October Surprise!!

Will the MSM find out the truth about the Admiral and General relieved of duty?

  • Yes, the MSM will be all over it?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, the MSM would rather talk about abortion.

    Votes: 10 100.0%

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
What would you say if you learned that a top admiral and a top general were both fired for planning/trying to help the US ambassador in Benghazi who was under fire?

Most of us remember the "Blackhawk Down" scenario when the politicians overruled the local military commanders which led to disaster.

IF/WHEN this breaks that the BO admin not only let four Americans die when they could have been rescued during an 8-hour firefight, that will cost a lot of votes.

FXN just had a minute-by-minute description of the attack, and when this gets MSM attention, votes will be swayed.

Navy replaces admiral leading Mideast strike group | Fox News

Also, General Carter Ham was relieved of duty after he reportedly wanted to rescue the Ambassador against orders. Where are the real MSM news folks when there is a real news story. Did the BO admin let the ambassador and the others die needlessly, and will the MSM track down the truth?
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They will get their jobs back when Obama loses the election.

Kind of funny that. As soon as Obama loses his job, the unemployment rate goes down.
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When Nixon went down it wasn't because of what happened, it was the cover-up and the lying that offend America's moral compass. I hope we still maintain that sense of decency.
Because this time the dead require truth and justice, and America owes it to them to stand on moral ground. That's our duty.
If even half of this is true its decisive. Its the "3am phone call scenario" in real time...

Security adviser Bud McFarlane had contempt for the inaction when he was interviewed. If the geneeral & admiral were relieved for trying to help, that should be news?!
What would you say if you learned that a top admiral and a top general were both fired for planning/trying to help the US ambassador in Benghazi who was under fire?

Most of us remember the "Blackhawk Down" scenario when the politicians overruled the local military commanders which led to disaster.

IF/WHEN this breaks that the BO admin not only let four Americans die when they could have been rescued during an 8-hour firefight, that will cost a lot of votes.

FXN just had a minute-by-minute description of the attack, and when this gets MSM attention, votes will be swayed.

Navy replaces admiral leading Mideast strike group | Fox News

Also, General Carter Ham was relieved of duty after he reportedly wanted to rescue the Ambassador against orders. Where are the real MSM news folks when there is a real news story. Did the BO admin let the ambassador and the others die needlessly, and will the MSM track down the truth?
Blog: Has General Ham Been Fired?

If General Ham, who was on station I believe, could have saved those people and didn't because of asshole orders from the WH then he should be fired, if not worse.
Obama's a fucking criminal, he's should be charged as an accomplice in both Brian Terry's murder and in Chris Stevens.
For the MSM to come out against Obama now would mean admitting that they were wrong to support to sleazy bastard in the first place. This will not happen.
Tinfoil hats out in force today! Two big problems: there was no real-time info on what was going on and any aid that could possibly have been called upon would have arrived long after the incident. Nothing to see here except CONS making fools of themselves.
Tinfoil hats out in force today! Two big problems: there was no real-time info on what was going on and any aid that could possibly have been called upon would have arrived long after the incident. Nothing to see here except CONS making fools of themselves.

Yours is the stupid kind of inanity.

Secretary Panetta Says We Lacked Real-Time Benghazi Intelligence - Investors.com

I don't understand how I'd be the inane one. Panetta totally backs me up and so does Condaleeza Rice!

Condi Rice Downplays Benghazi Criticism - US News and World Report
What would you say if you learned that a top admiral and a top general were both fired for planning/trying to help the US ambassador in Benghazi who was under fire?

Most of us remember the "Blackhawk Down" scenario when the politicians overruled the local military commanders which led to disaster.

IF/WHEN this breaks that the BO admin not only let four Americans die when they could have been rescued during an 8-hour firefight, that will cost a lot of votes.

FXN just had a minute-by-minute description of the attack, and when this gets MSM attention, votes will be swayed.

Navy replaces admiral leading Mideast strike group | Fox News

Also, General Carter Ham was relieved of duty after he reportedly wanted to rescue the Ambassador against orders. Where are the real MSM news folks when there is a real news story. Did the BO admin let the ambassador and the others die needlessly, and will the MSM track down the truth?
Blog: Has General Ham Been Fired?

If General Ham, who was on station I believe, could have saved those people and didn't because of asshole orders from the WH then he should be fired, if not worse.

He was relieved of duty by his subordinate. He had zero authority at that point. Its not his error, its his superiors.
Tinfoil hats out in force today! Two big problems: there was no real-time info on what was going on and any aid that could possibly have been called upon would have arrived long after the incident. Nothing to see here except CONS making fools of themselves.
You got to wonder why a general and admiral were replaced at the same time in the same area of operation.
I am sure these questions will be answered at the congressional hearing. And then you may not like the answer given.
Tinfoil hats out in force today! Two big problems: there was no real-time info on what was going on and any aid that could possibly have been called upon would have arrived long after the incident. Nothing to see here except CONS making fools of themselves.

Wrong on both counts. They had real-time info from a drone on station. PLUS they had the cries for help from the ambassador. There were CIA guys nearby who actually disobeyed orders and rendered aid, one got killed. The ambassador wanted a C-130 that could have been there in 45-minutes, but was grounded by DC. Delta Force had guys that cold have been rushed there, an aircraft carrier battle-group was there and could have helped, but the admiral got fired and replaced.

The point is that the admin could have save those four lives if they actually listened to their military guys on-station.

My point is why has the MSM been silent on these "firings"??? I want to hear from the sources.
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They will get their jobs back when Obama loses the election.

Kind of funny that. As soon as Obama loses his job, the unemployment rate goes down.

Reminds me what Candidate Ronald Reagan said: "Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose your job. Recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his job".

Or, as this time Jimmy Carter II (aka Barak Hussain Obama) loses his job.
Tinfoil hats out in force today! Two big problems: there was no real-time info on what was going on and any aid that could possibly have been called upon would have arrived long after the incident. Nothing to see here except CONS making fools of themselves.

Yours is the stupid kind of inanity.

Secretary Panetta Says We Lacked Real-Time Benghazi Intelligence - Investors.com

I don't understand how I'd be the inane one. Panetta totally backs me up and so does Condaleeza Rice!

Condi Rice Downplays Benghazi Criticism - US News and World Report

Condi Rice NEVER stated there was not real time video or info available. All she states about it is ""It is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding," So stop with the spinning! No one claims it was not a difficult situation!

In the same link we also have this statement from one expert Scott Stewart who told US News & World Report that protecting diplomats and allowing them to do their work are not mutually exclusive.

"I don't think it's antithetical to diplomacy to have security," says Scott Stewart, a retired Diplomatic Security Special Agent involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations.

THE POINT is that you are dead wrong about there being "in real time" info coming out of Benghazi- there was!

I don't understand how I'd be the inane one. Panetta totally backs me up and so does Condaleeza Rice!

Condi Rice Downplays Benghazi Criticism - US News and World Report

Condi Rice NEVER stated there was not real time video or info available. All she states about it is ""It is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding," So stop with the spinning! No one claims it was not a difficult situation!

In the same link we also have this statement from one expert Scott Stewart who told US News & World Report that protecting diplomats and allowing them to do their work are not mutually exclusive.

"I don't think it's antithetical to diplomacy to have security," says Scott Stewart, a retired Diplomatic Security Special Agent involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations.

THE POINT is that you are dead wrong about there being "in real time" info coming out of Benghazi- there was!

There was no actionable info particularly since any help would have arrived long after the incident was over.
I don't understand how I'd be the inane one. Panetta totally backs me up and so does Condaleeza Rice!

Condi Rice Downplays Benghazi Criticism - US News and World Report

Condi Rice NEVER stated there was not real time video or info available. All she states about it is ""It is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding," So stop with the spinning! No one claims it was not a difficult situation!

In the same link we also have this statement from one expert Scott Stewart who told US News & World Report that protecting diplomats and allowing them to do their work are not mutually exclusive.

"I don't think it's antithetical to diplomacy to have security," says Scott Stewart, a retired Diplomatic Security Special Agent involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations.

THE POINT is that you are dead wrong about there being "in real time" info coming out of Benghazi- there was!

There was no actionable info particularly since any help would have arrived long after the incident was over.

What the F are you talking about...They flipping KNEW the compound was under attack! They flipping had drones in the area! They flipping had teams on the ready to send in!

Are you actually reading the testimony and the information coming out? Or just to the spin being espoused in an attempt to obfuscate? (rhetorical question)
Condi Rice NEVER stated there was not real time video or info available. All she states about it is ""It is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding," So stop with the spinning! No one claims it was not a difficult situation!

In the same link we also have this statement from one expert Scott Stewart who told US News & World Report that protecting diplomats and allowing them to do their work are not mutually exclusive.

"I don't think it's antithetical to diplomacy to have security," says Scott Stewart, a retired Diplomatic Security Special Agent involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations.

THE POINT is that you are dead wrong about there being "in real time" info coming out of Benghazi- there was!

There was no actionable info particularly since any help would have arrived long after the incident was over.

What the F are you talking about...They flipping KNEW the compound was under attack! They flipping had drones in the area! They flipping had teams on the ready to send in!

Are you actually reading the testimony and the information coming out? Or just to the spin being espoused in an attempt to obfuscate? (rhetorical question)

He's dancing so hard and fast to spin this he moving faster than his talking points.
There was no actionable info particularly since any help would have arrived long after the incident was over.

What the F are you talking about...They flipping KNEW the compound was under attack! They flipping had drones in the area! They flipping had teams on the ready to send in!

Are you actually reading the testimony and the information coming out? Or just to the spin being espoused in an attempt to obfuscate? (rhetorical question)

He's dancing so hard and fast to spin this he moving faster than his talking points.

It's like OK, I get it you like Obama...but don't fucking sign on to the spin for what is an obvious fuck up of his!
What the F are you talking about...They flipping KNEW the compound was under attack! They flipping had drones in the area! They flipping had teams on the ready to send in!

Are you actually reading the testimony and the information coming out? Or just to the spin being espoused in an attempt to obfuscate? (rhetorical question)

He's a mind numbed drone who dutifully regurgitates what is fed to him by the Obama propaganda ministers.

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