Oil Companies Should Stop Wasting Much Needed Gasoline Making Asphalt & Plastic


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Oil Companies Should Stop Wasting Needed Gasoline Making Asphalt, Plastic & Heating Oil because we need more gas for cars.

That is as stupid as people telling farmers to stop wasting corn food on ethanol.

NEWS FLASH!!! - Ethanol plants produce a co-product. It is called animal feed DDGs (Distillers Dried Grains) You take feed corn to the ethanol plants & you get back both food & fuel!!!

Cattle that would have eaten the corn to supplement their diet, now eat distillers grains as that part of their balanced diet. Equal or better performance (rates of gain for beef cattle or milk yield in dairy cows) are usually reported from cows that get up to 20% of their diet from DDG feed are compared with control corn diets.

The corn going to the ethanol plants comes out as corn protein called DDGs (Distiller Dried Grains). Only the corn starch is made into ethanol. The corn starch that was feed to animals caused methane farts & burps. These methane emissions were released into the atmosphere. It was not making beef, hamburgers, steaks or milk. Methane gas is 15 times more powerful of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Now this starch is converted into ethanol instead of methane gas. All the corn's feed value still remains in DDG feed to feed all the earth's animals the same as corn did.
DDGs aren't that big of a profit maker.

Second of all, Ethanol is an inferior energy product. It produces less than half the energy of gasoline at 10 times the production price. Then there's the damage to the engines that use it. It damages water tables by consuming a LOT of water to produce, when burnt it produces even MORE CO2 than Gasoline, and God help you if you live near one of their production facilities. You can expect to get serious illnesses soon. Maybe not Hexachromium 6 type illness like Erin Brockovich caught PG&E mucking with... but serious none the less. And of course, it's EROEI is barely more than what it takes to produce.

And we balance all this crap out with DDGs???

I'll pass. Gimme Gas. poot!
Oh, and still, Man cannot cause Global warming, so this is a worthless solution to a non-problem.
I don't necessarily mind you touting ethanol, even though it is in fact one of the greatest bullshit marketing scams ever shoved down the throats of Americans...

... just don't preface your tirades with nonsensical fantasies about petroleum or the petroleum industry.

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