OK I give it up. I have become a Coronation Street and Sesame Street Junkie


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I am down to one station. I am running with Mama Yama and Corrie. I have no option. It's the only station I've got.

I love Mama Yama. I am confessing. She did the cutest little routine last week where she was clogging. Okay okay I know it's a puppet, but it was cute.

Corrie has had though one of the funniest story lines ever with the serial killer who couldn't get any murder right and kept blowing it. He seriously just kept mistakenly killing people.

One station people.

If you see me some times go off the rails, have mercy.
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For those that don't know, here is Mama Yama.

Just so you guys get a grip.

I've discovered Ghaddafis stylist is still alive and well. This is my one and only TV station.

Feel my pain.

This is Hockey Night in Canada.:lol:

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They had a famous guest star....

Apparently every one wants to be on it. I never watched before but it's on for my dog in the living room and I come around the corner and hell's bells there is this chick pissed off with an axe busting up a nasty chick's home.

Now THAT'S a soap opera.

Hey. We have a winner here. Her name I found out is Becky. Cripes this show rocks. Or sadly as I have admitted I need a satellite dish.

But I'm holding steady on Mamma Yamma.:eusa_angel:
Y'know some of my fondest memories are cradling our new baby watching the 13" TV with rabbit ears that pulled in 3 stations. We were broker than broke. But it was like time stood still. And every moment passed like a lifetime. Count yourself lucky. Color me blue. I'm just curious, yellow. :D
Reminds me- in college my friend and I would smoke huge bong bowls and watch "New Zoo Review".
That was tripped out shit.

It was always Monty Python for me. Used to come out of Channel 17 I think out of Buffalo.

Fawlty Towers killed me.:lol: Manuel starting the kitchen on fire and I am still down for the count laughing myself silly.

Chef made me die too.
Y'know some of my fondest memories are cradling our new baby watching the 13" TV with rabbit ears that pulled in 3 stations. We were broker than broke. But it was like time stood still. And every moment passed like a lifetime. Count yourself lucky. Color me blue. I'm just curious, yellow. :D

For true. :eusa_angel:

I've been high end and low end. I'm not going to knock the high end. Had a lot of good years that way.

But I'll take the low. I love the simple. And I am so glad to be out of the corporate world and being a corporate wife.

I'll take this place where wild turkeys can run down my road and a doe can look at me thru my front window after chewing my lilacs.
Red Dwarf went to Coronation Street in the "Back to Earth" season.

... and that's about the limit of my experience with Corrie.
My mother was addicted to Coro St in the 70s....

Not sure what that is, but my mom was addicted to Early Times, Cheap Vodka, AND Budweiser in the 70's. She would call ahead to the liquor store and inform them that her 15 year old (me) would arrive at the drive up and in no uncertain terms were they to sell me whatever she wanted. I got it done.
My mother was addicted to Coro St in the 70s....

Not sure what that is, but my mom was addicted to Early Times, Cheap Vodka, AND Budweiser in the 70's. She would call ahead to the liquor store and inform them that her 15 year old (me) would arrive at the drive up and in no uncertain terms were they to sell me whatever she wanted. I got it done.

Early Times. We're talking julep time.


This sir is the drink of the Kentucky Derby.

Picture it, I'm going to pull a Sophia here.

Picture it, I had to throw a birthday party for my husbands boss at Saturn (from Georgia) and the wife of his boss from Canada (Belle Isle).

I thought I'd make a local punch.

Being the good little soul that I am, I followed the directions exactly.:lol: and made it a day in advance.

Somewhere during the taste testing I remember screaming the south will rise again.

Holy shit. Mint Juleps rock. Say no more.

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I am down to one station. I am running with Mama Yama and Corrie. I have no option. It's the only station I've got.

I love Mama Yama. I am confessing. She did the cutest little routine last week where she was clogging. Okay okay I know it's a puppet, but it was cute.

Corrie has had though one of the funniest story lines ever with the serial killer who couldn't get any murder right and kept blowing it. He seriously just kept mistakenly killing people.

One station people.

If you see me some times go off the rails, have mercy.

NetFlicks instant download costs $7.99.

Speaking as a recovering TUBULAR JUNKIE, I found this service a SUPERIOR alternative to television
Canadian humor (or is it homour?) is pretty strange. I know a Canadian born college professor who is a genius in his field but has a shockingly juvenile sense of humor.
Canadian humor (or is it homour?) is pretty strange. I know a Canadian born college professor who is a genius in his field but has a shockingly juvenile sense of humor.

Take off eh? :razz: Keeeeeeeeeeeeding.


Honestly, we're nuts. But that happens when you have 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating.

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