Once in a Century OR Generation


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
there appears a Spanish Flu or Pandemic.But not a
Pandemic with some Biden Blues as topping.I don't care
whether Joe Biden now prefers a different flavor Ice Cream
with sprinkles on top.Or whether he adopts a new German
Shepherd.Or grows a beard { Van Dyke ? } or pencil thin mustache.
Or maybe some big Top Hat with Cape like Diamond Jim Brady.
Where the cape could be used as excuse,case he falls down agin'.
Or maybe Old Joe could pull a - Shawshank Redemption - as
Andy Dufresne did to reward his fellow inmates { Cases of Ice Cold
" Bohemian style " beer on a hot day } after resurfacing a rooftop
using floor mops smothered with black tar.
But don't look fir too many rewards with any Joe Biden.
Lest of which if one ain't a Big Democrat.Or for that matter,
a widdle democrat who waddles like an overfed goose
come election day.Makes no nevermnind.
Because 1984 managed to sprout wings and is upon us.
All us.No matter MSNBC and in complete denial of reality
as if under some hypnotic trance an unable to free their better
selves.A form of purgatory.No too dissimilar from what Dante
interpreted with :
" Vien dietro a me, e lascia dir le genti. "
Come follow me and let the world babble. "

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