Oil not there to protect your Sultanates


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Prime Minister of Turkey critized Muslim countries at a ceremony.
Many figures from Muslim World were there, including OIC general.

He said, that they should not be offended, but they do nothing for their oil and that the oil in their countries is a blessing and it is not there just to protect their personal wealth in their Sultanates. The 57 member Organization of Islamic Conference so far has pledged only 1 Billion $ to flood victim Pakistan. He declared this sum as comical and those range of sums would not help Pakistan.

Aid campaigns are still going on in Turkey. So far it is predicted, that over 100 Million have been collected in these campaigns.

The Turkish Red Crescent has sent 284.000 Tonnes of aid material to Pakistan.

Türkiye’den Pakistan’a yardým seferberliði - Hürriyet Gündem

The First Lady was already in Pakistan.
Erdogan announced, that he also will travel to Pakistan after Sunday's national referendum. He will take with him a large technical delegation to asses the damages of the flood in Pakistan.

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