Obama’s positives/negatives


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama’s positives have far outweighed the negatives. Romney and the Radical Right dwell on the negatives and ignoring the positives. Lies by omission. Like the ad claiming stimulus money went overseas. It also went to saving jobs and creating jobs here in America and that money which they claim cannot be “unaccounted for” has not been spent. It is not missing. Stimulus money Romney claimed went overseas were actually a positive instead of a negative. Stimulus money sent overseas help stimulate America’s economy. Considering the billions in exports that go overseas. America has a long standing history of sending money overseas long before Obama. So Americans that are not Village Idiots and Obama haters can see through Romney negative ads.

Positives are Osama Bin Laden is dead and not planning any more attacks on America. Troops came home from Iraq alive instead of flag draped coffins. He passed Affordable Healthcare Act helping millions of students and uninsured and with pre-existing illness. Deported more Illegal Aliens than any president. Border is securer than ever. When you look at his positives, there is no room for his negatives. Count your blessings or you will lose them.

Obama’s major progressive achievements;
Obama's Achievements Center
All this accomplished with the “worse Congress ever.”

When China’s economy is doing well, our economy benefits.
Goes for many other foreign nation. When Bains’s interest in China does well, Romney does well. So why the hell is he complaining about stimulus money going overseas?:confused:
Now see... there is a step in the right direction on how to promote your candidate... I still won't vote for Obama... but it's the smart thing to do.

When China’s economy is doing well, our economy benefits.
Goes for many other foreign nation. When Bains’s interest in China does well, Romney does well. So why the hell is he complaining about stimulus money going overseas?:confused:

Because you fucks are attacking him for supposedly shipping jobs overseas, so it is Fair Game to Point out how much of Obama's Spending went over seas.

Completely Relevant.

You can add to his list that he managed to get the democrats asses kicked in historic fashion in 2010.

What a guy !

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