Of all those "clever" promises that Trump has made.......


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
.......there is one that will be a real bitch to fulfill and even the most ardent of blind followers of this charlatan will have to finally admit that he is full of what many of us would call doo-doo.

Trump HAS been able to convince his acolytes that 5 million "illegals" cost him the popular vote that we would have otherwise won.

Trump HAS been able to convince his acolytes that his obvious conflicts of interests should be disregarded because.......well, because he is the greatest businessman that ever walked the planet and he is due what no other person who ever sat in the oval office has been given.

Trump HAS been able to convince his acolytes that regardless of the promise that "Mexico will pay for the wall" our collective tax dollars will have to foot the expensive bill to boost Trump's ego.

HOWEVER, the promise of repealing the ACA and replacing it with a system that will insure ALL Americans and be cheaper and better than anything we've ever seen, is going to be quite the disappointment even for the most mindless of his followers.

On another thread I asked how long before we would see this "marvelous" plan....and in answering my own question, I would say that if this miracle does not happen before republicans in congress begin campaigning for the 2018 election cycle.........the finale of the tale about the emperor with no clothes will play out for all of us to see......................Should be fun......
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The health care insurance debacle may turn out to be Trump's Achilles' Heel....
Eventually, even "Teflon" wears off. .

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