One-Month Old Child Among 32 Shot in Chicago - BLM Bro

According to the Chicago Tribune, 93 people have been shot in Chicago over 4th of July weekend and 16 of those people had died. I seen an article that some children had been shot as well. Mayor Lightfoot was angry with newsmax last week for asking her the question about the crime in Chicago and she said that the crime was down and businesses wanted to move back into chicago. That was a lie. I think it's been the most deadliest weekend so far this year of 2021.

Tipsycatlover Chicago hasn't been the only crazy place where there's been shootings though. I've seen stuff in Ohio as well. We're getting to live in more crazier times. It's probably only going to get worse
candycorn We need ideology reform. The guns aren't the problem. The cars aren't the problem. Alcohol isn't the problem. All these things can be safe in good minds.
Ideology reform.

Sure... Meanwhile back in reality you don't hear about mass shooting in other first world nations as often. What do we have that they don't have? Oh yeah..a 2nd amendment.
candycorn We need ideology reform. The guns aren't the problem. The cars aren't the problem. Alcohol isn't the problem. All these things can be safe in good minds.
Ideology reform.

Sure... Meanwhile back in reality you don't hear about mass shooting in other first world nations as often. What do we have that they don't have? Oh yeah..a 2nd amendment.

That's why no one ever killed anybody before guns

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