Ok, but...


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Identifying the problem is easy. Solving it...not so much:

"Tensions are rising in Northeast Asia, threatening more than a generation of peace and prosperity that has made the region’s growth and development the envy of the world. Regional reaction to China’s declaration of an “air defense identification zone” encompassing areas controlled by South Korea and Japan is the latest sign that longstanding rivalries, territorial disputes, and historical antagonisms increasingly have the potential to result in conflict.

The downturn in relations between China and Japan and between Japan and South Korea represents a serious challenge to regional stability and a deep concern to the United States, which has a major stake in the region and important alliances with both Seoul and Tokyo.

Many of the Northeast Asia region’s problems have deep roots and long histories, and emotion and resentment play a significant role in keeping old disputes alive. If the region is to avoid conflict, it must find a way to move past the often-tragic legacy of its history. China, Japan, and Korea must understand the seriousness of the situation and share responsibility for addressing it. Failure to do so is not an option, since the region’s stability and prosperity are at stake."

What to do? Can the issues facing the region in the present be resolved in light of deeply-held historical grudges?

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