Once and for all! There are NOT 32 or 46 or 50 million "uninsured"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The reason to put this to rest is Obamacare passed by 6 Congressional voters who ignorantly believed like many of you there are "32, or 46 or 50 million uninsured"!

Kaiser Family Foundation, which specializes in health care issues,
found that health insurance premiums had jumped by 9 percent in 2011,
up from a 5 percent annual increase since 2007.

Drew Altman, president and CEO of Kaiser, say that the ObamaCare law probably accounted for 1 to 2 percentage points of that increase.
Obamacare Has Increased Cost of Health Insurance, Says Kaiser Foundation | CNSnews.com

Obamacare CAUSED health insurance premiums to increase in one year from normal increase of 5% to an increase of 7% --almost 140% jump in the increase!

Almost all of the increases due to elimination of "pre-existing conditions" .
Supporters of "pre-existing conditions" elimination said inclusion of people currently "uninsured" will increase the pool and spreading the costs to larger number of insured.

Again increasing the Pool by supposedly covering 32 million of the supposedly 46 to 50 million "UNINSURED"!

boo hoo..sob sob...!
On the eve of the ObamaCare vote, every member of Congress who appeared on television to defend the legislation was able to cite by name an individual or family in his or her state or Congressional district with a heart wrenching story.

The Medicare program chief actuary predicted last spring that 375,000 would sign up for the new risk pool insurance in 2010.

The primary reason of inclusion of 32, 46 or 50 million "uninsured" was to increase the "POOL"..



Out of 310 million Americans, only 41,427 people have the problem given as the principal reason for spending almost $1 trillion, creating more than 150 regulatory agencies and causing perhaps 150 million or more people to change the coverage they now have.

6 votes passed 2,000 pages of legislation that will cost:
* $1 Trillion directly..
* In time over $100 billion/year in LOST Federal/states/local TAX REVENUE
* creating 150 NEW regulatory agencies..



So how many "uninsured" are there really to "increase the POOL"?

Of the supposedly 46 million "uninsured"??

Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.

10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

So ALL of us are affected by ObamaCare COST wise...
* Increased insurance premiums..
* $1 trillion additional federal spending,
* $1 trillion over 10 years in LOST federal/states/locals TAX revenue..

all to cover 41,127 more people!

All because of 6 votes that thought they were doing "good" for 46 million uninsured!

What DO We Know About the Uninsured? — The American Magazine
obsessive compulsive - starts same thread over and over
American Enterprise Institute. Nice wingnut source. About as credible as the obese junkie on the radio.

So I guess you have a problem then with the US CENSUS??
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.

10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

Is this math too complicated for you to subtract from 46 million 37 million and FIND OUT THERE ARE 9 million NOT 46 million Truly uninsured that need coverage but because of stupid ignorant people like you that think the GOVT is the ONLY source of everything!
You probably are a clerk at a law firm that makes millions from the $100 billion lawyers make that caused 1 of the two MAJOR cost drivers:
$600 billion a year in Defensive Medicine"
And "padding and Passing" of costs to Medicare where Berwick said nearly $250 billion a year of Medicare was waste and fraud!
And YOU ignorantly WANT MORE of the SAME gross government waste?

Two gigantic cost drivers: $600 billion defensive medicine and $250 Billion waste and fraud in Medicare CAN BE reduced by at least $100 billion a year!

AND YOU still don't seem to be able to add and subtract!
THERE WERE and are less then 10 million "truly" uninsured"!!!
obsessive compulsive - starts same thread over and over

Primarily BECAUSE Idiots like you can't add and subtract simple numbers!
Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.

10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less the 10 million!

YET you stupidly poke fun at me and I"m trying to get you to understand that because idiots like you "feel" NOT think... emote.. NOT think..
that the so called 32, 46, or 50 million BOGUS Uninsured would be covered and it would COST NOTHING?? Because your ignorance of how Medicare,(I'm an expert.. 10,000 times a day providers use a service I designed to find out if they'll get paid by Medicare..what do you DO???)
and how health insurance works.. WE now are facing skyrocketing health insurance premiums... ALL because DOLTS like you can't even even subtract 37 million from 46 million leaving less then 10 million truly uninsured!

And Ignorant BIASED MSM solely intent on the Democrat Agenda totally ignore these FACTS!

Mindless, obamatrons like you are diminishing because the majority of people are getting their information supported by LINKS from people like me!
You're sick in the head, apparently. Sorry to hear that. Do you write these numbers on a notebook and slam them down on tables in front of people and say : "but but but but nobody seeees the NUMBERS!!!"

There's no uninsurance problem, nothing to see here! :eusa_whistle:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NNOrp_83RU]Nothing to see here[/ame]
The "uninsured" were never the problem.

Yes, it's a drain when they show up at the Emergency room for a cold, but that doesn't happen as often as people claim it does.

Most of the uninsured are uninsured by choice.

The real problem is the coast of health care is increasing at 3 times the rate of inflation, because the laws of supply and demand are skewed. Supply is going to be limited, demand is always going to increase as we age as a population and more treatments are developed for diseases we are just now identifying.
The "uninsured" were never the problem.

Yes, it's a drain when they show up at the Emergency room for a cold, but that doesn't happen as often as people claim it does.

Most of the uninsured are uninsured by choice.

The real problem is the coast of health care is increasing at 3 times the rate of inflation, because the laws of supply and demand are skewed. Supply is going to be limited, demand is always going to increase as we age as a population and more treatments are developed for diseases we are just now identifying.

A) BUT IT WAS the supposedly 46 million "uninsured" that caused 6 votes to pass Obamacare!
1) $600 billion a year that 90% of doctors surveyed say is caused by
"defensive medicine practices" out of fear of lawsuits!
Why are you the expert and did NOT recognize this ?
Why are the "experts" I.e. doctors better suited to recognize the
fact lawyers that make $100 billion a year BUT you defend them!
2) YOU have NO idea what EMTALA means and why Medicare HAS no
problem absorbing $250 billion (per Berwick director of CMS) in waste
For example I DARE you...
Tell me what city you live in.
I'll tell you right now that one or more of the hospitals in your city are:
charging Medicare "padding and passing" anywhere from 500%
to 6,000% above their COSTS WASTE FRAUD!!!

See YOU don't have the same access I have to information about the gross wasteful MARKUP that hospitals send Medicare!

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