Ohio public high school cancels (Islamic) Hijab Day; Tenured principal is unapologetic

Mar 27, 2012
An Ohio public high school tried to have its females students cover their faces with (Islamic) hijabs ("A covered girl challenge"). Parents caught wind of it and protested. The principal, Mindy McCarty-Stewart canceled it. This is apparently a snippet of a letter sent to parents:

The event was meant to combat stereotypes students may face when wearing head coverings, McCarty-Stewart wrote, but "as the event spread beyond our school community, however, we received many strong messages that made me reconsider the event's ability to meet its objectives.

"I now realize that as adults we should have given our students better guidance. After much consideration and after talking with the student event organizers, we have canceled the event."

Mrs. Stewart seems to state in the letter that the problem is not that the event would take place or that it was 'student led' but that it was "school sponsored":

The event was sponsored by MHS' Muslim Student Association, but an email promoting it came from MHS' Student Activities Department. In her letter, McCarty-Stewart said that should not have happened.

The event was student-led rather than school-sponsored, she said, adding that MHS will put policies in place to ensure further communication from the school email account is limited to school-sponsored events.

This reasoning is supported by district spokeswoman who actually claims that problem is that adults were too involved:

The event was sponsored by MHS' Muslim Student Association, but an email promoting it came from MHS' Student Activities Department. In her letter, McCarty-Stewart said that should not have happened.

The event was student-led rather than school-sponsored, she said, adding that MHS will put policies in place to ensure further communication from the school email account is limited to school-sponsored events.

Mason principal cancels Muslim event apologizes
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5th post
An Ohio public high school tried to have its females students cover their faces with (Islamic) hijabs ("A covered girl challenge"). Parents caught wind of it and protested. The principal, Mindy McCarty-Stewart canceled it. This is apparently a snippet of a letter sent to parents:

The event was meant to combat stereotypes students may face when wearing head coverings, McCarty-Stewart wrote, but "as the event spread beyond our school community, however, we received many strong messages that made me reconsider the event's ability to meet its objectives.

"I now realize that as adults we should have given our students better guidance. After much consideration and after talking with the student event organizers, we have canceled the event."

Mrs. Stewart seems to state in the letter that the problem is not that the event would take place or that it was 'student led' but that it was "school sponsored":

The event was sponsored by MHS' Muslim Student Association, but an email promoting it came from MHS' Student Activities Department. In her letter, McCarty-Stewart said that should not have happened.

The event was student-led rather than school-sponsored, she said, adding that MHS will put policies in place to ensure further communication from the school email account is limited to school-sponsored events.

This reasoning is supported by district spokeswoman who actually claims that problem is that adults were too involved:

The event was sponsored by MHS' Muslim Student Association, but an email promoting it came from MHS' Student Activities Department. In her letter, McCarty-Stewart said that should not have happened.

The event was student-led rather than school-sponsored, she said, adding that MHS will put policies in place to ensure further communication from the school email account is limited to school-sponsored events.

Mason principal cancels Muslim event apologizes

I'm all for cross-cultural enlightenment or whatever, but insofar as adopting the trappings of other religions, that seems more than a tad disrespectful. For Muslims, the hijab has meaning and significance. Thinking of it as the Jewish kippa, I'd be a bit annoyed if everyone wore it. You know some are gonna do it mockingly and such.

Are endless better ways of teaching about other religions and cultures than co-opting their devotions and such.
Damn if the country fucks in Okiehoma didn't try to indoctrinate me with their culture of Western day dress and having to learn square dancing....
No whey did I want any part of their cornball racism...
A failed attempt at Islamic indoctrination.

You think that putting American girls in a veil would make them want to be Muslim?


What I think is, where the hell are all the liberals screaming separation of church and state, like when they see a teacher wearing a cross?
A failed attempt at Islamic indoctrination.

You think that putting American girls in a veil would make them want to be Muslim?


What I think is, where the hell are all the liberals screaming separation of church and state, like when they see a teacher wearing a cross?
Considering that it had nothing to do with learning a religion,or being taught a religion I can't see the reason for the uproar...
It's indoctrination, moon. Another school was teaching Pillars. Another has kids making prayer rugs and bowing on them. It is a mindset of a religion, while Christianity and other religions are shunned. Want to teach kids about Muslims? Show pictures of the girls that were kidnapped and bloody school desks. We need to stop prettying up the Muslim Spring.
You think they care what the girls want?

If the goal is indoctrination, this would primarily accomplish alienation. But, it might make them more tolerant of other people's religious rights, and that's sometimes a good thing. Empathy is a valuable skill.

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