One of the main problems I have with reparations is...


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
The blacks of today have benefited from the struggles and hardships of their ancestors. If you’re a black engineer or doctor, do you think you would have got to where you are if your ancestors stayed in Africa? The answer is obvious. For some reason it’s not politically correct to speak the truth relating to this matter, and doing so will have many people calling you a racist, but there’s nothing racist about history and facts. The fact is blacks live better here than any country in the world. So if this country owes the black people of the present reparations, then every other country where blacks reside owe them a ton more.
The blacks of today have benefited from the struggles and hardships of their ancestors. If you’re a black engineer or doctor, do you think you would have got to where you are if your ancestors stayed in Africa? The answer is obvious. For some reason it’s not politically correct to speak the truth relating to this matter, and doing so will have many people calling you a racist, but there’s nothing racist about history and facts. The fact is blacks live better here than any country in the world. So if this country owes the black people of the present reparations, then every other country where blacks reside owe them a ton more.
This is laughable. So let's speak the truth. The answer to your first question is yes. Blacks would have exceeded the 5 percent of blacks who are engineers and 6 percent of black doctors if we had remained in Africa.The fact here is that you're white and repeating a dumb ass claim. Your opinion is at retard level.
The blacks of today have benefited from the struggles and hardships of their ancestors. If you’re a black engineer or doctor, do you think you would have got to where you are if your ancestors stayed in Africa? The answer is obvious. For some reason it’s not politically correct to speak the truth relating to this matter, and doing so will have many people calling you a racist, but there’s nothing racist about history and facts. The fact is blacks live better here than any country in the world. So if this country owes the black people of the present reparations, then every other country where blacks reside owe them a ton more.
This is laughable. So let's speak the truth. The answer to your first question is yes. Blacks would have exceeded the 5 percent of blacks who are engineers and 6 percent of black doctors if we had remained in Africa.The fact here is that you're white and repeating a dumb ass claim. Your opinion is at retard level.
Youd be too busy gathering water and making clothes out of vines and leaves to go to medical school.
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Hello. Respectfully, I have a question about Reparations, as well as Americans declaring Racism and Systemic Injustice continues depriving my black or American friends, neighbors and coworkers of African descent from experiencing their THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Have you ever taken the time to critically examine the character and values, as well as $motivation$ embraced by Americans asserting Racism or "White Supremacy" continues impeding black or American citizens of African descent from enjoying equality, as well as loudly declaring Racism or "White Privilege" is preventing our black American or foreign born neighbors from achieving success during this point in America's on-going societal evolution.

Calmly reviewing evidence, unquestionably, it is clear in today's ever-evolving American society the primary obstacle impeding our peaceful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing equality, is IN FACT America's large population of freedom-loving, illogical thinking, HATE embracing, segregation-minded INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK Americans.

I'm referring to America's PRO BLACK community choosing to hatefully INTIMIDATE, as well as actively IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from peacefully pursuing THEIR OWN individual unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and INTIMIDATE our peaceful, free-thinking black American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Sadly, PRO BLACK minded Americans like Dr. Umar Johnson, Ph.D, Dr. Shonna Etienne, Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Watkins, Ph.D, and 'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed have learned there is $BIG MONEY$ to be made from declaring RACISM, White Privilege and Supremacy are impeding black or American citizens of African descent from experiencing equality, success and prosperity all peaceful, reasonably responsible American and foreign born citizens are entitled to enjoy.

Even sadder is witnessing my so-called responsible, apparent 'WHITE GUILT' embracing fellow American citizens sitting SILENT, allowing Americas PRO BLACK community's cries of RACISM and 'White Privilege' to influence and intimidate them, just as they INTIMIDATE and chastise our peaceful black American neighbors for acting "TOO WHITE".

Frankly, I'd like to see American people & US Congress offer REPARATIONS to segregation-minded Pro Black American citizens with one stipulation. They immediately renounce their US citizenship, and find another country to incessantly practice their unnecessary, unhealthy, HATEFUL and ILLOGICAL INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

Once all PRO BLACK minded former-citizens have exited our country, taking with them, their venom, needless drama, paranoia, hate and apparent untreated emotional illness, I am certain the small population of Americans remaining will begin enjoying a different, more positive American experience, as well as improved emotional and physical health.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

What is your opinion of America's INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community HATING, BULLYING, HARASSING, INTIMIDATING and DENIGRATING our free-thinking, peaceful, successful American and foreign born citizens choosing to experience life on THEIR OWN terms?

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 414,883 views


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