Of course the moon landings were real!

deaddude said:
because if the were not growing at the bottom of the thrench then the lowest point in the ocean would remain the same.

If you are saying that the material which makes the sponges up would be removed from the ocean then the volume of the ocean would change and location would not matter.

Even if the sponges did not grow the volume of the ocean would remain the same. The sponges could not grow without the material being available to begin with, it does not spontaneously appear. Therefore when a sponge grows it takes nothing from the volume, nor adds to the volume of the ocean and would effect nothing if sponges had never evolved.
So the amount of water the sponge absorbs is equal to the amount of water that would be replaced by squeezing out the sponge after taking it out of the ocean.

Total mass of sponge in ocean = (volume of water displaced by sponge)+(mass of sponge)+(water put back into ocean from said sponge).
Big Blue Machin said:
What are we talking about?

Your post #8:

"But does anyone have any questions that they would like to be answered by me?"


Don't you know what we are talking about?
I see a few posted fox's special.
but has anyone thought how they had a video camera outside of the landing before any man stepped foot on the moon! did we send a robot out to capture the first steps coming off? and how was armstrong stepping into the shadows yet we could make him out pretty freakin good. (there is only the sun up there not someone with a flash light).
also wonder how there is dust that caculates on the moon every year. I know it is a very very small percent, but how long has the moon been around, millionssss of years. so that would add to a pretty dusty moon, which would mean that when they landed they would have SUNK quicker then quick sand and fell more then 1 inch.
- or maybe the world has been only trully around less then 7,000 years. as a few christians believe.

I am one of those crazy nuts who think we did not land on the moon. just because no one can answer me on those two simple questions.

did anyone know besides china or japan (don't remember who created it), but they made a telescope that had a redicolous zoom on it, yet they could never find a footprint or a flag. USA stated the exact location. and the moon is pretty much one colour, and the flag is red white and blue. shouldn't be to hard to find.
also why is it to hard for other countries to do it. no country gives up just because another one got to it first. vikings had the first ship, but everyone else didn't give up. france had the first car, but did that stop the rest of the world? . . . so why would the swits, china, japan, france just quit because america got the cheese first.
Here is a page from the Bad Astronomer debunking the "Theory" that we never went to the moon.

He did this after Fox did a story on the "Theory".

this guy did some explaining. but so far I want to debunk him. he states how you put flour on the ground and then blow really hard. and the flour goes all around but some lands pretty cose to where you blew it. . . . . . I hope this guy does realize that it is not as much that lands near that spot where you blew. also there is many other gapping holes. so why did every foot step go "puff" and all were the same amount to go p in the air?

and the he talks about the belt which outside of america astranauts said would kill you sense it is radiation. well everyone; including america, knew it was there. america says they went threw it to fast for them to get sick. america said it took a hour to get through the belt. yet radiation for cancer patients last barelly 6 minutes. and just ofr those 6 minutes people still complain about feeling sick and dizzy, yet our astranauts were in radiation for a HOUR and they were 100% feeling great. not one said they were dizzy. the only time they couldn't walk was when they got home, and they said it was cause of the muscles weaing down.

another great question is when they got back they said how they couldn't walk. there legs were jell-o. first question; they moved those arms with a ease to wave at every camera. and the mission only took 3 days and a few hours. I know more then a handful of people who have been in the hospital bed to were they could not move, but after a week they still were able to walk to there car with no problem (I know hospitals make you sit in a wheel chair out, but those people do always get out of the wheel chairs right when they get outside usually, and they seem to be walking fine.)

yes I sent these questions and many others to that guy. and I am guessing he does not know it all, but I am guessing he will give me the same answer as the rest of NASA scientist, they beat a bush, and still make no sense and basically say how they don't know.
Just try to imagine how much further we'd be in space exploration if we'd spend even 1/10th on NASA as the DoD.

I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that this species has a death wish.
The moon hoax is not a thoery, it is a hypothesis. A theory is when you have evidence already. A hypothesis is when you say something and you are trying to prove it.

This conspirasy hypothesis about us never landing on the moon is complete ignorance. Of course we did it. The reason people think we didn't, is that they are out to make a buck and also get attention for thinking abnormally. People blieve it because they are uneducated and gullable. I can answer all those questions you people might have about the aspects of the moon landings.

We shouldn't have stopped until Apollo 20. We need to explore space first hand. Robots on Mars is a good start, but "Man must explore" in the words of Apollo 15 Commander Dave Scott. "For this I am sure, that man has learned that space is his to explore, and man will return to space to explore, to the moon and beyond" Dr George Low, former duty NASA adminstrator.

Some people say the space program was a waste. We spent 27 people to the moon and 12 to walk on its surface. We brought back almost a ton of moon rocks and soil. We took great pictures that we last forever. We had great memories from each landing:

-Apollo 8:They witness the first earth-rise in man's history

-Apollo 10:They first test the LM in the moon's orbit

-Apollo 11:Neil Armstrong's imortal words

-Apollo 12:pete Conrad's pariody of Armstrong

-Apollo 14:Al Shepard practices his golfswing

-Apollo 15:The falcon feather and hammer drop

-Apollo 16:The Lunar Grand Prix

-Apollo 17:The finding of orange volanic soil and Gene Cernan's last words from the moon.

"May the spirit in which we came be reflected in the lives of all mankind" The plague that Apollo 17 left, December 1972 AD.
The Artemis III mission is expected to take off later this decade. But much of the technology the mission will require, including spacesuits for walking on the moon and a lunar lander to ferry the astronauts to the moon’s surface, is still in development.

If we already landed on the moon don't we already have space suits?

What do they mean the suits are still in development? Didn't we develop them in the 70's? All the guys who landed on the moon came back healthy so we know they work. This makes me believe we didn't actually already land on the moon.

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