Oct/7/atrocities cheerer Al JihadZeera's Abu Omar not smiling any more


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Another "journalist" fascist.



Al Jazeera journalist Ismail Abu Omar went in on October 7th together with Hamas terrorists to document the massacre in Nir Oz, he celebrated there and blessed and brought up shocking documents of abuse of Israeli bodies. 130 days after that the IDF bombed him and now he is badly injured without a leg and less smiling and happy...

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Here he is.

Another "journalist" fascist.



Al Jazeera journalist Ismail Abu Omar went in on October 7th together with Hamas terrorists to document the massacre in Nir Oz, he celebrated there and blessed and brought up shocking documents of abuse of Israeli bodies. 130 days after that the IDF bombed him and now he is badly injured without a leg and less smiling and happy...

Glad to hear it.
Did the Arabs brainwash him? What happened to make him side with Jew-Hatimg terrorists who want Israel eradicated?
You mean Haaretz was brainwashed?

Haaretz has been anti Israel and often anti Jewish since at least 2000 when not passing the lynch test.. (Haaretzism)

Nahum Barnea, the distinguished Yediot Aharonot columnist, went so far as to describe senior Haaretz journalists Gideon Levy, Amira Haas and Akiva Eldar as failing to pass the "lynch test" - i.e., even failing to condemn Palestinians when they murdered two Israelis in a lynch mob in Ramallah at the onset of the second intifada. More recently, consistent with frequent Haaretz depictions of Israel as a racist[sic]entity, the paper's chief Arab affairs

Haddad defends Israel
Haaretz is a far-left publication. They like the radical Left Jews in America, marching alongside the Palestinians chanting “Kill the Jews!

Racism in the name of anti-racism (at Haaretz) - The Washington Post

See Gadi Taub example

Here is more:

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Hamas recruiter tells CBS News: "Israel lost, what, 1,000 or 2,000 people killed? That's nothing."


Hamas recruiter tells CBS News that Israel's actions in Gaza are fueling a West Bank recruiting boom.
By Debora Patta, Agnes Reau

February 14, 2024 / 1:09 PM EST / CBS News

Jenin, West Bank — After more than four months of war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and despite mounting international pressure to limit the devastating impact on Palestinian civilians, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel's goal remains the same — to destroy Hamas.

But in the other Palestinian territory, the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the seemingly endless war in Gaza is having exactly the opposite effect: It is fuelling Palestinian rage, and that rage is finding a receptive home in thousands of young Palestinians who are increasingly disenchanted, and increasingly defiant.

There's been mounting anecdotal evidence that the steadily rising death toll and grim humanitarian conditions in Gaza is eroding support for Hamas in the decimated enclave. But in the West Bank, the number of people who tell pollsters they support the U.S.- and Israeli-designated terror organization has soared from 12% to 42% since Hamas launched its Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

A masked Hamas commander who agreed to speak with CBS News at an undisclosed location in the West Bank was proud to confirm that he's a wanted man. Calling himself Abu Abed, he said he joined Hamas nine years ago, when he was just 16. Almost half of his time since then was spent in an Israeli jail, but now he works as a recruiter for Hamas.

CNS News correspondent Debora Patta interviews a Hamas recruiter who identified himself as Abu Abed, in Jenin, Israeli-occupied West Bank, in miB-February 2024.


We asked him if his job had become easier, with more recruits signing on in the West Bank since Hamas launched its brutal terror attack.

"For sure," he said, grinning. "All the Palestinian people are standing by Hamas."

The world recoiled in horror at the savagery of the Oct. 7 attack, when women, children and the elderly were slaughtered in their homes and taken hostage, but Abu Abed described it chillingly as a legitimate act of resistance.

"We see death every single day," he said. "Israel lost, what, 1,000 or 2,000 people killed? That's nothing."

He parroted Hamas' lies that no civilians were killed in the attack, and showed no remorse either for the more than 28,000[sic] Palestinians who've been killed in Gaza — by Hamas officials' own count — as the Israeli military retaliates for his group's actions.

We asked him directly if there was any regret for the suffering of Palestinian civilians, as Hamas surely knew Israel would respond harshly to the unprecedented attack.

"We are not pleased with that, but this is the path of the armed struggle," he said.
[Hamas recruiter tells CBS News that Israel's actions in Gaza are fueling a West Bank recruiting boom CBS]
“‘Why Doesn’t Hamas Go to Hell and Hide There?’: Other Voices from Gaza,” by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, February 12, 2024:

One can understand why Al-Jazeera and Arab media journalists are so anti-Israel that they do not want to provide a platform to any Palestinian to criticize Hamas. Yet, one cannot understand why the foreign media is turning a blind eye to the critical voices coming out from the Gaza Strip and Palestinians and Arabs living outside the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.
Why? These journalists are busy searching for stories that reflect badly only on Israel.
“Anyone who questioned Hamas’s motives or objectives has been painted as a cowardly collaborator. To demand better living conditions or more political liberties was akin to treason…. Others are reluctant to speak out against Hamas for fear of seeming disloyal or pro-Israel. If people outside of Gaza find it difficult to question the forced conformity, imagine how much more challenging it is for many inside the coastal enclave.” — Ahmed Fouad Al-Khatib, X (Twitter), January 6, 2024….
“The destruction caused by Hamas to Gaza will not end even if Israel’s war on Gaza does stop. The destruction will continue, as is evident from the ‘glorious’ history of our [Palestinian] organizations.” — Majdi Abd Al-Wahhab, Elaph, January 9, 2024.

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