Oh yes a great definition of 21st century liberalism

"But this is only half of the story. Our liberal friends, following the advice of Herbert Marcuse, have determined that only they are allowed to organize and protest, and anyone organizing against the ruling class is a hate group and not to be allowed to protest, and anyone speaking against the beliefs of the ruling class is guilty of hate speech and not to be endured."
Good ole Marcuse...
The rich sure know how to play the working class, too funny. One wonders if they will ever wake and figure out they are being played or will they continue to wait for their ticket to mar-a-lago? Be good and follow righties your ticket is coming.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

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