"Oh Say Can You Seethe"


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"(1) The financial maneuverings of a single hedge fund manager made him enough money in one year to give a $30,000 per year job to every one of the 168,000 unemployed people in Louisiana.

"(2) One year of Bush tax cuts would pay ALL U.S. unemployment benefits.

"(3) If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

"(4) The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States.

"(5) According to Citizens for Tax Justice, 12 of our largest corporations paid an effective tax rate of negative 1.5% on $171 Billion in Profits.

"The oil industry paid only 4% in U.S. federal income taxes over the past three years."

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

Explain to me why those who profit most from "government-funded research, national security, infrastructure, and untaxed financial speculation opportunities" should feel victimized when they're asked to repay the system that made them rich?
Some people just can't be jealous without showing it...

i can't think of a single thing i've agreed with george about, but it's not about "jealousy" any more than jihadis "hate us for our freedom". it's about the fact that we have the WORST disparity between rich and poor of any western nation.

you can't have a great country where 1% of the population sucks up 95% of the wealth.

no matter what you rightwingnuts say.
"(1) The financial maneuverings of a single hedge fund manager made him enough money in one year to give a $30,000 per year job to every one of the 168,000 unemployed people in Louisiana.

"(2) One year of Bush tax cuts would pay ALL U.S. unemployment benefits.

"(3) If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

"(4) The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States.

"(5) According to Citizens for Tax Justice, 12 of our largest corporations paid an effective tax rate of negative 1.5% on $171 Billion in Profits.

"The oil industry paid only 4% in U.S. federal income taxes over the past three years."

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

Explain to me why those who profit most from "government-funded research, national security, infrastructure, and untaxed financial speculation opportunities" should feel victimized when they're asked to repay the system that made them rich?

Give them a job doing what? Or maybe just hand out the money to them?

All the numbers you quote are probably manipulated to make your point anyway. All of these studies showing tax paid, percentages of income etc are smoke and mirrors anyway.
Some people just can't be jealous without showing it...

i can't think of a single thing i've agreed with george about, but it's not about "jealousy" any more than jihadis "hate us for our freedom". it's about the fact that we have the WORST disparity between rich and poor of any western nation.

you can't have a great country where 1% of the population sucks up 95% of the wealth.

no matter what you rightwingnuts say.

And how does taxing them more fix that? The only way you will get more money from them is if the government then passes the money right to you, or only taxes them instead of you.

At that point, when we rely on a minority for the majority of our governmental income, you know what that is? Taxation without Representation. I kind of remeber us being against that.

I have another solution, lets give every person 1 vote for each dollar in federal taxes they pay. If we are going to make them pay for it, they should at least have a larger say on how it is spent.
It's up to you on how much you earn.. what risks you take.. what you invest in... etc...

Complaining about what a person or a company makes is indeed jealousy...

You have the very same freedoms to succeed or to fail
Some people just can't be jealous without showing it...

i can't think of a single thing i've agreed with george about, but it's not about "jealousy" any more than jihadis "hate us for our freedom". it's about the fact that we have the WORST disparity between rich and poor of any western nation.

you can't have a great country where 1% of the population sucks up 95% of the wealth.

no matter what you rightwingnuts say.

Nope, we don't.
From your link:

"After the longest recession since WWII, many Americans are still struggling while S&P 500 corporations are sitting on $800 billion in cash and making massive profits. Now, economists from Northeastern University have released a study that finds our sluggish economic recovery has almost solely benefited corporations. According to the study:

“'Between the second quarter of 2009 and the fourth quarter of 2010, real national income in the U.S. increased by $528 billion. Pre-tax corporate profits by themselves had increased by $464 billion while aggregate real wages and salaries rose by only $7 billion or only .1%.

"Over this six quarter period, corporate profits captured 88% of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1% of the growth in real national income. …

"The absence of any positive share of national income growth due to wages and salaries received by American workers during the current economic recovery is historically unprecedented.”

Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages | ThinkProgress

Sometime reason and logic are counterproductive.
This economy may have to crash and burn before many conservatives open their eyes to the class war.
From your link:

"After the longest recession since WWII, many Americans are still struggling while S&P 500 corporations are sitting on $800 billion in cash and making massive profits. Now, economists from Northeastern University have released a study that finds our sluggish economic recovery has almost solely benefited corporations. According to the study:

“'Between the second quarter of 2009 and the fourth quarter of 2010, real national income in the U.S. increased by $528 billion. Pre-tax corporate profits by themselves had increased by $464 billion while aggregate real wages and salaries rose by only $7 billion or only .1%.

"Over this six quarter period, corporate profits captured 88% of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than 1% of the growth in real national income. …

"The absence of any positive share of national income growth due to wages and salaries received by American workers during the current economic recovery is historically unprecedented.”

Since 2009, 88 Percent Of Income Growth Went To Corporate Profits, Just One Percent Went To Wages | ThinkProgress

Sometime reason and logic are counterproductive.
This economy may have to crash and burn before many conservatives open their eyes to the class war.

And those corporate profits were distributed into dividends, which go into pension funds, which funds a whole shitload of common people's retirements. Forgot about that part didnt ya?
Some people just can't be jealous without showing it...

i can't think of a single thing i've agreed with george about, but it's not about "jealousy" any more than jihadis "hate us for our freedom". it's about the fact that we have the WORST disparity between rich and poor of any western nation.

you can't have a great country where 1% of the population sucks up 95% of the wealth.

no matter what you rightwingnuts say.
If 90+% of Americans can't get on the same side of this issue, Democracy is dead in the "Land of the Free."
Some people just can't be jealous without showing it...

i can't think of a single thing i've agreed with george about, but it's not about "jealousy" any more than jihadis "hate us for our freedom". it's about the fact that we have the WORST disparity between rich and poor of any western nation.

you can't have a great country where 1% of the population sucks up 95% of the wealth.

no matter what you rightwingnuts say.
If 90+% of Americans can't get on the same side of this issue, Democracy is dead in the "Land of the Free."

Life is not an Atari 2600 with a reset button to hit because you're not winning
"(1) The financial maneuverings of a single hedge fund manager made him enough money in one year to give a $30,000 per year job to every one of the 168,000 unemployed people in Louisiana.

"(2) One year of Bush tax cuts would pay ALL U.S. unemployment benefits.

"(3) If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

"(4) The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States.

"(5) According to Citizens for Tax Justice, 12 of our largest corporations paid an effective tax rate of negative 1.5% on $171 Billion in Profits.

"The oil industry paid only 4% in U.S. federal income taxes over the past three years."

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

Explain to me why those who profit most from "government-funded research, national security, infrastructure, and untaxed financial speculation opportunities" should feel victimized when they're asked to repay the system that made them rich?

Give them a job doing what? Or maybe just hand out the money to them?

All the numbers you quote are probably manipulated to make your point anyway. All of these studies showing tax paid, percentages of income etc are smoke and mirrors anyway.

Are you seriously questioning the amount of infrastructure repair the state of Louisiana currently requires?

There are undoubtedly some distortions in the statistics presented in my article and its links.

Help me find them.
"(1) The financial maneuverings of a single hedge fund manager made him enough money in one year to give a $30,000 per year job to every one of the 168,000 unemployed people in Louisiana.

"(2) One year of Bush tax cuts would pay ALL U.S. unemployment benefits.

"(3) If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

"(4) The trillion EXTRA dollars a year taken by the richest 1% (by TRIPLING their cut of the income pie since 1980) would provide a $50,000 a year job for every college student in the United States.

"(5) According to Citizens for Tax Justice, 12 of our largest corporations paid an effective tax rate of negative 1.5% on $171 Billion in Profits.

"The oil industry paid only 4% in U.S. federal income taxes over the past three years."

Oh Say Can You Seethe.. | Common Dreams

Explain to me why those who profit most from "government-funded research, national security, infrastructure, and untaxed financial speculation opportunities" should feel victimized when they're asked to repay the system that made them rich?

Give them a job doing what? Or maybe just hand out the money to them?

All the numbers you quote are probably manipulated to make your point anyway. All of these studies showing tax paid, percentages of income etc are smoke and mirrors anyway.

Are you seriously questioning the amount of infrastructure repair the state of Louisiana currently requires?

There are undoubtedly some distortions in the statistics presented in my article and its links.

Help me find them.

I'm not the one using them as a basis for my desire to use the government to rob other poeple of thier money.

Also, first, no real skilled construction worker will work for $30k including benefits. People that would do not have the skills, thus requiring training (if they are even capable of it) and additonal money, which of course you want to take from someone else.

As I stated in some of your previous posts, if you want other peoples money so much do the honorable thing and try to steal it yourself, instead of using the government for it.
It's up to you on how much you earn.. what risks you take.. what you invest in... etc...

Complaining about what a person or a company makes is indeed jealousy...

You have the very same freedoms to succeed or to fail
Do you have the same freedom to succeed or fail that AIG had?

I don't.

Why are conservatives afraid of class war?
It's up to you on how much you earn.. what risks you take.. what you invest in... etc...

Complaining about what a person or a company makes is indeed jealousy...

You have the very same freedoms to succeed or to fail
Do you have the same freedom to succeed or fail that AIG had?

I don't.

Why are conservatives afraid of class war?

Because nobody wins, except the leaders of whatever movement that takes power promising "equality, true communism, and a worker's paradise"

We've tried it before, it doesnt work.

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