Of the five people at this alleged party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Four have made statements to the committee saying that this didn't happen. The other woman who was allegedly there has come forward and stated she doesn't know Kavanaugh and wasn't ever at a party with him to her knowledge.

The only one of the five who hasn't made a statement is the alleged victim.

I'm unclear how Any of them other than Judge were identified.

Statements made to the committee are done under oath


Finally found a link

Third Named Witness Rejects Kavanaugh's Accuser's Allegations | National Review
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Four have made statements to the committee saying that this didn't happen. The other woman who was allegedly there has come forward and stated she doesn't know Kavanaugh and wasn't ever at a party with him to her knowledge.

The only one of the five who hasn't made a statement is the alleged victim.

I'm unclear how Any of them other than Judge were identified.

Statements made to the committee are done under oath

Yeah...why should the lack of evidence, changing stories and lack of eye witnesses discredit anything a political activist hack has to say about a good man when a Supreme Court seat is up for grabs?
Four have made statements to the committee saying that this didn't happen. The other woman who was allegedly there has come forward and stated she doesn't know Kavanaugh and wasn't ever at a party with him to her knowledge.

The only one of the five who hasn't made a statement is the alleged victim.

I'm unclear how Any of them other than Judge were identified.

Statements made to the committee are done under oath

Yeah...why should the lack of evidence, changing stories and lack of eye witnesses discredit anything a political activist hack has to say about a good man when a Supreme Court seat is up for grabs?
It's really weird how the left jumped on this womans claim. There just isnt anything there.
These democrooks are sick people. We need to keep defeating them. The more loony they look, the more we keep winning.
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I seriously hope this Kavanaugh witch trial energizes the GOP to get out the vote
It's really weird how the left jumped on this. There just isnt anything there.

I don't see the slightest thing weird about it.

You have moonbats talking as if they've witnessed a rape themselves 35 years ago, they're THAT CERTAIN the judge can't be nominated.

Of course it's absolute desperation, but the most pathetic sort. If they had frontal lobes they would be embarrassed.

I seriously hope this Kavanaugh witch trial energizes the GOP to get out the vote

I hope so too.

I recall the 2002 election, that's when I really started to hate leftists, and I knew the media was fully corrupted by them beyond a doubt. Their smug, pseudo-intellectual assessment of the result is that the voters had a temper tantrum. As if we were wrong to reject democrooks because they were tangibly working to undermine Bush on the handful of thing he did that I agreed with, and even after all the shit he did that disgusted me to "compromise" with democrooks, they always acted like petty children and insisted "it didn't go far enough".

I hope the same quiet rage is building underneath the surface, and on election night I hope the likes of Rachel Madcow and whomever else the "popular" meat puppet apparatchiks on TV lately are loose their minds when democrooks somehow lose more seats than they had before. I hope there are suicides and mass migrations by moonbats to leftist shitholes and that their passports are shredded upon attempted re-entry...

I seriously hope this Kavanaugh witch trial energizes the GOP to get out the vote

I hope so too.

And I truly am puzzled by such a large group of people latching with almost desperation onto this nothing burger of a deal.

They are getting so far out there, it's ridiculous and they seem to be pushing independants and a lot of their own base away. You'd think they would shake their head, come to their senses and get to working on repairing their frizzle frazzled party.
you mean like the scum in any given bathroom in a chinese buffett in San Fransisco?


Even if the bacteria mutated into a pandemic, the death toll wouldn't come close to what the establishment of a collective globalist government would murder just for the sake of managing the human resource.

There is no scum, filth, parasite, evil or detrimental thing equal to or worse than a moonbat.

There is no more deadly a weapon someone could wield than a horde of moonbats with ballots.

The proof is all well documented through the history of marxism and it's influence in government.
Four have made statements to the committee saying that this didn't happen. The other woman who was allegedly there has come forward and stated she doesn't know Kavanaugh and wasn't ever at a party with him to her knowledge.

The only one of the five who hasn't made a statement is the alleged victim.

I'm unclear how Any of them other than Judge were identified.

Statements made to the committee are done under oath

Yeah...why should the lack of evidence, changing stories and lack of eye witnesses discredit anything a political activist hack has to say about a good man when a Supreme Court seat is up for grabs?
It's really weird how the left jumped on this womans claim. There just isnt anything there.

it isnt weird at all

it is how they operate

outside of the law wherever whenever they can
Since Ford initially didn't know who was at the party maybe she was mistaken and needs to name more witnesses.
Since Ford initially didn't know who was at the party maybe she was mistaken and needs to name more witnesses.

Yes...we need more people named by Ford who will also testify that it didn't happen..... what is the point where the number of witnesses who say it didn't happen outnumbers the one woman, a partisan hack, who says it did happen?

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