Of Dogs And Rugs

Of dogs and the rugs they wear.

Hillary is what 62 or 67? You REALLY think blonde is her hair color?
Doesn't matter what Trump wants to do. He won't be around long enough for any of it.
Nothing lies like a rug unless it'a democrat and this week on the boards here and elsewhere it has been more then evident.

They tout the Trump tax plan as "He is saving the rich". He IS in fact cutting their tax rate from 39.6 to 25%. But the fail/ignore and avoid telling the truth about who else his tax plan helps. And two of those groups are the ones I wish to talk about.

This helps a HUGE group of people just starting out in the work force. Burger flippers and nurses aides. It also helps the elderly on fixed income. Most if not all on SS would have no tax.

Is it not time we rewarded both those groups? The ones that have and the ones that will? Those two groups have been ignored forever and that help would not only be welcome but is long overdue as needed.

In most cases this is the second stage of life for the burger flipper or the nurses aide. They get married and fish their education or learn a trade. What do most newly married couples want? They want a safe home and a good car. And unlike the current tax code there is NO penalty for getting married. So it PROMOTES family and two parent homes.

It also again helps another group, retirees. The elderly couple living on SS would NOT be paying a tax in most if not all cases. So once again you have rewarded those who have and those who wish to do. Is that not what really is fair?

So before you buy into the democrats saying "It ONLY helps the rich again" CRAP. Read the plan and look at YOUR future under it. For DECADES democrats have promised but NO results NO actions and NO plan.

You have THE plan before you. It's a plan that rewards youth and effort and its a plan that rewards families. It's a plan that says thank you to the elderly the disabled veteran. It IS one of the most up front honest and humane tax plans EVER presented. It's more then worthy your look. It's worthy your effort and support.


Would a gay married couple get a tax break? :confused-84:
I think by current law they would.
So why wouldn't liberals be applauding this plan? Tax breaks for queers? What's not to love?
Of dogs and the rugs they wear.

Hillary is what 62 or 67? You REALLY think blonde is her hair color?

Do I care, fanboy?
No, and YOU and YOUR kind are the VERY reason this country is in the sh#t hole it is. Now beat it homo.

Is Donald Trump 2016’s most LGBT-friendly Republican?
Is Donald Trump 2016's most LGBT-friendly Republican?

In his 2000 book, “The America That We Deserve,” Trump outlined his dream of a nation “unencumbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax policies, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation.” Eleven years later, Trump told CBN’s “The Brody File” that gay people were “tremendous” and that “there can be no discrimination against gays.”
Nothing lies like a rug unless it'a democrat and this week on the boards here and elsewhere it has been more then evident.

They tout the Trump tax plan as "He is saving the rich". He IS in fact cutting their tax rate from 39.6 to 25%. But they fail/ignore and avoid telling the truth about who else his tax plan helps. And two of those groups are the ones I wish to talk about.

This helps a HUGE group of people just starting out in the work force. Burger flippers and nurses aides. It also helps the elderly on fixed income. Most if not all on SS would have no tax.

Is it not time we rewarded both those groups? The ones that have and the ones that will? Those two groups have been ignored forever and that help would not only be welcome but is long overdue as needed.

In most cases this is the second stage of life for the burger flipper or the nurses aide. They get married and fisnish their education or learn a trade. What do most newly married couples want? They want a safe home and a good car. And unlike the current tax code there is NO penalty for getting married. So it PROMOTES family and two parent homes.

It also again helps another group, retirees. The elderly couple living on SS would NOT be paying a tax in most if not all cases. So once again you have rewarded those who have and those who wish to do. Is that not what really is fair?

So before you buy into the democrats saying "It ONLY helps the rich again" CRAP. Read the plan and look at YOUR future under it. For DECADES democrats have promised but NO results NO actions and NO plan.

You have THE plan before you. It's a plan that rewards youth and effort and its a plan that rewards families. It's a plan that says thank you to the elderly the disabled veteran. It IS one of the most up front honest and humane tax plans EVER presented. It's more then worthy your look. It's worthy your effort and support.


How do pay for government if you don't collect taxes? We're already borrowing a third of what we spend at the federal level.
Wold a gay married couple get a tax break?

are you in that category? if not don't worry about it.

"Wold" ?......... :lmao:
Hey, it was 11:30 at night and I had a migraine.

As far as the question goes, I was using the Socratic method on him in an effort to highlight points in the plan that opponents would clearly like. . .

Apparently all efforts fell flat. :eusa_shifty:

Personally, if left up to me, I think government should get out of the marriage business all together. Then the elites couldn't use the issue to divide folks against each other. Straights, Gays, Fags, Cis, Trans, whatever. . . . everyone could do whatever they want. . . . government wouldn't give a shit, because the law wouldn't recognized anything but civil partnerships.

On a personal note, I'm sort of torn on the whole issue. I've had so many friends that are queer, and they are wonderful folks.

Yet, I really do think, (according to the research I've reviewed) that this is an increasing mental neuralogical disorder that happens in utero. It is either caused by the increasing amounts of stress, radiation, and/or chemicals that women have to cope with during pregnancy in our modern world. This would explain homo latent tendencies that occur during developmental stages of the fetus.(If you would like links for this, I can supply them.) But then, there is also the liberalization of the culture. Perversion has also been made socially acceptable by elites that have a eugenic policy agenda.

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