Ohio Father Murders Three Sons in a Cold-Blooded Execution-Style

Watch the Youtube clip of the police arresting him. He's calm and compliant when they show up. Something is not right. Sick fuck. You can find his facebook page and see those three little boys he murdered. Those boys looked so precious.

Well the dude was sick. Tragic story. Unfortunately this has been happening since the beginning of time. Good news is this guy will never walk the streets again.
You remind me of a dude I know that went to Norte Dame, when he was going there he would talk shit about how they had 11 National Championships in football and I had to remind him that 10 of the came before he was alive.
What he won't say is that his party created an amendment to make slavery constitutional and that the EP only applied to states that seceded. Or that they did nothing to stop Jim Crow after slavery.
Bu-but the problem is lack of fathers in the home...

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