Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The developers of the so-called Ground Zero mosque rejected New York Gov. David Paterson's offer to provide state property if the project is moved farther away from where the twin towers once stood.

In an effort to appease disputing parties, Paterson had said Tuesday that he would provide state help to the group sponsoring the Cordoba House if the developers opt to move it elsewhere.

"Frankly, if the sponsors were looking for property anywhere at a distance that would be such that it would accommodate a better feeling among the people who are frustrated, I would look into trying to provide them with the state property they would need," Paterson said.

While Paterson has "no objection" to the mosque being built a few blocks away from Ground Zero, he said he’s "very sensitive to the desire of those who are adamant against it to see something else worked out." - Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

so an alternative solution was offered and refused by the tolerants?? how amusing it is.
Are you saying they don't have a right to reject such offers? :eusa_think:
This goes back to the question of WHY they want it so close to the WTC site. My main concern is that sometime in the future a group will try to use the location in the way people are concerned about, as an "in your face" action to the US in general.

The current sponsors of the center claim it is for understanding and reconcilliation, and I guess we have to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they better be real real careful on who they let use the place to project messages, because the first time you get some hard core jihad type muslim group spouting thier crap from the center there is going to be a serious backlash.
I saw this on the news this morning Willow and it pretty well confirms what many of us have been suspecting. I am more and more convinced that the proposed mosque is being promoted by an Imam who has no interest of any kind in promoting good relations or understanding or anything else. The purpose of this mosque is to telegraph to all of radical, extremist Islam that Allah has struck a great blow against the Great Saten. It will be a victory tower in the same genre as many such mosques around the world.
does anyone have the plans for where this mosque will go compared to where the freedom tower, footprints, etc are going to be located?
OH NOEZZ! Someone should start a THREAD ABOUT IT!


I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.
I'm saying you are one stupid dishonest fuck.

Let's be honest Willow, if they had accepted this deal, you would of complained that New York is now supposedly sponsoring Islam meanwhile not giving them any credit for moving their Mosque. So don't give me that bullshit, okay?
I'm looking for a map or diagram Elvis. Meanwhile, here is a pretty good argument against the Mosque at or near ground zero:

[ame=]YouTube - Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque Is it possible to be astonished, but not surprised Jihad Watch[/ame]
OH NOEZZ! Someone should start a THREAD ABOUT IT!



Yes, I know, you'd love for us to shut the fuck up. but it ain't fucking happening so get over it dildo.

oh you'll shut the fuck up, whore.... After this news cycle rinses and repeats doing to you what a laser pointer dot does to a cat YOU'LL shut right the fuck up.
I don't think the government can give a religious group land? They might be able to sell it though, but obviously that is not what the group wants to do.
I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.

I'd LOVE to see you reaction when the GOVERNMENT tells the muslims where to build. Nobody told nobody nuttin DUmmie, an offer was made and rejected so the end story is the muslims are bound and determined to be in yer face to all the families of the 9-11 victims. and I just know you are creaming in yer drawers with happiness over their unhappiness. It's what libturds do.
I saw this on the news this morning Willow and it pretty well confirms what many of us have been suspecting. I am more and more convinced that the proposed mosque is being promoted by an Imam who has no interest of any kind in promoting good relations or understanding or anything else. The purpose of this mosque is to telegraph to all of radical, extremist Islam that Allah has struck a great blow against the Great Saten. It will be a victory tower in the same genre as many such mosques around the world.

I would love to see Willow's reaction if the government was telling a christian church where they could build.

I'd LOVE to see you reaction when the GOVERNMENT tells the muslims where to build. Nobody told nobody nuttin DUmmie, an offer was made and rejected so the end story is the muslims are bound and determined to be in yer face to all the families of the 9-11 victims. and I just know you are creaming in yer drawers with happiness over their unhappiness. It's what libturds do.


nothing says "in your face" quite like a religion building 4 thousand miles from Willow's field of vision...


I mean, who do they think they ARE?!?! Macho Man Randy Savage as he SNAPS INTO A SLIM JIM?!?!?!


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