One Area We Can Agree With on The Green New Deal: Geophysical Energy

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


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I disagree with most everything you ever post. However, I will say Tesla > Edison.
Interesting stuff.
Thank you. I think it is. Did you get a chance to look at The Documentary?

Something I'd never heard is how they aren't designed like any other "tombs" and really aren't fit to function as one.
Sure would have been cool to see them before all the cladding came off in the earthquake.

I'd like to see their theory put to the test on a smaller scale.
Interesting stuff.
Thank you. I think it is. Did you get a chance to look at The Documentary?

Something I'd never heard is how they aren't designed like any other "tombs" and really aren't fit to function as one.
Sure would have been cool to see them before all the cladding came off in the earthquake.

I'd like to see their theory put to the test on a smaller scale.
We could probably build Geophysical-Electrochemical Plants out of more modern materials. I'd like to see things like this and the types of ideas Tesla had put in to production at least on a test scale.

One of the issues might be that our Corporate Energy Suppliers would be opposed in my opinion to anything that would compete with them.

If you took all the money the world blows on Global Warming so called research and instead redirected it in to Energy Research, it isn't going to cost anyone a dime more to advance the ball on Innovation in Energy Delivery and Creation.

Once you got it past The Experimental Stage and moved it to a Production Stage, then it should be able to stand all on it's own and compete.
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Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


You can't MAKE the world do anything.
If it's as feasible and economical as the left keeps screaming (well we know it isn't) then it will happen naturally.

But you can't use the government to force people to do stuff. You just can't. If it works better and cheaper, we'll use it.
If it doesn't, we won't. Because ultimately, we aren't going to go backwards and get by with less and pay more for it unless we're forced to..and people don't just stand still for that.
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


You can't MAKE the world do anything.
If it's as feasible and economical as the left keeps screaming (well we know it isn't) then it will happen naturally.

But you can't use the government to force people to do stuff. You just can't. If it works better and cheaper, we'll use it.
If it doesn't, we won't. Because ultimately, we aren't going to go backwards and get by with less and pay more for it unless we're forced to..and people don't just stand still for that.

I never said make The World do anything. I want Corporations, and Government to get out of the way of these kinds of advancements and allow them. I want this type of stuff to be able to compete with traditional energy. I am not for subsidizing it either.
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


Egyptians > Tesla and Edison combined.
Holy shit. Pyramids are energy plants...

Wow. Cue the guy with the wacky hair!

So you get your “science” from the History channel?
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


Egyptians > Tesla and Edison combined.

If those Pyramids really were designed to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants in The Pre-Flood Era, then yes, Egyptians > Tesla + Edison
well technically, the one thing that will take out our species is garbage. If we can't figure a way to dispose of garbage, we will be infested with bacteria again and we will begin to die off. You know this right?
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


The green new deal is a joke written by a schizzo, the joke is on anyone who takes it or any part of it seriously
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


You can't MAKE the world do anything.
If it's as feasible and economical as the left keeps screaming (well we know it isn't) then it will happen naturally.

But you can't use the government to force people to do stuff. You just can't. If it works better and cheaper, we'll use it.
If it doesn't, we won't. Because ultimately, we aren't going to go backwards and get by with less and pay more for it unless we're forced to..and people don't just stand still for that.

I never said make The World do anything. I want Corporations, and Government to get out of the way of these kinds of advancements and allow them. I want this type of stuff to be able to compete with traditional energy. I am not for subsidizing it either.

That's what I'm saying. It can't compete with traditional energy.
I'm all for getting the government out.
Before those of you who do not know me accuse me of being a Liberal, a Global Warmer, or a Globalist, let me tell you that I do not at all agree with Anthropological Global Warming. Climate Change has been here before man, and it will be here after man.

I also am no fan of The Green New Deal or AOC. I believe they are missing the boat entirely with their extreme proposal and they do not even consider many viable alternatives. So..... Let's not discuss that either or derail the thread over that. Let's find something interesting that perhaps all sides could both discuss and maybe agree on. Maybe the only result is, "Hey, that was sort of neat to think about." If that is all that happens, then I say, "At least we are thinking."

I am a conservative who wants to advocate to Left and Right, a way we can make Energy Transmission more cost effective, and more available even for the poorest countries, without relying as much on Hydrocarbon Fuels. I do not advocate eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels, but I advocate taking Energy Production and Transmission to the next level.

At least we should be thinking about the next level, correct?

We have essentially been producing and transmitting energy in the same way for the past century.

So consider a couple of ideas here. And I will propose them in the following context: You do not have to be religious to consider the following, because there is geologic evidence for it:

I believe there was a global flood long ago, and I believe that before The Great Flood, that mankind was more technologically advanced than we understand. Evidence of this is the discovery of things like Prehistoric Batteries, The Odd Design of The Pyramids which when looked at from an Electrical Engineering perspective appear to be Geophysical-Electrochemical Energy Plants.

Yes, there is an argument for that outside of believing in Aliens...which I do not believe in. There is an argument that The Pyramids were essentially power plants. There are carvings in numerous tombs showing electrical light bulbs, that depict transmission lines, and there are copper electrical nodes in some of these inexplicable chambers and wiring diagrams actually inside The Pyramids, located in areas no man has been, and were only accessible after they were built, by small robots equipped with cameras that discovered these things.

A type of proof can be offered that Egypt used Electricity. When a person reconstructs the depiction of an Egyptian Light bulb in an identical fashion to what is depicted in the carvings of them, they work like any other ordinary light bulb. So there is a basis for pondering if a Pre-Flood Egyptian Civilization used Electricity on a large scale, or if it was something more modest.

Moving past Ancient History to more recent History, Tesla demonstrated different ways in which we can transmit and generate power. Much of what we have today was adopted, and much of what he experimented with and discovered is hidden, locked away and treated as an interesting amusement. Tesla did all the work he did to transform The World, and Provide very cheap or even free electrical energy to everyone. All his notes though were seized upon his death, so we really don't know the full extent of where his research could have taken us.

Should Our Government Release All....ALL of Tesla's Research for the benefit of it's people, for the benefit of energy research, and for The Benefit of The World?

So, should I get to the point? Yes. What would it take for The World to begin moving towards things like Geophysical Energy Production, Wireless Energy Transmission? Is it merely a matter of Corporations and Governments blocking that in favor of Value Added Processes and Profits?

Or is it not technically possible, feasible, and too costly to do? I am not talking about reducing usage of Hydrocarbon fuels even 1% or at all. I am talking about implementing a new paradigm which could compete with and coexist with Hydrocarbon based Energy.
Previously un-thought of, and un-utlized competing technologies, could be a game changer if they were developed and implemented. It's at least worth discussion.

If you have time, review this short documentary on The Pyramids, that discusses the possibility that they were used for energy production in The Ancient World. I believe this was done before The Flood, and they like The Sphinx was built before The Flood and so much of the evidence for the arguments that The Pyramids were used for energy production is washed away. But we do still have The Pyramids themselves, and can look at them from an Electrical Engineering perspective.

Perhaps there are some reasonable intellectuals on the board, who are opened minded enough to discuss such possibilities?

I hope there are.


You can't MAKE the world do anything.
If it's as feasible and economical as the left keeps screaming (well we know it isn't) then it will happen naturally.

But you can't use the government to force people to do stuff. You just can't. If it works better and cheaper, we'll use it.
If it doesn't, we won't. Because ultimately, we aren't going to go backwards and get by with less and pay more for it unless we're forced to..and people don't just stand still for that.

I never said make The World do anything. I want Corporations, and Government to get out of the way of these kinds of advancements and allow them. I want this type of stuff to be able to compete with traditional energy. I am not for subsidizing it either.

That's what I'm saying. It can't compete with traditional energy.
I'm all for getting the government out.

I don't think you are exactly getting what I am talking about. I am not talking about Solar and all The Alternative Energies people tried to subsidize and failed.

I am talking about Releasing Tesla's Research. The US Government confiscated it and locked it up after his death. I am talking about researching Geophysical Energy Plants mentioned in The Documentary which Pre-Flood Egypt may have had, which are actually along the same lines of research Tesla was doing.

Tesla believed and proved to some extent, that the Free Energy the Earth already produces could be harnessed and retransmitted for use by humans.

I want to see Energy Research, not subsidized and forced implementation of The so called Failed Green Energy projects of the past.

I am talking about something different. I am talking about a way to take energy production and transmission to a new level.

I think things like solar, wind power are just bridges to different things we could do in The Future. I think they are the past, and not The Future, and I think they are only feasible in small scale or personal energy production.

I am talking about far beyond that.
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