what our federal government considers. The federal government should be treating all people equal whether they are worth ten dollars or ten million dollars. Money should not be a consideration when it comes to equality.
Why are so many people here concerned about the super rich being taxed to much ?
Warren Buffett says the super-rich pay lower tax rates than others

It's not often you see someone stand up and say, "Tax me more!"

Yet that's just what famed investor Warren Buffett has done in an op-ed in the New York Times headlined, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich." Buffett says that very wealthy people like himself pay lower tax rates than the middle class, thanks to special tax categories for investment income.

The part Buffet didn't mention is that not only payroll taxes the poorest of the poor pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. When every kind of local tax, fee, registration charge, license and other government and normal living required costs are added the rich are getting off and making out like a bandit when observed as a percentage of their total.

For example in Tennessee there is a state sales tax and in the county where I live there's also a local retail tax on everything one purchases. A poor bastard earning $30,000 a year pays the same gasoline tax as a millionaire and if one looks closely there's another form of taxation or fee being charged every time the poor man/woman opens his/her billfold/purse.

Warren buffet is free to write a big fat fucking check to the US Treasury if he thinks he should pay more taxes
You might want to ask why his company has been fighting with the IRS for years over back taxes

Report: Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes
So you prefer a five-year-old partisan speculative source rather than a more recent objective professional accounting source detailing the resolution of the dispute. How convenient for your agenda spin.
oh brother. that's easy enough to say when you're gawddam rich for crying out loud.

Nothing is stopping him from donating all his monies to the Fed. Guberment

He's telling the truth. Why the hell should a normal everyday American pay at the same percentage as a millionaire? This country was built on everybody paying their fair share.....not a flat tax rate! We had a middle class until Reagan slashed tax rates to 50 year lows:




Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all. And in this country, nobody pays their fair share. That's why the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes.

Bull Shit and Horse Cock!!!

When all forms of taxation are combined the poorest people in the country pay the highest percentage of their disposable income in some form of taxation. That's the way the rich planned it. After All......they're the ones in charge.
I good ole Warren doesn't think he is paying his "fair share" then all he has to do is send the IRS more money each year. With about $30 billion he can afford to put his money where his mouth is.

Since he won't do that then he is a hypocritical assholes and his opinion ain't worth shit.

Since his opinion is no more valid than mine my opinion is that all Americans pay too munch in taxes because this filthy ass out of control debt ridden corrupt oppressive government spends far too much money.
Ray, you first prove to me that the ultra wealthy consider truck drivers the equal of themselves.

When we are all equal in income, then we can all be equal in everything else. Including taxes.

Ray, you support equality in income? You a socialist now? Communist?

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