Obama’s Speech: A Conservative Response


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Obama’s Speech: A Conservative Response

By James H. Fitzgerald

Dear Mr. President,

I would like to humbly offer my response to your comments issued August 8th 2011, regarding the S&P downgrade of the nation’s credit rating. I am no economist. I have a bachelor’s degree in History from a reputable university. I do not present this information to impress you with my qualifications. On the contrary, I highlight my lack of advanced academic achievement to emphasize my commonality with the bulk of the population you govern now and wish to continue governing.

The American people are not as dull and dim-witted as your opening remarks suggest, sir. Your “smartest man in the room” routine fell flat Monday, when you choose to misrepresent public, easily searched statements from S&P. The attempt to blame the downgrade almost entirely on political “wrangling” is transparent deflection and laughably absurd. A quick internet search on the topic, possible by anyone with internet access, yielded an interesting result.

USA Today reports S&P maintains the downgrade to a AA+ rating, despite Treasury Dept. protests, because of the “current level of debt, the trajectory of debt as a share of the economy, and the lack of apparent willingness of elected officials as a group to deal with the U.S. medium term fiscal outlook.” The article also mentions S&P had been warning the government since April that a downgrade was imminent, if deficit spending was not reduced by $4T over 10 years.

As far as I am aware, USA Today is not considered a Conservative or “Tea Party” slanted news source. In fact, USA Today is one of the few newspapers available and read from coast to coast. This article was released on Saturday and was, thus, old news. Mr. President, when you were running for office, your lies were eloquent and well-crafted. Now they are crude and desperate.

The rest of the story here...
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1. Obama offered a $4 trillion reduction plan, which the House rejected.

Only a fool would believe that those lying asshat politicians would actually do what they said they'd do.... $4 trillion over 10 years :lol: Laughable to say the least.

Glad it was rejected :clap2:
The article also mentions S&P had been warning the government since April that a downgrade was imminent, if deficit spending was not reduced by $4T over 10 years.

1. Obama offered a $4 trillion reduction plan, which the House rejected.

2. Apparently Republicans IGNORED the S&P warnings.

U.S. House Republicans reject $4-trillion debt deal - World - CBC News

1). You're a liar. The deal was 3 trillion with a blank check for 1 trillion in new spending.

2). Republicans didn't ignore anything that you could say the democrats ignored as well.

The long retreat of liberalism
Glad it was rejected

Yes, I'm sure your are. I'm sure you're also glad people are losing billions as a result.

Because obama has ruined the economy, regulated businesses into the dirt and has no idea how to fix anything other than spend more money and tax hikes? Nope, not happy about that one bit. It's painfully clear at this point, obama is a danger to America.

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