Obama's skimmer won't work


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup

NEW ORLEANS – A giant oil skimmer brought in from Portugal is too big to be used in the Gulf cleanup effort.

The Taiwanese vessel "A Whale" was deployed last week along the oil-slicked Gulf Coast. But it's been determined the skimmer didn't collect enough oil.

The U.S. Coast Guard says it was too big to maneuver around the smaller patches and ribbons of oil on the water.

Smaller, more agile vessels have been more useful in getting at the oil.

Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup - Yahoo! News

way to go obama...in charge since day one

enjoy your lefty media cheerleading.....
They should have contests for inventions to clean this crud up. Necessity is the mother of invention.
um they used to call that the free market. People see a need and a opportunity to make money, and innovate. Apparently today we can not do anything with out some government money and a contest. LOL
What a bunch of fucking retards.

Two weeks ago people were lying that Obama was preventing this ship from going to the Gulf and therefore not accepting help from foreign nations.
These whack jobs grow up? Are you kidding. They specialize in simplistic immaturity on all subjects. But is sometimes fun to see just how far they stray from even a trace of reality to make their nut job points.
These whack jobs grow up? Are you kidding. They specialize in simplistic immaturity on all subjects. But is sometimes fun to see just how far they stray from even a trace of reality to make their nut job points.

You've made plenty of immature posts yourself. Don't call the kettle black, pot.
I heard on the radio a month ago that there was this company in Maine that makes this Boom compound that is supposed to eat the oil right up. They had a ton of it on stand by to send to Louisiana, but bureaucratic red tape was holding it up. Has anyone heard anything about this?
Obama's skimmer won't work

That has got to be one of the dumbest TROLLING expeditions I've seen in weeks.


Do you think the guy is designing these boats?

Seriously, grow up.

I agree. They scream for limited government, but at the same time appear to want the president to micromanage the job of every single federal worker.
The question weeks ago was the Jones act exemption preventing any foreign vessel from assisting. We were not discussing the capacity of any one particular vessel.

They sat and dithered and made no useful decisions for months. And then after all the dithering, they seem to have made the wrong choices. It would have been useful to know if these two ships would work or not back in May. And back then, maybe they would have.
Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup

NEW ORLEANS – A giant oil skimmer brought in from Portugal is too big to be used in the Gulf cleanup effort.

The Taiwanese vessel "A Whale" was deployed last week along the oil-slicked Gulf Coast. But it's been determined the skimmer didn't collect enough oil.

The U.S. Coast Guard says it was too big to maneuver around the smaller patches and ribbons of oil on the water.

Smaller, more agile vessels have been more useful in getting at the oil.

Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup - Yahoo! News

way to go obama...in charge since day one

enjoy your lefty media cheerleading.....

For all things Yurt, please see below.
Oh my goodness...i am outraged at you calling it obama's skimmer and gloating that it didn't work

Is that the response you were looking for troll?
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lmao....the left's hypocrisy

the same whiners here will declare katrina all bush's

fact is, obama said he is in charge, the one calling teh shots....obviously this shot called is a fuck up

but instead of simply admitting that, the left in this thread went berserk
lmao....the left's hypocrisy

the same whiners here will declare katrina all bush's

fact is, obama said he is in charge, the one calling teh shots....obviously this shot called is a fuck up

but instead of simply admitting that, the left in this thread went berserk

Obama did not stay on vacation while people were clinging to rooftops. He did not avoid the Gulf as Dead Americans were floating in the river. He did not stand by idley as Americans died for lack of medicine.

No....The Oil spill does not equate to Katrina
Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup

NEW ORLEANS – A giant oil skimmer brought in from Portugal is too big to be used in the Gulf cleanup effort.

The Taiwanese vessel "A Whale" was deployed last week along the oil-slicked Gulf Coast. But it's been determined the skimmer didn't collect enough oil.

The U.S. Coast Guard says it was too big to maneuver around the smaller patches and ribbons of oil on the water.

Smaller, more agile vessels have been more useful in getting at the oil.

Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup - Yahoo! News

way to go obama...in charge since day one

enjoy your lefty media cheerleading.....


Partisan hack
lmao....the left's hypocrisy

the same whiners here will declare katrina all bush's

fact is, obama said he is in charge, the one calling teh shots....obviously this shot called is a fuck up

but instead of simply admitting that, the left in this thread went berserk

Obama did not stay on vacation while people were clinging to rooftops. He did not avoid the Gulf as Dead Americans were floating in the river. He did not stand by idley as Americans died for lack of medicine.

No....The Oil spill does not equate to Katrina

and neither did bush...nice try...and thanks for proving me right about your blatant hypocrisy
lmao....the left's hypocrisy

the same whiners here will declare katrina all bush's

fact is, obama said he is in charge, the one calling teh shots....obviously this shot called is a fuck up

but instead of simply admitting that, the left in this thread went berserk

Obama did not stay on vacation while people were clinging to rooftops. He did not avoid the Gulf as Dead Americans were floating in the river. He did not stand by idley as Americans died for lack of medicine.

No....The Oil spill does not equate to Katrina

and neither did bush...nice try...and thanks for proving me right about your blatant hypocrisy

I'm afraid he did. Bush was on vacation when the Hurricane hit on Monday. He did not bother to end his vacation till Wednesday evening. Meanwhile we had dead bodies floating in the rivers, people clinging to rooftops waiting rescue, Americans screaming for critical medicine, food and water.

There is a big difference in the impact on American lives during Katrina and the Oil Spill...and Bush did nothing but tell us Brownie was doing a heckuva job
Obama did not stay on vacation while people were clinging to rooftops. He did not avoid the Gulf as Dead Americans were floating in the river. He did not stand by idley as Americans died for lack of medicine.

No....The Oil spill does not equate to Katrina

and neither did bush...nice try...and thanks for proving me right about your blatant hypocrisy

I'm afraid he did. Bush was on vacation when the Hurricane hit on Monday. He did not bother to end his vacation till Wednesday evening. Meanwhile we had dead bodies floating in the rivers, people clinging to rooftops waiting rescue, Americans screaming for critical medicine, food and water.

There is a big difference in the impact on American lives during Katrina and the Oil Spill...and Bush did nothing but tell us Brownie was doing a heckuva job

lmao....so what was bush to do, go there and personally pull the people out of the river? <--- see...i too can pull your defense of obama right back at you

obama didn't go down to the gulf for a long time, bush was down in the gulf far sooner than obama

you're just being a party hack and your hypocrisy is clear

and you're lying that bush did nothing more than say brownie did a good job....your partisan slip is showing
As I see it, a president should not go on vacation when something terrible is happening...but I also am of the opinion that a president should stay as far away from the site of the disaster, because a president will only get in the way of relief efforts. They should be able to make decisions from afar and deligate people to do things.

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