O'Donnell Raising More Campaign Funds


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Topple a Republican icon. Clash on TV with a well-known political strategist. Get days of national press attention.

What does all that get you?

If you’re Delaware’s Christine O’Donnell, the new Republican nominee for Senate, it translates into big bucks.

In just the first 48 hours after her stunning upset of Representative Michael N. Castle, Ms. O’Donnell has raised more than $1.3 million, according to an accounting by her campaign’s Web site.

O'Donnell Raising More Campaign Funds - NYTimes.com

And if her website is accurate then she's close to $1.6 million now. I don't support her by any stretch, but that is an impressive amount of money to raise in such a short time. It looks like this race will be more interesting than originally thought.
I don't really support her all that much either, but I do like that the establishment DOESN'T like her. That's gotta be good.

She's done some stupid shit in her past, and she has some wacky social positions, but if she does what she says she'll do economically, we'll be ok.
I'm leery about the establishment's take on her though...

Rove coming out saying he doesn't like her could be a ploy to get the moderates to vote for her just because he DOESN'T like her, and then she double crosses us like most other republicans have.

You can't put ANYTHING past Rove.
We can't send O"Donnell! We need to keep sending people with perfect FICO scores to Washington DC because they're the ones who've racked up annual Trillion dollar deficits.
I'm leery about the establishment's take on her though...

Rove coming out saying he doesn't like her could be a ploy to get the moderates to vote for her just because he DOESN'T like her, and then she double crosses us like most other republicans have.

Personally I thought that was one of the more principled things Rove has ever said. Though I see no real difference in O'Donnell and Rove when it comes down to it. She's said some things he may not agree with, but they're both neocons in the end.

We've had our second annual $1 Trillion deficit, O'Donnell is the LEAST of it. Many other places and times in history they'd be blood in the streets
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I'm leery about the establishment's take on her though...

Rove coming out saying he doesn't like her could be a ploy to get the moderates to vote for her just because he DOESN'T like her, and then she double crosses us like most other republicans have.

Personally I thought that was one of the more principled things Rove has ever said. Though I see no real difference in O'Donnell and Rove when it comes down to it. She's said some things he may not agree with, but they're both neocons in the end.

That's why I suspect Rove may be tricking the voters by saying that.

The establishment may very well WANT O'Donnell, and is using reverse psychology. It's right out of Rove's election playbook.

He's the election genius, afterall.
If her past is any indication, she'll do her best to squander it. Though it will be just more money for her to use for herself instead of the campaign as in the past as well.
I'm leery about the establishment's take on her though...

Rove coming out saying he doesn't like her could be a ploy to get the moderates to vote for her just because he DOESN'T like her, and then she double crosses us like most other republicans have.

Personally I thought that was one of the more principled things Rove has ever said. Though I see no real difference in O'Donnell and Rove when it comes down to it. She's said some things he may not agree with, but they're both neocons in the end.

That's why I suspect Rove may be tricking the voters by saying that.

The establishment may very well WANT O'Donnell, and is using reverse psychology. It's right out of Rove's election playbook.

He's the election genius, afterall.

Well now that she's won the primary the establishment certainly does want her, but only because they want a Republican in that seat. They don't care who it is, so long as they're a Republican.
I live in NY and will find a way to get some money into her campaign.I want her to get as much help as possible.I don't understand why Rove and the rest would want a Senator that votes with the Democrats on major legislation.The past is just that.I'm not looking for us to find a person that's perfect from the time they are born till the time they die.That person will never exist.I'm interested in what they are willing to do in Washington for the people that elected them.
Personally I thought that was one of the more principled things Rove has ever said. Though I see no real difference in O'Donnell and Rove when it comes down to it. She's said some things he may not agree with, but they're both neocons in the end.

That's why I suspect Rove may be tricking the voters by saying that.

The establishment may very well WANT O'Donnell, and is using reverse psychology. It's right out of Rove's election playbook.

He's the election genius, afterall.

Well now that she's won the primary the establishment certainly does want her, but only because they want a Republican in that seat. They don't care who it is, so long as they're a Republican.

You and I differ there. The establishment doesn't want real fiscal conservatives, because the status quo has been to continue moving farther left regardless of what party is in office.

Small government conservatism is in no way a real goal of the establishment. The republicans have had a multitude of opportunities to easily accomplish small government solutions across the board, and have barely accomplished any. In fact, they've done the opposite in most cases.

They could have done something about SS. They could have cut the DOE. But they didn't.

The only real small government conservative in 08 was Paul, and you see what they did to him. You watched the other candidates clearly steal his talking points while the media silenced him as much as possible to allow the other candidates to pay them lip service.

The goals of the establishment transcend left and right. There's something bigger.
That's why I suspect Rove may be tricking the voters by saying that.

The establishment may very well WANT O'Donnell, and is using reverse psychology. It's right out of Rove's election playbook.

He's the election genius, afterall.

Well now that she's won the primary the establishment certainly does want her, but only because they want a Republican in that seat. They don't care who it is, so long as they're a Republican.

You and I differ there. The establishment doesn't want real fiscal conservatives, because the status quo has been to continue moving farther left regardless of what party is in office.

Small government conservatism is in no way a real goal of the establishment. The republicans have had a multitude of opportunities to easily accomplish small government solutions across the board, and have barely accomplished any. In fact, they've done the opposite in most cases.

They could have done something about SS. They could have cut the DOE. But they didn't.

The only real small government conservative in 08 was Paul, and you see what they did to him. You watched the other candidates clearly steal his talking points while the media silenced him as much as possible to allow the other candidates to pay them lip service.

The goals of the establishment transcend left and right. There's something bigger.

No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.
Well now that she's won the primary the establishment certainly does want her, but only because they want a Republican in that seat. They don't care who it is, so long as they're a Republican.

You and I differ there. The establishment doesn't want real fiscal conservatives, because the status quo has been to continue moving farther left regardless of what party is in office.

Small government conservatism is in no way a real goal of the establishment. The republicans have had a multitude of opportunities to easily accomplish small government solutions across the board, and have barely accomplished any. In fact, they've done the opposite in most cases.

They could have done something about SS. They could have cut the DOE. But they didn't.

The only real small government conservative in 08 was Paul, and you see what they did to him. You watched the other candidates clearly steal his talking points while the media silenced him as much as possible to allow the other candidates to pay them lip service.

The goals of the establishment transcend left and right. There's something bigger.

No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

I think that remains to be seen, because I can probably count the number of true small government conservatives in federal office on one hand.

I can't think of any time in recent history where there's been this many potential small government conservatives with a majpr party nomination for a general election.

The only one I trust is Rand, and that's only because of who raised him. The rest will have to prove themselves to me.
No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

:lol: Rand Paul isn't his father and is in fact a part of the Republican Establishment. As is Angle and now O'Donnell. She was the 2008 Republican U.S Senate Candidate against Biden as well.
You and I differ there. The establishment doesn't want real fiscal conservatives, because the status quo has been to continue moving farther left regardless of what party is in office.

Small government conservatism is in no way a real goal of the establishment. The republicans have had a multitude of opportunities to easily accomplish small government solutions across the board, and have barely accomplished any. In fact, they've done the opposite in most cases.

They could have done something about SS. They could have cut the DOE. But they didn't.

The only real small government conservative in 08 was Paul, and you see what they did to him. You watched the other candidates clearly steal his talking points while the media silenced him as much as possible to allow the other candidates to pay them lip service.

The goals of the establishment transcend left and right. There's something bigger.

No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

I think that remains to be seen, because I can probably count the number of true small government conservatives in federal office on one hand.

I can't think of any time in recent history where there's been this many potential small government conservatives with a majpr party nomination for a general election.

The only one I trust is Rand, and that's only because of who raised him. The rest will have to prove themselves to me.

We're seeing it, however. Even with Rand. The establishment didn't want him, we know that. But now look what we're seeing. Huckabee's Pac just endorsed him and he's going to come campaign for him. Mitch McConnell is helping Rand.
No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

:lol: Rand Paul isn't his father and is in fact a part of the Republican Establishment. As is Angle and now O'Donnell. She was the 2008 Republican U.S Senate Candidate against Biden as well.

What's your basis for thinking this?
No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

I think that remains to be seen, because I can probably count the number of true small government conservatives in federal office on one hand.

I can't think of any time in recent history where there's been this many potential small government conservatives with a majpr party nomination for a general election.

The only one I trust is Rand, and that's only because of who raised him. The rest will have to prove themselves to me.

We're seeing it, however. Even with Rand. The establishment didn't want him, we know that. But now look what we're seeing. Huckabee's Pac just endorsed him and he's going to come campaign for him. Mitch McConnell is helping Rand.

Well, perhaps they think they can manipulate these new candidates. A lot of people are going to be expecting something from Rand in return for a victory.

That doesn't mean he has to oblige, though. We'll see.

I don't think he'd sell his country out for politics. He was raised better than that. How would he ever be able to face his father again if he did, you know?
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No fiscal conservatism isn't the goal of the establishment, which is why they fight tooth-and-nail in the primaries to get "moderate" Republicans elected. We saw it in Kentucky with Grayson, and we saw it in Delaware with Castle. However, once the establishment loses the primary, they'll do what they have to do to get whoever the Republican is into office.

:lol: Rand Paul isn't his father and is in fact a part of the Republican Establishment. As is Angle and now O'Donnell. She was the 2008 Republican U.S Senate Candidate against Biden as well.

I'll give you Angle and O'Donnell, but you can't deny they weren't the establishment candidates. Now that they've won the establishment is forced to accept them, but you know the Republican establishment didn't want them. The Republican establishment wants more Rob Portman's and less Angle's and O'Donnell's.

As for Rand, I think you're going to be surprised.

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