Oh whoops, you can get it from touching contaminated surfaces after all....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I'm so tired of hearing about people who haven't even passed 21 days since being exposed to ebola "don't have it" and how people who have passed the 21 days are "clear". They don't know. The incubation period varies, 21 days is by no means exclusive, and the testing is impossibly flawed. Oh and guess what...you can get it from surfaces, and you can get it on a bus, and you can get it from someone who is asymptomatic:

"The World Health Organization has recently conceded that Ebola can indeed be transmitted ‘indirectly, by contact with previously contaminated surfaces and objects’ and in water droplets in sneezes."

"People Who Don’t Show Symptoms Could Be Contagious"

"The media continues to parrot official announcements that exposed people can be declared clear of the disease if after 21 days (the “maximum incubation period for the disease to develop,” according to the New York Times editors, and most other officials commenting on the issue), they do not show the elusive “symptoms”—as if science can, and does, pinpoint a clear demarcation in time after which exposed people can be, with virtual certainty, deemed clear of the disease, or are no longer able to transmit it to others. The process of science generally can identify (imperfectly) how likely people’s contagiousness varies with time from exposure. Typically, studies can identify something of a bell-shaped curve for the distribution of the days that people can show symptoms following their infection. In the case of Ebola, the CDC has determined that from the day of infection to ten or so days it, the count of people who exhibit symptoms rises with each passing day. The count of people exhibiting symptoms declines afterwards, perhaps approaching but never reaching zero.

"An unheralded fact of the Ebola threat is that, according to a study from Drexel University, possibly 12 percent of infected victims never show the fever symptom during the currently recommended 21-day quarantine period."

"We Have Imperfect Ebola Detection Methods."

"Ebola is still an aggressively evolving “variable.” This year a team of researchers has already found more than 300 genetic mutations in the Ebola genome that now “make the 2014 Ebola virus genomes distinct from the viral genomes tied to previous Ebola outbreaks,” a portion of the findings reported in Science. This means that the strain of the virus that now threatens Americans (or could threaten the country a year from now) just might be transmitted with more casual contact than in the past."

"...the country’s healthcare officials need to ensure that their Ebola rhetoric matches the science of the disease. They need to level with the public and concede that the Ebola threat, as with most major disease threats with limited medical history, includes a measure of uncertainty (as distinguished from risk) on its spreads and containment that can only be partially cleared with research and experience."

Medical Science Doesn t Support Official Rhetoric On Ebola

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