Oliver Stone’s Left-Wing Agitprop


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May 1, 2012
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Oliver Stone’s Left-Wing Agitprop

December 17, 2012
By Bruce Thornton

Oliver Stone’s 10-part “documentary” on the Cold War airing on the Showtime cable channel, “The Untold History of the United States,” is merely the latest version of American history presented as left-wing propaganda.

Despite Stone’s claim that this leftist story of American history has been “untold,” or, as he told London’s Guardian, that the “dirty story” of America has been “sanitized,” it has long been a ubiquitous, tired cliché. Indeed, even before Howard Zinn’s 1980 masterpiece of agitprop, A People’s History of the United States––which has sold over 2 million copies and is a staple of university and high school reading lists––the melodrama of American historical crimes and oppression was a staple of progressive received wisdom. Indeed, so entrenched is this narrative in American culture that purveyors of it like Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and Oliver Stone––who is worth $50 million––have become rich peddling it. And contrary to Stone’s assertion that, though his version of the American story may have been “told” by “cutting edge” academic experts, it remains “unlearned” by students and the larger culture, some version of his view of history can be found in most American history textbooks from grade school to university. That’s why despising America for its historical crimes is an intellectual fashion marker, one of those things that everyone sophisticated and smart just knows, and that sets them apart from the mass of patriotic oafs who believe what Stone and his co-writer Peter Kuznick sneeringly deny––that America is “the world’s greatest nation.”

So too today, the rationale for those, like Barack Obama and Oliver Stone, who are eager to expand government power and control over society and the economy is found in what during his international “apology tour” Obama called America’s “arrogant, dismissive, derisive” behavior and the “darker periods in our history.” More political power is necessary for correcting and compensating for that oppressive record, and steering the locomotive of history back towards the internationalist leftist utopia.


Oliver Stone’s Left-Wing Agitprop

"Me gook, me gook!"

Just When You Thought Soviet Propaganda Was Dead


For many years, the American left has combed the past for history lessons that will aid their effort to move the United States toward European-style social democracy, if not a full-fledged socialist utopia. The most successful leftist intellectual in that enterprise was the late Howard Zinn, whose books—such as "A People's History of the United States," first published in 1980—have sold millions of copies and are still used by high schools and colleges nationwide. Zinn believed that by emphasizing the struggles of working people, women and people of color against their supposed oppressors, his work could mobilize a new generation to carry on the fight of yesterday's radical heroes.

That search for a usable past has been taken up in a new form by filmmaker Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick in both their Showtime television series, "Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States," and in the accompanying book of the same name. Mr. Kuznick, who wrote the volume and whose outlook frames the series, is frank about his mission.


The Wallace article continued: "As I look back over the past 10 years I now feel that my greatest mistake was in not denouncing the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in February of 1948." His analysis, he said, "failed to take into account the ruthless nature of Russian-trained Communists whose sole objective was to make Czechoslovakia subservient to Moscow."

It took time and perhaps bitter experience, but Henry Wallace finally accepted the facts before him—that Soviet policy was not the benign and peacemaking force he once believed it to be. Would that Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick were so open to the truth.

Ronald Radosh: Just When You Thought Soviet Propaganda Was Dead - WSJ.com

Damn, I'm so disappointed, I don't waste money on Showtime so I'll never get to see his commie propaganda. Bummer. :D:D:D
Damn, I'm so disappointed, I don't waste money on Showtime so I'll never get to see his commie propaganda. Bummer. :D:D:D

I tried to watch an episode or two and just couldn't do it. You know, it's not even whether this "man" is even right or wrong (he's wrong) but the way he presents this propaganda is simply infuriating. Another America hater of the highest order.

My Wife reminded me that she hadn't seen me that mad since I happened to watch 5 minutes of Bill Maher on HBO before wanting to beat that "man" over the head with my cane. That's when it hit me...

This BS that Stone is pushing on Showtime is simply their answer to that BS that Bill Maher is peddling over at HBO. I called Comcast today and cancelled both.
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Oliver Stone: America Is a ‘Fascist Force’

January 11, 2013
By Mark Tapson

The C-SPAN Book TV program After Words recently featured a conversation with controversial film director Oliver Stone and American University professor Peter Kuznick. The two are co-authors of a massive new book, The Untold History of the United States, which Stone has parlayed into a multi-part Showtime documentary (and which FrontPage Mag has addressed here, here, here, here and here). As you might expect, the hour featured Kuznick and Stone denouncing American imperialism and placing the blame for Cold War mistrust on the U.S., while only paying lip service to the notion that some responsibility lay with the Soviets.


Actually, a good way to end would have been to hear a countervailing voice challenging the perverse notion of America as a “fascist force in the universe.” Radical historians like Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick see American greed, paranoia and imperialism as the source of all international inequity and animosity; what their Untold History does not tell is that, on balance, America has been a greater force for good in its short existence than any nation or power in history. They want us to be more trusting and cooperative with the very forces that seek our destruction; but what their Untold History does not tell is that America has had, and continues to have, existential enemies with their own power-grasping agendas. What Untold History does not tell is the whole truth.

Oliver Stone: America Is a ‘Fascist Force’
I visited Russia a few years ago, a SOI Radar conference.

All I know is im not so sure what we were scared of, Russia is more or less a shit hole. Seems we just had to have a boogy man to cement the defense/ Military industrial complex.

Bill Mahr > Sean Hannity. Both are useful idiots.
I visited Russia a few years ago, a SOI Radar conference.

All I know is im not so sure what we were scared of, Russia is more or less a shit hole. Seems we just had to have a boogy man to cement the defense/ Military industrial complex.

Bill Mahr > Sean Hannity. Both are useful idiots.

I believe that "modern" Russia serves as a case-in-point to prove to the radical left in the US that their quest for a quasi communist/socialist takeover in this country is nothing to strive for. Unfortunately, George Santayana was correct.

I, too, visited Russia. MANY times from 1974 through 1985. My job in the Army took me there several times, as well as Poland, East Germany, and several other Soviet Bloc countries.

I've seen "glorious Mother Russia" at her very worst.

That's why, when these pseudo-intellectuals attempt to sell me on the idea of a "measured communism" in this country I always ask them, "Have you been there?" and their answers are nearly always the same. "no". But they always come back with "but, the USSR was corrupt". And I say "yep". Not much different than the power-hungry, nearly mongoloid Represenatives that we, ourselves, send to Washington every year to "serve our interests".

The only difference between politicians in the former Soviet Union and those getting rich in Washington DC is that the Russians never smiled when they condemned their people to Gulags and in stark contrast, our politicians who smile at us and tell us that "they know what's best for us" while they control by executive order and claim that it is for our own good.....
I visited Russia a few years ago, a SOI Radar conference.

All I know is im not so sure what we were scared of, Russia is more or less a shit hole. Seems we just had to have a boogy man to cement the defense/ Military industrial complex.

Bill Mahr > Sean Hannity. Both are useful idiots.

I had some relatives over there, some smuggled out the others came out after the wall came down. The stories they told us, wow, no way you want that crap over here, even the progressive liberals would bitch. So F/O Nole troll...:cool:

"Ollie, you gonna make me look good after I go?

Oliver Stone’s Distortion of the Eisenhower Era

January 16, 2013
By Matthew Vadum


Stone blames Eisenhower, the popular former five-star general who led the U.S. and its allies to victory in World War Two, for creating “a permanent war economy.” Essentially, Ike turned America into a high-tech modern-day Sparta, Stone claims, by permanently ramping up military expenditures. Of course to the extent that Eisenhower promoted high levels of defense spending he was only carrying on the policies of President Franklin Roosevelt. The Communist-loving director, known for palling around with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, could never forgive Eisenhower for deploying nuclear weapons that were aimed at Stone’s beloved USSR.


Because Eisenhower “never publicly attacked the extremist tactics of the Red Scare and the Lavender Scare,” it is his fault that throughout “the 1950s political debate essentially continued to vanish in the United States,” the director claims.

Stone doesn’t seem to understand that political debate didn’t exactly “vanish” in the Fifties.

It simply didn’t favor the Left.

But this is one of the key reasons Stone doesn’t like Ike.

Oliver Stone?s Distortion of the Eisenhower Era


Driving Da Dictator

"Don't worry, Ollie will make us look like saints."

The Cuban Missile Crisis: World Saved by the Soviets, Says Oliver Stone

January 18, 2013
By Larry Schweikart


Standing center stage of the one-hour program is the Cuban Missile Crisis. Contrary to Stone, the “Cubans” did not have tactical nuclear weapons, but rather the Russians had stationed tactical nuclear weapons there. While the risk was still extreme, the Soviets not only kept the weapons secret, but carefully secured them from the Cubans. Nevertheless, the entire Missile Crisis episode is riddled with errors. A B-52 is shown while Stone’s narrative discusses a U-2 spy plane. Stone’s claim that JFK was reversing course in Cuba completely ignores the fact that his brother, Bobby, was running a plan with the CIA and Juan Almeida, the commander of Cuba’s army, to assassinate Castro. This was, it is argued by Lamar Waldron, the reason Bobby’s hands were tied in the Kennedy assassination investigation—it would have exposed his, and his brother’s, coup attempts in process at the moment Kennedy was killed (see Waldron, Legacy of Secrecy, 2009). Indeed, JFK had no change of heart regarding Cuba. He only wanted the coup to be clean, and without American fingerprints. Stone cites Operation Mongoose—which Kennedy approved—as a comical attempt to kill Castro, but never mentions the Almeida coup plans.


Stylistically, Stone uses images almost exclusively, with his own robotic narration. On occasion, however, he employs voice-overs of Russian-accented actors to “speak” for Khrushchev and a voice-over of General Curtis LeMay. There is a single (poor) animation, no on-camera interviews—just Stone’s monotonous voice and imagery. And all of the Castro shots show a laughing, cheerful leader with happy people celebrating their slavery. But Nixon, the members of the military, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the CIA are routinely depicted as villainous, dark, nefarious, and angry. Stone’s narration and documentary style is, fortunately, the silver lining for the rest of us. Few will be able to stay awake during this snoozer, especially younger viewers, and therefore they won’t be subjected to Stone’s erroneous facts or his absurd revisionist fantasy. One would learn more about American history and Cuban relations during this era from the Starz original series “Magic City.”

The Cuban Missile Crisis: World Saved by the Soviets, Says Oliver Stone
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After watching South of the Border I am convinced Oliver Stone is a professional troll.

"Mr. Chavez, what is it that makes you so awesome? Has anybody ever told you your sulfur smells better than Bush's?"

Obviously those weren't the real questions, but you get the idea. :D
After watching South of the Border I am convinced Oliver Stone is a professional troll.

"Mr. Chavez, what is it that makes you so awesome? Has anybody ever told you your sulfur smells better than Bush's?"

Obviously those weren't the real questions, but you get the idea. :D

Hugo & Fidel will be smelling brimstone soon...


Untold History of the USSR

March 13, 2013
By Lloyd Billingsley


The Untold History of the United States, by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick, weighs in at 750 pages, an elephantine encyclopedia of neo-communist demonology. None of it is “untold” and on every page one hears the sound of a barrel being scraped. David Horowitz rightly called it “unbelievable crap,” but some readers might profit from an examination of the places where the book most needs stool softener and a polygraph test.

This must be the only book endorsed by Bill Maher, Daniel Ellsberg, and Mikhail Gorbachev, which makes sense. The only hero is former vice president Henry Wallace, the Progressive Party candidate for president of the United States in 1948. He’s portrayed here as a kind of American Gorbachev, the only hope to save the United States which, by setting off atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “once again, proved itself unready to provide the kind of leadership a desperate world cried out for.”


Hollywood leftists, Richard Grenier once observed, charge that America and capitalism are evil – except for their three-picture deal, except for their bank account, except for their Bel-Air mansion, except for their BMW and Mercedes-Benz. So despite JFK, Wall Street, and The Untold History of the United States, Oliver Stone does after all believe in American exceptionalism.

Untold History of the USSR
Oliver Stone Does Venezuela

March 11, 2014 by Humberto Fontova


Famous foe of imperialism Oliver Stone just premiered his documentary “Mi Amigo Hugo” (“My Friend Hugo”) in the Cuban colony of Venezuela. As the title suggests, the film honors Hugo Chavez, Cuba’s late Venezuelan viceroy. The film was released amidst lavish celebrations on the first anniversary of Chavez’s death and broadcast on the Cuba-run TV channel of the Cuban viceroyalty of Venezuela. For the occasion, Raul Castro himself graced his South American dominion with a visit.

“Venezuela today is a country that is practically occupied by the henchmen of two international criminals, Cuba’s Castro brothers,” recently declared Luis Miquilena who served as Hugo Chavez’ Minister of Justice for three years before finally resigning in disgust. “They (the Cubans) have introduced in Venezuela a true army of occupation. The Cubans run the maritime ports, airports, communications, the most essential issues in Venezuela. We are in the hands of a foreign country. This is the darkest period in our history.”


Speaking of dungeons, ignorance and Cuban exiles. Among these latter Stone can find the most and the longest suffering political prisoners in the modern history of the human race. This suffering came in torture-chambers and dungeons designed by his Stalinist idol and his KGB-mentors. Let’s hope Oliver Stone is merely ignorant of that.

Oliver Stone Does Venezuela | FrontPage Magazine
Since "American Jihad" is such a fan of the Bourne movies, he will enjoy the fact that evil Hollywood Communist elitist Matt Damon narrated the People's History of the United States audiobook.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Peoples-History-United-States-Highlights/dp/B0001O34CG]Amazon.com: A People's History of the United States: Highlights from the Twentieth Century (Audible Audio Edition): Howard Zinn, Matt Damon: Books[/ame]
Since "American Jihad" is such a fan of the Bourne movies, he will enjoy the fact that evil Hollywood Communist elitist Matt Damon narrated the People's History of the United States audiobook.
Amazon.com: A People's History of the United States: Highlights from the Twentieth Century (Audible Audio Edition): Howard Zinn, Matt Damon: Books

Yawn, and his mama is a liberal school teacher, so the avatar is doing it's job, it got ya all wee weed up. lol A progressive/liberal hero killing a socialist/liberal hero, it just slays ya don't it...:D
Since "American Jihad" is such a fan of the Bourne movies, he will enjoy the fact that evil Hollywood Communist elitist Matt Damon narrated the People's History of the United States audiobook.
Amazon.com: A People's History of the United States: Highlights from the Twentieth Century (Audible Audio Edition): Howard Zinn, Matt Damon: Books

Yawn, and his mama is a liberal school teacher, so the avatar is doing it's job, it got ya all wee weed up. lol A progressive/liberal hero killing a socialist/liberal hero, it just slays ya don't it...:D
Yeah, your picture is fiction, which is why you love it. Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Since "American Jihad" is such a fan of the Bourne movies, he will enjoy the fact that evil Hollywood Communist elitist Matt Damon narrated the People's History of the United States audiobook.
Amazon.com: A People's History of the United States: Highlights from the Twentieth Century (Audible Audio Edition): Howard Zinn, Matt Damon: Books

Yawn, and his mama is a liberal school teacher, so the avatar is doing it's job, it got ya all wee weed up. lol A progressive/liberal hero killing a socialist/liberal hero, it just slays ya don't it...:D
Yeah, your picture is fiction, which is why you love it. Reality has a well-known liberal bias.


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