Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s

Friday, May 25, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

The 1960s were nothing if not eventful. There were assassinations, murders, the Viet Nam War, protest marches, sit-ins, freedom rides, campus takeovers, church bombings, boycotts, riots, teargas, campus shootings, cross burnings, draft card burnings, bra burnings, and cities burning. There was a cause for every young idealist who was a solution looking for a problem. The 60s were heady days for young people just coming of age and cutting their political teeth. Those young and often ill-informed idealists of the 60s have since become grouchy old white liberals, reenergized by the election of America’s first black president—something that surprised them even more than it did Barack Obama’s most ardent opponents.
One of the reasons these crusty old white liberals are so nostalgic for the 60s is that they yearn for the days when they still had the moral high ground—when they could self-righteously blame every social problem on racism and not be too far wrong. Unfortunately for them and America, what today’s white liberals fail to acknowledge is that this is 2012 not 1968. Black Americans can vote, eat in any restaurant, drink out of any water foundation, hold any job, attend any school, win elections in the deepest of the deep-South states, ride any bus or even own the bus company, and become President of the United States. One would think that white liberals who marched alongside Dr. King in the 60s would rejoice in the progress America has made, but this is not the case. One can only wonder from their rhetoric if they would not really be happier if racial segregation was still the order of the day.


Perhaps no individual personifies the old white liberal stuck in the 60s more than Chris Matthews. In a recent debate with Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican Party and a man who happens to be black, Matthews referred to the GOP as the “grand wizard crowd” (that is grand wizard as in head of the Ku Klux Klan). He also likes to cast judgment on blacks who, in his eyes, are not black enough. Of course, by not being black enough Matthews and his fellow 60s alumni mean that Steele and other conservative blacks refuse to accept the stereotypical and subservient roles imposed on them by the left. The irony of a white liberal like Matthews, a man who has never been black one day in his life, lecturing a black man like Steele for not being black enough is simply too much to grasp. Somebody needs to tell Chris Matthews and other old white liberals like him that the good old bad days of the 60s are over. On second thought, never mind. I think I just did that.

Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s – Patriot Update

And the right wing is modern and new. Voter suppression, distortion, corporations are people, turn Medicare into a voucher program, Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy.

And their new fangled rhetoric. Boi king, man child, birth certificate, let him die, feed the poor and they'll breed, education is for snobs.
Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s

Friday, May 25, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

The 1960s were nothing if not eventful. There were assassinations, murders, the Viet Nam War, protest marches, sit-ins, freedom rides, campus takeovers, church bombings, boycotts, riots, teargas, campus shootings, cross burnings, draft card burnings, bra burnings, and cities burning. There was a cause for every young idealist who was a solution looking for a problem. The 60s were heady days for young people just coming of age and cutting their political teeth. Those young and often ill-informed idealists of the 60s have since become grouchy old white liberals, reenergized by the election of America’s first black president—something that surprised them even more than it did Barack Obama’s most ardent opponents.
One of the reasons these crusty old white liberals are so nostalgic for the 60s is that they yearn for the days when they still had the moral high ground—when they could self-righteously blame every social problem on racism and not be too far wrong. Unfortunately for them and America, what today’s white liberals fail to acknowledge is that this is 2012 not 1968. Black Americans can vote, eat in any restaurant, drink out of any water foundation, hold any job, attend any school, win elections in the deepest of the deep-South states, ride any bus or even own the bus company, and become President of the United States. One would think that white liberals who marched alongside Dr. King in the 60s would rejoice in the progress America has made, but this is not the case. One can only wonder from their rhetoric if they would not really be happier if racial segregation was still the order of the day.


Perhaps no individual personifies the old white liberal stuck in the 60s more than Chris Matthews. In a recent debate with Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican Party and a man who happens to be black, Matthews referred to the GOP as the “grand wizard crowd” (that is grand wizard as in head of the Ku Klux Klan). He also likes to cast judgment on blacks who, in his eyes, are not black enough. Of course, by not being black enough Matthews and his fellow 60s alumni mean that Steele and other conservative blacks refuse to accept the stereotypical and subservient roles imposed on them by the left. The irony of a white liberal like Matthews, a man who has never been black one day in his life, lecturing a black man like Steele for not being black enough is simply too much to grasp. Somebody needs to tell Chris Matthews and other old white liberals like him that the good old bad days of the 60s are over. On second thought, never mind. I think I just did that.

Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s – Patriot Update

Love it!! Those old white liberals really try to be black, they have a really, really hard time. They're just not black enough. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s

Friday, May 25, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

The 1960s were nothing if not eventful. There were assassinations, murders, the Viet Nam War, protest marches, sit-ins, freedom rides, campus takeovers, church bombings, boycotts, riots, teargas, campus shootings, cross burnings, draft card burnings, bra burnings, and cities burning. There was a cause for every young idealist who was a solution looking for a problem. The 60s were heady days for young people just coming of age and cutting their political teeth. Those young and often ill-informed idealists of the 60s have since become grouchy old white liberals, reenergized by the election of America’s first black president—something that surprised them even more than it did Barack Obama’s most ardent opponents.
One of the reasons these crusty old white liberals are so nostalgic for the 60s is that they yearn for the days when they still had the moral high ground—when they could self-righteously blame every social problem on racism and not be too far wrong. Unfortunately for them and America, what today’s white liberals fail to acknowledge is that this is 2012 not 1968. Black Americans can vote, eat in any restaurant, drink out of any water foundation, hold any job, attend any school, win elections in the deepest of the deep-South states, ride any bus or even own the bus company, and become President of the United States. One would think that white liberals who marched alongside Dr. King in the 60s would rejoice in the progress America has made, but this is not the case. One can only wonder from their rhetoric if they would not really be happier if racial segregation was still the order of the day.


Perhaps no individual personifies the old white liberal stuck in the 60s more than Chris Matthews. In a recent debate with Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican Party and a man who happens to be black, Matthews referred to the GOP as the “grand wizard crowd” (that is grand wizard as in head of the Ku Klux Klan). He also likes to cast judgment on blacks who, in his eyes, are not black enough. Of course, by not being black enough Matthews and his fellow 60s alumni mean that Steele and other conservative blacks refuse to accept the stereotypical and subservient roles imposed on them by the left. The irony of a white liberal like Matthews, a man who has never been black one day in his life, lecturing a black man like Steele for not being black enough is simply too much to grasp. Somebody needs to tell Chris Matthews and other old white liberals like him that the good old bad days of the 60s are over. On second thought, never mind. I think I just did that.

Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s – Patriot Update

As I was reading this, I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg!
Racism and hate, lies, greed, and stupidity are alive and well in the GOP. Are they racist, anti-nonrich? Hard to say, great liars/salesmen, and it's about the same thing. Hateful stupid GOP policy for 30 years now, along with a huge propaganda machine that has produced a new class of ideologically blinded, loudmouth hater/dupes...see sig.
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Racism and hate, lies, greed, and stupidity are alive and well in the GOP. Are they racist, anti-nonrich? Hard to say, great liars/salesmen, and it's about the same thing. Hateful stupid GOP policy for 30 years now, along with a huge propaganda machine that has produced a new class of ideologically blinded, loudmouth hater/dupes...see sig.

Well, some conservative ideas may be misguided, but consider the myriad of foolish and dangerous ideas propagated by the Left: Marxism; Communism; people are basically good; poverty causes crime; men and women are basically the same; more government money solves most social problems; America was as responsible for the Cold War as the Soviet Union; a human fetus has no worth unless the mother says it does; all things being equal, it is not better for a child to have both a mother and a father; humans are just another animal, albeit with a bigger brain….
Prager, "Still The Best Hope."
This old white liberal is hardly stuck in the '60's. We achieved the most important changes that were neccessary at the time. The Americans with African blood finally began to be treated as citizens. Our senior citizens are now covered with program that prevents them from the choice of either not getting sick,or simply dying. Of course we know the GOP stance on that. "Let him die, let him die!!!!".

Now we have a new fight, one predicted by Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt concerning the influence of corperations and a heriditary aristocracy of wealth. We have seen other nations have great success with real Health Care Systems, but we cannot do the same here because the wealthy would rather make money off of the ill health of their fellow citizens than create a system that is just.

We have a fight with the GOP on the denigration and lying about the science of the affects of man's GHGs on the climate.

No, we do not long for the '60's. We have our fights in the reality of the present. And the avarice and ignorance that so typifies the present 'Conservatives'.

And the right wing is modern and new. Voter suppression, distortion, corporations are people, turn Medicare into a voucher program, Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy.

And their new fangled rhetoric. Boi king, man child, birth certificate, let him die, feed the poor and they'll breed, education is for snobs.
Excellent points, if they want to bring up Steele, they should check this out:

Michael Steele: For Decades GOP Pursued 'Southern Strategy' That Alienated Minorities

Michael Steele: Some White Republicans Are 'Scared Of Me'

"During a weekend interview, Michael Steele told TV One's Roland Martin that he has experienced fear from other selected members of his party because of the color of his skin.

"I mean I've been in the room and they've been scared of me," the RNC chairman said about fellow Republicans."

RNC Chair Michael Steele on Limbaugh: ‘Yes, it’s incendiary. Yes, it’s ugly.’

By Ali Frick on Mar 2, 2009 at 9:51 am

Last night, RNC Chairman Michael Steele appeared on D.L. Hughley’s show on CNN and disputed Hughley’s statement that Rush Limbaugh “is the de facto leader of the Republican Party.” “I’m the de facto leader of the Republican Party!” Steele insisted. Steele admitted that Limbaugh’s shtick is “incendiary” and “ugly”:
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And the right wing is modern and new. Voter suppression, distortion, corporations are people, turn Medicare into a voucher program, Bush Tax cuts for the wealthy.

And their new fangled rhetoric. Boi king, man child, birth certificate, let him die, feed the poor and they'll breed, education is for snobs.

Dead people vote in Chicago, the homeless are bribed to vote in Milwaukee with cigarettes and liquor, and The Dallas Cowboys are registered to vote through tax-payer funded ACORN in Nevada.

Voter Suppression???.....You can't possibly be speaking of US??
Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s

Friday, May 25, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

The 1960s were nothing if not eventful. There were assassinations, murders, the Viet Nam War, protest marches, sit-ins, freedom rides, campus takeovers, church bombings, boycotts, riots, teargas, campus shootings, cross burnings, draft card burnings, bra burnings, and cities burning. There was a cause for every young idealist who was a solution looking for a problem. The 60s were heady days for young people just coming of age and cutting their political teeth. Those young and often ill-informed idealists of the 60s have since become grouchy old white liberals, reenergized by the election of America’s first black president—something that surprised them even more than it did Barack Obama’s most ardent opponents.
One of the reasons these crusty old white liberals are so nostalgic for the 60s is that they yearn for the days when they still had the moral high ground—when they could self-righteously blame every social problem on racism and not be too far wrong. Unfortunately for them and America, what today’s white liberals fail to acknowledge is that this is 2012 not 1968. Black Americans can vote, eat in any restaurant, drink out of any water foundation, hold any job, attend any school, win elections in the deepest of the deep-South states, ride any bus or even own the bus company, and become President of the United States. One would think that white liberals who marched alongside Dr. King in the 60s would rejoice in the progress America has made, but this is not the case. One can only wonder from their rhetoric if they would not really be happier if racial segregation was still the order of the day.


Perhaps no individual personifies the old white liberal stuck in the 60s more than Chris Matthews. In a recent debate with Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican Party and a man who happens to be black, Matthews referred to the GOP as the “grand wizard crowd” (that is grand wizard as in head of the Ku Klux Klan). He also likes to cast judgment on blacks who, in his eyes, are not black enough. Of course, by not being black enough Matthews and his fellow 60s alumni mean that Steele and other conservative blacks refuse to accept the stereotypical and subservient roles imposed on them by the left. The irony of a white liberal like Matthews, a man who has never been black one day in his life, lecturing a black man like Steele for not being black enough is simply too much to grasp. Somebody needs to tell Chris Matthews and other old white liberals like him that the good old bad days of the 60s are over. On second thought, never mind. I think I just did that.

Old White Liberals Stuck in the 60s – Patriot Update

As I was reading this, I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg!

Good one. LOL

Matthews recently lashed out at people that remind him of his comment about Obama sending a tingle up his leg.
Somebody needs to tell Chris Matthews and other old white liberals like him that the good old bad days of the 60s are over.
They've always been "over", for the Yuppie$ (who are terminally trend-driven)....but, you'll never be rid of.....

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This old white liberal is hardly stuck in the '60's. We achieved the most important changes that were neccessary at the time. The Americans with African blood finally began to be treated as citizens. Our senior citizens are now covered with program that prevents them from the choice of either not getting sick,or simply dying. Of course we know the GOP stance on that. "Let him die, let him die!!!!".

Now we have a new fight, one predicted by Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt concerning the influence of corperations and a heriditary aristocracy of wealth. We have seen other nations have great success with real Health Care Systems, but we cannot do the same here because the wealthy would rather make money off of the ill health of their fellow citizens than create a system that is just.

We have a fight with the GOP on the denigration and lying about the science of the affects of man's GHGs on the climate.

No, we do not long for the '60's. We have our fights in the reality of the present. And the avarice and ignorance that so typifies the present 'Conservatives'.



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