Old Wounds


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Old wounds leave scars not only on the body but in the mind. Now democrats have been hating on the military for a long time and without reason. You can go back to the 60s where policy by JFK and LBJ got them sent to a sh8thole called Nam.

When vets were coming home they were met by democrat protesters holding signs and yelling 'baby killer". Serving no less under a democrat president and government. A man who would become president evaded the draft and protested their effort in ANOTHER country.

The abuse of the military does not stop there however as they had their votes thrown out for being a FEW hours late from Iraq. Former vets WW2 vets saw their open air memorial CLOSED during a presidential fit of anger by a democrat as well. And as if that was not enough he cut their meals back to twice a day for those serving OVERSEAS in a COMBAT zone.

How do they treat the vets who join their party? Just look at Jim Webb, a Nam vet who is decorated and a Marine. They IGNORE him. He's just window dressing to them and nothing more. He and they deserve better then that party and it's horrid treatment of them.

When our freedom is in danger and freedom calls, it calls a group of men and women willing to die for what we have even if it's just the ability to post at USMB. While it maybe hard to imagine some body might have died for YOUR ability to post here at USMB they HAVE.

So 2016 is coming and I do hope you will side with the person that side with our "boys". I do hope you side with the person that has their back from the day they go in until the day they leave this earth no matter how long. They DID their duty and its time we did a LOT more about doing OURS.


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