OK Democrats! It's Time To Back Up Your Words

All that is needed. Also that he can't win.
FALSE! Your "response is hollow. The thread is not about cronyism, its about excessive influence from big money, which Hillary and Bernie exemplify, while Trump is just the opposite, taking relatively nothing. You've lost this debate before it even began (AND YOU KNOW IT). Wanna see the "capitalists" who Hillary is indebted to ? Here they are >> :biggrin:

1. Citigroup Inc - $891,501

2. DLA Piper (a global law firm) - $852,873

3. Goldman Sachs - $831,523

4. JPMorgan Chase Bank - $801,380

5. Morgan Stanley (multinationalfinancial services corporation ) - $765,242

6. University of California - $686,509

7. Time Warner - $603,170

Trump IS the corporation...in fact, most of the money used by his campaign was BORROWED from Trump's Corporation, not from Trumps own pocket.

Democrats in general, do not hand away every tax break and every tax subsidies to big corps, even if they get some crumbs from them in campaign donations.

Democrats in general believe banks and corporations need regulating, Republicans do not.....R's repeal what good laws we have had and have worked.

Republicans receive more than double in donations from big business/1 percenters than Democrats do in any given election...

neither party is perfect, but the lesser of 2 evils has been with the Democrats...of course, in my opinion.
My Post # 4 (and its link) refuted your post # 7, even before you wrote it. Read it (and the WHOLE LINK) and learn.

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
This fails as a straw man fallacy, democrats have ‘claimed’ no such thing.
Another dumb post that was already refuted in Post # 4 before this numbshull even posted.

"Straw man" huh? "claimed no such thing" huh ?

Eat your words, foolish poster >>

Rolling Stone put it three years ago, “modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the 1% — the Party of the Rich”?

. Last year, a HuffPost/YouGov poll found that 51% of Americans believe the GOP is “most interested in helping” the rich.

Likewise, a CNN/ORC International poll conducted earlier this year found that 69% of the country thinks “the policies of the Republican Party generally favor the rich.”

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
Trump IS the corporation...in fact, most of the money used by his campaign was BORROWED from Trump's Corporation, not from Trumps own pocket.

Democrats in general, do not hand away every tax break and every tax subsidies to big corps, even if they get some crumbs from them in campaign donations.

Democrats in general believe banks and corporations need regulating, Republicans do not.....R's repeal what good laws we have had and have worked.

Republicans receive more than double in donations from big business/1 percenters than Democrats do in any given election...

neither party is perfect, but the lesser of 2 evils has been with the Democrats...of course, in my opinion.
My Post # 4 (and its link) refuted your post # 7, even before you wrote it. Read it (and the WHOLE LINK) and learn.

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
haven't read it yet, but there are many many rich people that lean democratic...

they don't care if their taxes go up and the middle class taxes go down...warren buffet as example...
haven't read it yet, but there are many many rich people that lean democratic...

they don't care if their taxes go up and the middle class taxes go down...warren buffet as example...
The FACTS are the Democrats, by far, are being supported by the super rich (not the Republicans) This is one of the reasons why the impoverished South has switched from being primarily Democrat, to being primarily Republican. Read Baby! Read!

Also see Post # 21.

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
I look at life realistically and factually. I am not relentlessly stupid like you, meaning you relentlessly stick to your "feelz" instead of facing the facts. Trump can't win. 60 to 65% of the nation have no intention of permitting him to be president.
HA HA HA!! If you insist on displaying your stupidity, I have no objections. For your edification, there is nothing dumber than believing polls about a November election in April, before even Republican-democrat debates have begun. Please get a brain.

No such thing as a poll in April pertaining to an election in November. Democrats and Republicans haven't even squared off in the debate ring yet. Whole new ballgame when they do.
People somehow conveniently forget or ignore that Donald Trump has one very large billionaire contributor -- Donald Trump -- and as a consequence of that, he's beholden to nobody other than Donald Trump if/when his whim shifts tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, or even three years from now.

One might respond that Trump is a decent fellow and we should trust in his integrity and high ethical standards. I'm sorry, but I just can't. The plethora of flip-flops, inaccuracies, and questionable ethical dealings just don't make that possible for me.

  • For Trump, the truth is a fungible thing.

Frankly, I rather like that political candidates, at least insofar as Trump goes, have some very material degree of dependency on "somebody," be it rank and file voters, large segments of industry, special interest groups, or others. And isn't being beholden to a large segment, if not the majority, of a polity the whole point of democracy? Installing Trump as President strikes me as little other than willfully voting for a dictator as the man has no reason to give a damn, in spite of his rhetoric, about what anyone else wants. I'm sorry, but Donald Trump is no Mother Theresa, or even close.

NONSENSE! What you call "flip-flops, inaccuracies, and questionable ethical dealings" is nothing more than a pile of partisan propaganda from democrats, GOP establishment losers, and a very anti-Trump MSM. You could list 1000 of those kind of links, and it means absolutely NOTHING. If I wanted to take the time to do it, I could make mincemneat out of every one of them.

And NO! being beholden to a large segment, if not the majority, of a polity, is NOT the whole point of democracy, nor is being beholden to small, very wealthy segments, like the ones Hillary Clinton is beholden to (listed in Post # 21).
I know that.
You DON'T know it and the reason why posters like Unkotare are laughing at you, is because this OP and thread has proven you wrong.
not really, or rather....not yet, it still could be possible, perhaps?

I followed a lead from your very old link about the money in the 2014 midterms etc....

went to center for responsive politics/ open secrets.org

and the 3 Democratic candidates for the presidency, clinton, sanders, webb have received in what they are calling ''dark money'' or PACS or ''outside money'' and not directly donations to a campaign which are limited....

the democratic candidates 63 million
the republicans $364 million

That's a BIG difference

Rubio was close to hillary's outside money of about $60 million and Cruz is on his way too, and Jeb Bush got near double Hillary's at $118 million and he was only in the presidential race for about a nanosecond.....

Also-Rans: 2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
The rift in the Democratic party is about "new democrats" aka Clintons, Obama, etc. that support deregulation, wall street, and big business. This is a big change from the policies of FDR democrats that believed in commonsense regulations to ensure capitalism works for all. Sanders popularity comes from Democrats and left leaning independents rejecting new democrat policies.
not really, or rather....not yet, it still could be possible, perhaps?

I followed a lead from your very old link about the money in the 2014 midterms etc....

went to center for responsive politics/ open secrets.org

and the 3 Democratic candidates for the presidency, clinton, sanders, webb have received in what they are calling ''dark money'' or PACS or ''outside money'' and not directly donations to a campaign which are limited....

the democratic candidates 63 million
the republicans $364 million

That's a BIG difference

Rubio was close to hillary's outside money of about $60 million and Cruz is on his way too, and Jeb Bush got near double Hillary's at $118 million and he was only in the presidential race for about a nanosecond.....

Also-Rans: 2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
BULLSHIT!! My POST # 4 refuted that nonsense before you even posted it. Did you read the OP ? And my links ? They are showing

$117 Million for Hillary,

$45 Million from Bernie,

and $2 Million for Trump.

So where/how did you come up with the numbers $63 Million and $364 Million ? Did you you add up everything in your links ? Well there were 17 Republicans running, with which to count donations for, as opposed to only a small handful of Democrats. Looks like maybe you don't mind using a little devious deception in your debate methodology. we'll have to keep an eye out for that from here on. I guess 2 words come to mind. NICE TRY.

Summary data for Hillary Clinton, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator Career | OpenSecrets

Summary data for Bernie Sanders, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Summary data for Donald Trump, 2016 Cycle | OpenSecrets
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Here's list of some of Bernie's fat cat donors >>

1. Alphabet Inc (Google) - $255,814

2. University of California - $151,633

3. Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union - $105,000

4. Microsoft Corp - $96,446

5. National Education Assn - $94,861

6. Teamsters Union - $96,393

7. Apple Inc - $85,576

8. Kaiser Permanente - $58,313

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So what is to be done ?.....as Democrats still try to push the lie (even in this thread) that Republicans are tied to big business, and getting the big bucks$$ from them (when it's actually the Democrats who are), Republicans just need to expose the lie for what it is, and show the facts.

Here they are again >> (since they don't seem to be getting understood the first time)

1. The Associated Press reported just before Christmas, “it’s actually the liberal-minded who shelled out the most cash in the just completed midterm elections.”

What’s more, “the two biggest super PACs of 2014,” the “Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC,” were both backed by Democrats.

The AP, using data from the Center for Responsive Politics, continues:

2. “Among the 183 groups that wrote checks of $100,000 or more to another group, Democrats had a 3-to-1 cash advantage.”

3. “Overall, for the campaign season that just ended, donors who gave more than $1 million sent roughly 60 cents of every dollar to liberal groups.

4. “Among the 10 biggest donors, Democrats outspent Republicans by an almost 3-to-1 margin.”

5. “Among groups that funneled more than $100,000 to allies, the top of the list tilted overwhelmingly toward Democrats — a group favoring the GOP doesn’t appear on the list until No. 14.”

6. A little more than two years ago, the AP published a similar story, only this time it reported that “in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican.”

7. “Of the 10 richest House districts,” said the AP, “only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six.”

9.. According to OpenSecrets.org, "from 1989 to 2014 rich donors gave Democrats $1.15 billion — $416 million more than the $736 million given to the GOP.”

10. Investors Business Daily noted that “among the top 10 donors to both parties, Democrat supporters outspent Republican supporters 2-to-1.”

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
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Trump is the NON-CORPORATE CONNECTED Candidate. If you don't want a president who is bought and paid for by Google. Microsoft, Chase Bank, et al fat cats, then vote for Trump. The only candidate free from big corporate $$$ legal bribery.
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not really, or rather....not yet, it still could be possible, perhaps?

I followed a lead from your very old link about the money in the 2014 midterms etc....

went to center for responsive politics/ open secrets.org

and the 3 Democratic candidates for the presidency, clinton, sanders, webb have received in what they are calling ''dark money'' or PACS or ''outside money'' and not directly donations to a campaign which are limited....

the democratic candidates 63 million
the republicans $364 million

That's a BIG difference

Rubio was close to hillary's outside money of about $60 million and Cruz is on his way too, and Jeb Bush got near double Hillary's at $118 million and he was only in the presidential race for about a nanosecond.....

Also-Rans: 2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets
2016 Presidential Race | OpenSecrets

So now that we got your 17 candidates vs 3 ploy cleared up,

From YOUR link >>>

Of the CURRENT Candidates >>>

2 Democrats are spending $363 Million.

3 Republicans are spending $177 Million.

Yes, "BIG difference", indeed.

If anybody is doing the high bidding in this AUCTION, it's the Democrats, just as the OP, the Associated Press, and the Center for Responsive Politics has been saying. (see Post # 34)
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For all my life, I have been hearing Democrats railing that the the voters should vote for them, because they supposedly are not pressured by big corporate donors$$, as they have always claimed Republicans are.

I'm not a Democrat, so maybe you will whine about making a comment in your thread. Perhaps you will even report me for some kind of violation, but, where does this opening sentence in your OP come from.

You are a far left drone and will be voting for Clinton as you are commanded to do so by your rich white masters..

Another far left drone failed post!
3 years ago, the laughingstock publication Rolling Stone said this >> “modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the 1% — the Party of the Rich”

Oh yeah ? Guess again.

1. The Associated Press reported just before Christmas, “it’s actually the liberal-minded who shelled out the most cash in the just completed midterm elections.”

What’s more, “the two biggest super PACs of 2014,” the “Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC,” were both backed by Democrats.

The AP, using data from the Center for Responsive Politics, continues:

2. “Among the 183 groups that wrote checks of $100,000 or more to another group, Democrats had a 3-to-1 cash advantage.”

3. “Overall, for the campaign season that just ended, donors who gave more than $1 million sent roughly 60 cents of every dollar to liberal groups.”

4. “Among the 10 biggest donors, Democrats outspent Republicans by an almost 3-to-1 margin.”

5. “Among groups that funneled more than $100,000 to allies, the top of the list tilted overwhelmingly toward Democrats — a group favoring the GOP doesn’t appear on the list until No. 14.”

6. A little more than two years ago, the AP published a similar story, only this time it reported that “in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican.”

7. “Of the 10 richest House districts,” said the AP, “only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six.”

9.. According to OpenSecrets.org, "from 1989 to 2014 rich donors gave Democrats $1.15 billion — $416 million more than the $736 million given to the GOP.”

10. Investors Business Daily noted that “among the top 10 donors to both parties, Democrat supporters outspent Republican supporters 2-to-1.”

Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is

Why don't you look at the things republicans advocate compared to democrats. Republicans only work for the rich, and religious nuts, while democrats work for the working people.

Another far left drone failed post.
I look at life realistically and factually. I am not relentlessly stupid like you, meaning you relentlessly stick to your "feelz" instead of facing the facts. Trump can't win. 60 to 65% of the nation have no intention of permitting him to be president.
HA HA HA!! If you insist on displaying your stupidity, I have no objections. For your edification, there is nothing dumber than believing polls about a November election in April, before even Republican-democrat debates have begun. Please get a brain. No such thing as a poll in April pertaining to an election in November. Democrats and Republicans haven't even squared off in the debate ring yet. Whole new ballgame when they do.
keep sticking with your 'feelz' and I and many others will be laughing at you this fall big time.

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